Subject Files: Rel - Y

Elementos de identidade

Código de referência

US US-IaGG Archives/RG-A2-3-10

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Subject Files: Rel - Y



Elementos de conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

Religion and Philosophy Department. 1943-1953. Correspondence, inter-office communications, reports (including Uncle Sam Club). Statistics on church preferences of students, 1946. Remedial Reading. 1940-1942. Reports, test results, correspondence. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. 1951. Correspondence regarding a cooperative program. "S": Miscellaneous memos and correspondence. 1952-1954. Science Building Fund an Dedication. 1948-1953. Lists of donors, partial list of those invited to dedication. Speech by Oliver E. Buckley at Dedication, March 13, 1953. Correspondence regarding building. Social Science Research Council. 1951. Correspondence regarding research funds. Sociology Department. Corrrespondence. 1947, 1948. Reports on research. Speech Department. Inter-office communications, 1942, 1945, 1953. Memorandum on development in the Department of Speech and Dramatic Arts. College Speech Clinic statistics. 1949-1952. Report on Forensic Program. Statistics. 1942-1946. 1952-1953. Enrollment, grades, personality inventory, scholarships, women students' attitudes correlated with many factors. Students - Problems. 1953 "T": Miscellaneous memos and correspondence. 1946, 1949-1952. Also a list of Grinnell 'traditions' complied by Ina Payne, 1940. Taxes. 1940-1943. Real estate holdings of college in 1941, correspondence, publications dealing with taxes. Teacher Training. 1951. Inter-office communications and proposal regarding institute of teacher training. Teaching Loads. 1943-1944, 1948-1949, 1949-1950, 1950-1951. (Additional material under Registrar) Tenure. Statement of principles, 1940. Report from the Committee on Appointments on Contracts and Tenure, no date. Testing Office and Tests. 1941-1942, 1952-1953. Reports by testing office on Grinnell students tests 1942, 1952, 1953. Inventory of test in office, 1942. Correspondence, tests, test results, student grades in 1941. "V": Miscellaneous correspondence. 1954. World War II. Grinnell casualties. Correspondence. 1944, 1945, 1957. Younkers Dinner. October 30, 1949. Invitations and replies for the Younkers family to have dinner with students receiving Younkers scholarships.

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  • Caixa: 10