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Raoul Wallenberg Swiss Embassy letters saving Levai Miksa

  • US US-IaGG MS/MS 01.244
  • Dossier
  • October 23, 1944

Rare Wallenberg Swiss Embassy Protective Document. One single paged typed document on letterhead of the Swiss Embassy. Represents a piece of official documentation which was from a larger group of Wallenberg Schutz-Pass protective documents. Also includes photocopies of documents referenced in the protective document.

Wallenberg, Raoul

Tracy Huling (Class of 1977) Papers

  • US US-IaGG MS 01.215
  • Dossier
  • 1974 - 2015

Papers and memorabilia documenting Tracy's experiences as a Grinnell College student as well as her Prison Public Memory Project.

Huling, Tracy


  • 2018-03-27
  • Dossier