The Black Experience at Grinnell College by Stuart Yeager
- US US-IaGG Archives/RG-S-2.1-2
- Subserie
- 1981-1982
Parte deRG-S: Students
Study by Stuart Yeager conducted under the direction of Professor David Jordan.
Includes interviews with the following alumni: Anderson, Jocelyn Williams, class of 1961 Beyene, Elizabeth Turner, class of 1957 Boone, Lillian Nell, class of 1951 (Hampton Exchange student) Cadwell, Mary H., class of 1952 (Hampton Exchange student) Cannon, Claramarie Colbert, class of 1959 Chavis, Gregory, class of 1978 Farbes, Hubert, class of 1969 Frank, William, class of 1950 (Hampton Exchange student) French, Rebecca, class of 1930 (active in interracial affairs) Gary, Leiana Thomas, class of 1973 Gray, Jon, class of 1973 Green, Deborah, class of 1970 Kaiser, Elayne, Chapman, class of 1954 Kitchen, Gordon, class of 1925 Kpordze, C. S. Kojo, class of 1970 Lamb, Clifton, class of 1931 Lowry, James, class of 1961 Morgan Randall C., Jr., class of 1965 Oskamp, Stuart, class of 1951 (Hampton Exchange student) Piediscalzi, Nicholas, class of 1952 (Hampton Exchange student) Simmons, James, class of 1961 Smith, Edith Renfrow, class of 1937 Smith, Karen P. class of 1969 Steens, Harri Etta, class of 1976 Stewart, Donald, class of 1959 Swansey, Patricia, class of 1974 Taylor, Casey, class of 1973 Taylor, Leslie, class of 1981 Thomas, Frank, class of 1971 Tuck, Constance, class of 1975 Wilson, Marie Brito class of 1949 (Hampton Exchange student) Baker, Lowell, III, class of 1963 Carter, Gwendolyn, class of 1974 Cisco, Narda, class of 1970 Scott, Sybille Y., class of 1975 Smith, Edith Renfrow, class of 1937, (two interviews) Blacks connected with Grinnell: Flagg, Annozean, daughter of Whitefield McKinlay, class of 1882 Renfrow, Alice, sister of Edith Renfrow Smith, class of 1937
Yeager, Stuart