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  1. First Congregational Church in Grinnell at present location; also school. 2. Later school enlarged. Church with bell added. 3. Sunday church services in Grinnell. 4. J.B. Grinnell home in block across from Central Park (house moved to 720 _ Broad ca. turn of century, demolished in 1980s). 5. High School, Fourth Avenue between Broad and Park. 6. Same. 7. Old Stone Congregational Church, replaced first church at Fourth and Broad. 8. Broad and Fourth, opposite Central Park. 9. West side of Main Street between Fourth and Fifth Avenues looking north 10. “Shooting ducks” with Ed Brande, corner Main and Fourth, east side. 11. First McNally’s store, present location of Eckerman’s Jewelry (915 Main St.) 12. Inside McNally’s store about 1907. 13. Southeast corner Fourth and Main, present site of Elks building. 14. Same, looking east on Fourth Avenue. 15. Looking south from Fourth on Main St. 16. From Central Park, northwest corner Commercial Street and Broad, 1907. 17. Central Park, corner Fourth and Broad. 18. Co-op delivery service, south side of Fourth Avenue, between Main and West Street. 19. Same. 20. Fourth Avenue north side. Early movie house to left. 21. Co-op delivery stables, later Ford garage (now gone). 22. Northeast corner Fourth and Main. 23. Northwest corner Fourth and Main. 24. Spanish-American company 1898, Main Street south of Fourth Avenue. 25. Main Street south of Fourth Avenue; buildings demolished; now (1983) a parking lot. 26. Looking east on Fourth Avenue and West intersection. Spaulding car. 27. Central Park looking west. (1930's?) 28. Broad Street from Fourth, looking north. 29. Northwest corner Fourth and Main. 30. Southwest corner Fourth and Broad. 31. Looking west on Fourth between Park and Broad; High School and Congregational Church to right. 32. Broad Street north of Fourth. 33. East side of Broad; Norris livery stables, now Post Office. 34. Stewart Library and north end of Congregational Church. 35. Stewart Library, old high school in rear. 36. Present site of Post Office after Norris livery stables and before Post Office was built, before 1916. 37. Broad Street north of Stewart Library, before Post Office built. 38. Paving Broad Street; library, Congregational Church, and Methodist Church in rear. 39. North side of Commercial Street buildings, now gone. 40. City water work, Main and First Avenue. 41. National Guard Armory, World War I, 1028 Fourth Avenue, south side. 42. Grinnell fire of 1889: started by sparks from a train, burned blocks between Broad and Main south of railroad tracks to FourthAvenue. 43. After the fire of 1889, looking northeast from railroad tracks. [alley between Broad and Main] 44. Central Park: temporary buildings erected for businesses which were destroyed by fire of 1889. 45. Park Hotel. Southwest corner of Commercial and Broad. Livery service buggy to railroad depot and drays for trunks. 46. Same. 47. Park Hotel with chimneys of city heating plant in background. This plant furnished steam heat for downtown and college. 48. First Rock Island depot, looking east. 49. Rock Island depot, looking east, with passenger train crossing north on Minneapolis and St. Louis railroad. 50. Looking east to depot. Chapin House in foreground. Chapin House built in 1876, located east of Broad in small park west of depot. Here James Norman Hall worked for his room and board while attending Grinnell College. 51. Chapin House. 52. Rock Island depot (possibly in the Fall when students were returning to college with their trunks on baggage carts.) 53. Rock Island depot. 54. Steam train, east-bound. 55. Last of the trains on Rock Island. 56. Monroe Hotel, corner Park and Third, across from depot. 57. Monroe Hotel with a gazebo in foreground where Chapin House once stood. 58. Lobby of Monroe Hotel. 59. Monroe Hotel in 1970s before demolition. 60. Spaulding buggy factory. 61. Inside Spaulding plant, showing the auto frames. 62. Arbor Lake about 1915. 63. Laros buggy factory, northeast corner of Fourth and spring. 64. Laros buggy factory across from Spaulding factory (north). 65. South side of Central Park with early bandstand. 66. Fourth and Broad, before Memorial Building. 67. Central Park with bandstand (now gone) on east side. Old Baptist Church in background and Brande apartments. 68. Foster and Bailey Implement Store, south side of Commercial Street before fire of 1889. 69. Fourth Avenue between Broad and Main, looking east, before snow plows. 70. Broad Street between Fourth and Fifth with center parking (1961). 71. Main and Fifth, southwest corner, Colonial Opera House, later a movie theater, demolished in 1970's. 72. Parker Grade School, south side of Sixth and Spring (demolished). 73. Old Baptist Church, Fourth and Park, just before demolition. 74. Grinnell College campus, Men’s Gym (became Women’s Gym ca. 1942) 75. First Friends Church, north on Sixth Avenue (demolished?) 76. North side Commercial Street 77. John Manly home, Fifth and High (demolished) 78. Depression days of the 1930s, a merchant’s promotion with drawings for free merchandise. 79. Oldest veteran’s grave in Hazelwood Cemetery. 80. Early transportation on trek west. Scene may be at corner of Park and Fifth.
Results 1 to 15 of 28163