Rosenfield Program RG-O Ser. 7.3

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US US-IaGG Archives/Aud/Vid-VHS-10

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Rosenfield Program RG-O Ser. 7.3


  • 1999-09-15 - 1999-11-08 (Produção)


Elementos de conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

-Rosenfield Program - Post-Communism After 10 Years: "Can Democracy Possibly Survive in Postcommunist Russia?" by Philip Roeder (University of California, San Diego) 9/15/99
-Rosenfield Program - Post-Communism After 10 Years: "The Yugoslav Successor States in War & Peace" by Sabrina Ramet (University of Washington) 9/15/99 -Rosenfield Program - Post-Communism After 10 Years: Scholars' Convocation - "The Cultural Limits of Postcommunist Change" by Stephen White (University of Glasgow) 9/16/99
-Rosenfield Program - Post-Communism After 10 Years: "Successes & Failures" - A Panel Discussion by Symposium Speakers 9/16/99
-Rosenfield Program - Post-Communism After 10 Years: "The Fate of the Post-Soviet East" by Martha Brill Olcott (Colgate University) 9/16/99
-Rosenfield Program "A View from the Brink of 2000: The Presidential Campaign" by David Shribman 10/5/99
-Rosenfield Program (master) "Alternative Modernisms: Booker T. Washington & Southern Modernity" by Houston A. Baker, Jr. 10/12/99
-Rosenfield Program (master) "Russia - What Went Wrong" by Brian Aitken 10/18/99
-Rosenfield Program (master) "Economic Myths and Public Policy" by Sherman Shapiro 10/25/99
-Rosenfield Program (master) "Health Hierarchies & Heresies: Domestic Violence & Family Illness in Costa Rica" by Rita Noonan 10/25/9
-Rosenfield Program (master) "Women in Costa Rica at the Millennium: Past, Present, Future" by Ilse Leitinger 10/26/99
-Rosenfield Program (master) "Growing Up in Nazi Germany" by Ilse Leitinger 10/26/99 Rosenfield Program (master) Integrative Medicine: New Directions in Treatment - "Parting the Silken Screen: Chinese Medicine & Its Lessons for the West" by Michael Santangelo 11/2/99
-Rosenfield Program (master) Integrative Medicine: New Directions in Treatment - "Integrative Medicine in Iowa" by Marcy E. Rosenbaum 11/3/99
-Rosenfield Program (master) Integrative Medicine: New Directions in Treatment: "Evolution & Medicine: In Sickness & Health" by E.O. (Neal) Smith 11/3/99
-Rosenfield Program (master) Integrative Medicine: New Directions in Treatment - Grinnell's Integrative Medicine Program Panel Discussion
-Rosenfield Program Integrative Medicine: New Directions in Treatment - Scholar's Convocation: "Medical Science Explores the Relationship Between Religion, Spirituality, and Health" by Harold Koening 11/4/99
-Rosenfield Program (master): "The U.S. and the United Nations in the New Millennium" by Michael Southwick 11/8/99

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  • Caixa: 10