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US US-IaGG Archives/RG-F-9-9.1-6-of Box 6

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  • 1957-1985 (Produção)


Elementos de conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

Baron, Samuel H. Tourism in the U.S.S.R. Beal, Lathrop V. Career-relevant values of medical students - a research note. Burkle, Howard. Counting against and counting decisively against. Burkle, Howard. The ground of biblical authority: six theses - a response. Burkle, Howard. Jean-Paul Sartre: social freedom in critique de la raison dialctique. Burkle, Howard. Ought a Protestant vote for a Roman Catholic? Burkle, Howard. Tillich's "Dynamic-Typological" approach to the history of religions. Burkle, Howard. Uchimura Kanzo: Christian transcendentalist. Burkle, Howard. The value of Sufism to Islam: a view from the outside. Case, William B. Space-charge Cerenkov and cyclotron-Cerenkov instabilities in an electrobeam dielectric system. Case, William B. Nonlinear effects in a simple mechanical system. Christiansen, Kenneth. The genus Sinella Brook (collembola: entomobryidae) in Nearctic caves. Clapp, Harold L. The American scholar and public education. Clapp, Harold L. A conversation of teacher education. Clapp, Harold L. The main job of the schools. Connelly, Peter J. Pope's Iliad: ut pictura translatio. Cummins, W. Joseph. Eros, epthumia, and philia in Plato. Graham, Ben F. The effect of drainage on the establishment and growth of pond pine (Pinus Serotina). Graham, Ben F. Labelling pollen of woody plants with radioactive isotopes. Graham, Ben F. The occurence of natural root grafting in Eastern white pine, Pinus Strobus L., and its ecological implications. Graham, Ben F. A technique for introducing radioactive isotopes into tree stems. Graham, Ben F. Transfer of dye through natural root grafts of Pinus Strobus L. Graham, Ben F. Translocation of silvicides through root grafts. Grey, Robert D. Leninism, the Soviet Union, and party development in Cuba and Ethiopia. Grey, Robert D. The soviet presence in Africa: an analysis of goals. Grey, Robert D. Post-imperial Ethiopian forign policy: Ethiopian dependence. Grey, Robert D. Determinants of national identifications in Ethiopia: a research note. Grey, Robert D. Haile Selassie I and modernization. Grey, Robert D. Ethiopian politics, imperial and revolutionary: a bibliography. Grey, Robert D. The institutional development of the Ethiopian revolutions. Haner, Charles. Preparing college teachers. Neville, William A. Free radical chlorination of cyclobutane-carboxylic acids. Oelke, William. Review of "Practical physical chemistry." Pursell, Lyle E. Riemann integrals as mappings in elementary applications. Sandmann, William H. Cosmic-ray measurement of - and K-meson mean lives. Sandmann, William H. Millimicrosecond timing with large scintillation detectors. Sandmann, William H. Search for mass-550 particles. Vopava, Judy R. Attitude assessment and prediction of college attendance among economically disadvantaged students. Vopava, Judy R. Canonical reduction analysis: a new technique to analyze correlation matrices. Walker, Waldo S. The effects of mechanical stimulation and etiolation on the Collenchyma of datura Stramonium. Wellborn, Beryl. Beginning a verse choir in intermediate grades. Wellborn, Beryl. Enriching reading for all children in the intermediate grades. Wellborn, Beryl. Measuring pupil achievement in middle grade social studies.

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  • Caixa: 6