- US US-IaGG Pamphlet 52
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Information about people associated with Grinnell College or the town of Grinnell.
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Information about people associated with Grinnell College or the town of Grinnell.
Bulletins, Handbooks, Directories
Information on campus buildings, including photographs.
Catalogs, Directories, Handbooks
Douglas Klein (Class of 1970) Collection of Grinnell College Memorabilia
Douglas Klein Papers contain various school publications, mostly from the years 1964-1970. The publications include the NOUS Literary Review, the Alumni S&B, misc. programs and directories, the High and Mighty, the Militant, the Second Battle of Chicago, various political flyers, the Grinnell Reporter, the Montage, and the Ptero. Besides the publications, the Douglas Klein Papers include calendars, student handbooks and the Grinnell Phi Betta Kappa directory, as well as "The Past of Our College" (1895) and the 1892 cyclone. They also contain the seminar notes "Ecology on Economics," as well as the first two draft's of Klein's Calculus textbook.
Klein, Douglas
Endowed Scholarships and Fellowships 1905-1998 1982-1997
The bulk of the collection consists of Mrs. Orr's recollections about her life and the lives of three of her brothers, and of family photographs.
Orr, Grace Douglas
"Grinnell College Aeolian-Skinner Opus 1091 restoration" from Diapason
Grinnell College Student Traditions
This material describes traditions that have been held by the student body in the past, as well as traditions that are currently practiced.