- US US-store Archives/RG-D-5
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Part of RG-D: Dean's Office Records
Part of RG-D: Dean's Office Records
Part of RG-D: Dean's Office Records
Campus buildings: College Planning Committee; Task Force on the Future of the College. 1988-1990. Minutes of meetings, Oct. 1988-Oct. 1990 Fine Arts buidling planning. 1988-1990. Reports and memos; needs statements; CPMI reports; Brown Healey Bock reports and plans; Brown Healey Bock floor plans, 1989, shelved in RG-D, Ser. 1.4 oversize file; Music facilities report, Nov. 1988; Rosenfield Museum; Art Dept. mission statement. CPMI (Cost, Planning and Management Internationsl, Inc.) Cost management report, Center for Theatre Studios. June 1989. 1990 Campus Planning Studies. Andres and Arnold. Report on a visit to the Art Dept. March 1990 CPMI. June - Dec. 1992. Minutes of meetings, studies, plans. Dealing with Fine Arts, Science Building, Goodnow Hall (Sociology and Anthropology Depts.)
Dean's Office File: Charles Duke
Part of RG-D: Dean's Office Records
Dean's Office Files: Catherine Frazer
Part of RG-D: Dean's Office Records
Dean's Office Files: Joseph F. Wall
Part of RG-D: Dean's Office Records
Contains minutes of committee meetings and office files related to Dean Wall's tenure as Dean.
Dean's Office Files: Waldo S. Walker
Part of RG-D: Dean's Office Records
Dean Walker's papers are generally arranged in chronological order and include official correspondence, recommendations, salary and personnel issues, budget, personal and professional correspondence, letters and memoranda regarding black students on campus, papers relating to his courses on Electron ZMicroscopy and Plan Physiology, Executive CouncilSubcommittee on Education Policies, curricular and departmental concerns, grade-change requests from faculty, and a few examples of his poetry.
Walker, Waldo
Faculty Conference Presentations
Part of RG-D: Dean's Office Records
Arranged by academic year then alphabetically by faculty name. Prior to 1994 these papers were not retained. 1994-1995 Abstracts or full texts of presentations by: Adelberg, Arnold; Affron, Matthew (2papers); Armstrong, Todd; Bateman, Bradley (2 papers); Caulkins, Douglas (2 papers); Chasson, Timothy; Connelly, Peter; Ellis, Ann; Ferguson, William (2 papers); Games, Alison (2 papers); Gardner, Jared (2 papers); Hsieh, Andrew; Hunter, Chris (2 papers); Ireland, Susan (2 papers); Ketter, Jean; Lalonde, Gerald; Michaels, Jennifer (2 papers); Nowak, Barbara; Powell, Irene; Schrift, Alan (2 papers); Silk, Jonathan (2 papers); Simawe, Saadi; Sinnett, Laure (3 papers); Strauber, Ira. 1995-1996 Abstracts, full texts, or program listings of presentations by: Adelberg, Arnold; Andelson, Jonathan (2 papers); Armstrong, Todd (2 papers); Azoulay, Katya; Bateman, Bradley; Bentley-Condit, Vicki; Broe, Mary Lynn; Caulkins, Doug; Cook, Scott; Ellis, Ann; Ferguson, Susan (2 papers); Gardner, Jared (2 papers); Goldberg, Sanford (4 papers); Hewitt, Gary; Ireland, Susan (3 papers); McClelland, Kent; Meehan, Johanna (4 papers); Michaels, Jennifer; Moffett, Sandy; Nathenson, Cary; Rosenthal, Michael; Schrift, Alan (2 papers); Stuhr-Rommereim, Rebecca; Willis, Eliza
Faculty writings, sabbatical project reports.
Part of RG-D: Dean's Office Records
Armstrong, Todd; Vishevsky, Anatoly (Proposal to Bridging Project, 1996); Gordon, P. (course syllabi 1994-1996); Lindgren, Clark (8 articles, book essays, manuscripts, 1986-1994); Pillado-Miller, Margarita (4 articles and manuscripts, ca. 1990s); Rose, Ferrel (5 articles and several chapters from her book on von Ebner-Eschenbach, undated, ca. 1990s); Sinnett, Laura (1 article, 1 manuscript, undated, ca. 1990s) Sabbatical project reports: Uhlenhopp, Elliott; Wellborn, Beryl
Part of RG-D: Dean's Office Records
Memos and Reports distributed to Campus
Part of RG-D: Dean's Office Records
Budget, 1969-1970 Policy statement on release of official student records, Dec. 1974 and July 1975; deceased alumni, Oct. 1975 State of the College, 1974 Student evaluation of the faculty, 1974 Report on Freshman tutorial program, April 1976 Guidelines for independent study, Aug, Oct, 1976 Interdisciplinary programs, Feb. 1977 Student Educational Policy Committee, April 1977 Affirmative Action, April 1977 Status of women and minority emplyees at Grinnell College, 1976-1977, April 1977 Procedures and guidelines for granting research/study funds to faculty, Sept. 2977 Copyright policy, 1977, 1978 Computer Center personnel shake-up, Nov. 1981
North Central Association Review
Part of RG-D: Dean's Office Records
Review by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Includes Grinnell institutional data (3 vols), correspondence with NCA and accrediting criteria, report of a visit to Grinnell College, Feb. 28-Mar. 1, 1968
Part of RG-D: Dean's Office Records
Part of RG-D: Dean's Office Records
Part of RG-D: Dean's Office Records
Part of RG-D: Dean's Office Records