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RG-S: Students
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Student Government Association (SGA)

Members of the SGA transferred papers to the Archives at various times beginning in 1989. Generally the papers were in random order, many undated, in which case they are filed with adjacent papers. Some items may, thererfore, be incorrectly placed; this could be corrected by checking dates when events mentioned in the papers occurred, dates when named people (if any) were enrolled. The collection is arranged in approximate chronological order and by subject with original folder labels (plus dates) where possible.


Joint Board Minutes, Fall 1981 – Spring 1988
Student Council on Curriculum Minutes, Fall 1986 – Spring 1988


  • US US-IaGG Archives/RG-S-1.01-1-27-18
  • Unidad documental compuesta
  • 1997-1998
  • Parte deRG-S: Students


  • US US-IaGG Archives/RG-S-1.01-1-27-21
  • Unidad documental compuesta
  • Spring 2003
  • Parte deRG-S: Students

Buffer Days

  • US US-IaGG Archives/RG-S-1.01-1-29-2
  • Unidad documental compuesta
  • Undated
  • Parte deRG-S: Students

Hate Crimes

  • US US-IaGG Archives/RG-S-1.01-1-29-13
  • Unidad documental compuesta
  • 1985-1993
  • Parte deRG-S: Students

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