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Faculty Offprints
- 1965-1995 (Creation)
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Andelson, Jonathan. Elvino Shetten Pueblo and its relationship to terraces and nearby small structures, Chihuahua, Mexico. (see also Luebben, Ralph) Andelson, Jonathan. Gift to be single: celibacy and religious enthusiasm in the Community of True Inspiration. Andelson, Jonathan. Living the man: ethos, practice & genius of Amana. Apostle, Hippocrates George. Aristotle's theory of mathematics as a science of quantities. Archer, Doug. Iowa history tutorials teacher's guide. Beebe, Jane. Preservation analysis & the brittle book problem... (with Robinson) Bonath, Gail. The demise of the cataloger? Case, William B. Nonlinear effects in a simple mechanical system. Case, William B. Pumping of a sing from the seated position. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Biogeography of the collembola of Hawaii. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Biogeography and the distribution of cave collembola. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Computer assisted identification of specimens of Pseudosinella. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Evolution and zoogeography of the invertebrate cave faunas of the Driftless Area of the Upper Mississippi River Valley of Iowa, Minn., Wis., and Ill., USA. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Genus sinella with spcial reference to sinella s.s. (collembola: entomobryidae) of China. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Marine littoral collembola of North and Central America. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Phylogeny of the Hawaiian species of the genus Lepidocyrtus. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Taxonomia y biogeografia de troglopedetes (collembola: paronellidae) en America, con enfasis en las especies cavernicolas. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Two new species of Hawaiian pseudosinella. Chasson, Timothy. More mistakes by Parisian illuminators. Chasson, Timothy. New uses for an old text in some early Tuscan bibles. Clotfelter, Beryl. Cavendish experiment as Cavendish knew it. Connelly, Peter J. The ideology of Pope's Iliad. Connelly, Peter J. Ideology of Pope's Iliad. Connelly, Peter J. Pope's Iliad: Ut Pictura Translatio. Durkee, LaVerne H. Flor Costaricensis: family #200, Acanthaceae. Durkee, Lenore. Ultrastructure of extrafloral nectaries in Aphelandra spp. (Acanthaceae). Erickson, Luther. History of research in chemistry at Grinnell College. Ferguson, Pamela. Connections between prime divisors of conjugacy classes and prime divisors of |G|. Ferguson, Pamela. Lengths of conjugacy classes of finite solvable groups. Ferguson, Pamela. Lengths of conjugacy classes of finite solvable groupus, II. Fudge, James. Choral music in West Germany: travel to four cities: Koln, Stuttgart, Hamburg, West Berlin. Fudge, James. Professional singing in West Germany. Gibson, Janet. Auditory cue-depriciation effect. Gibson, Janet. Collection of 4,741 word fragments that have unique completions with respect to 146,205 words. Gibson, Janet. Population recovery capabilities of 35 cluster analysis methods. Gibson, Janet. Spontaneous mnemonic strategies used by older and younger adults to remember proper names. Gibson, Janet. Typography manipulations can affect priming of word stem completion in older and younger adults. Jordan, David W. "The miracle of this age": Maryland's experiment in religious toleration, 1649-1689. Kintner, Philip. Die Teuerung von 1570-72 in Memmingen. Kissane, James. The authorization of Keats. Kissane, James. Frankie's home run. Kissane, James. The humanities as language. Kurtz, Ronald. Comments on Kobben's "Logic of cross-cultural analysis." Kurtz, Ronald. Crossroads: continuity in a changing Swiss village: Saas-Almagell. Kurtz, Ronald. Graduate and undergraduate teaching of anthropology. Kurtz, Ronald. Headmen and war chanters: role theory and the early Canyoncito Navajo. Kurtz, Ronald. Midwestern rural poverty, human rights, and the need for legal services. Lalonde, Gerald. Greek inscriptions from the athenian agora. Liberman, M.M. Some observations on the genesis of Ship of Fools: a letter from Katherine Ann Porter. Luebben, Ralph. Elvino Shetten Pueblo and its relationship to terraces and nearby small structures, Chihuahua, Mexico. [filed under Andelson] McClelland, Kent. Adolescent subculture in the schools. McClelland, Kent. The aged aubculture hypothesis: social integration, gerontophilia and self-conception. McClelland, Kent. Factor analysis applied to magnitude estimates of punishment seriousness: patterns of individual differences. McClelland, Kent. The polarity poll: a report on campus lifestyles at Grinnell. 2 copies. McClelland, Kent. Self-conception and life satisfaction: integrating aged subculture and activity theory. McClelland, Kent. Social standing in America: new dimensions of class. McClelland, Kent. Who gets ahead?: The determinants of economic success in America. McKee, Christopher. Fantasies of mutiny and murder: a suggested psycho-history of the seaman in the United States Navy, 1798-1815. McKee, Christopher. Foreign seamen in the United States Navy: a census of 1808. Minelli, Martin. Multinuclear NMR studies of molybdenum & tungsten carbonyl isocyanide complexes. Minelli, Martin. Synthesis, structure, & characterization.... (1989) Minelli, Martin. Synthesis, structure, & characterization of... (1990) Minelli, Martin. Synthesis, structure, & characterization of... (1991) Mendoza, Guillermo. Ovary and anal processes of "characodon" eiseni, a viviparous cyprinodont teleost from Mexico. Perri, Dennis. Artistic unity of "Corona de sombra.'" Perri, Dennis. Fulfillment and loss: Lorca's view of communication in the twenties. Perri, Dennis. Lorca's suite "Newton": the limits of science and reason. Perri, Dennis. Lorca's suite "Palimpsestos": keeping the reader at bay. Perri, Dennis. Review (1928-1929) of the "romancero gitano": competing readings. Perri, Dennis. Tenison, speaker, and experience in "Poema del cante jondo." Percas, Nicolas. What is wrong with Portuguese? Reid, Clifford. Are blacks making it in the suburbs?: a correction. Reid, Clifford. The effect of residential location on the wages of black women and white women. Ronbinson, Lynn. Preservation analysis & the brittle book problem. [with Beebe] Schrift, Alan. The becoming-postmodern of philosophy. Schrift, Alan. Between perspectivism and philology: genealogy as hermeneutic. Schrift, Alan. Foucault and Derrida on Nietzsche and the end(s) of "Man." Schrift, Alan. Language, metaphor, rhetoric: Nietzsche's deconstruction of epistemology. Schrift, Alan. Nietzsche and the critique of oppositional thinking. Schrift, Alan. A question of method: existential psychoanalysis and Sartre's "Critique of dialectical reason." Schrift, Alan. Reading, writing, text: Nietzsche's deconstruction of author-ity. Solow, Anita. Feminist history and critiques of science. Tyler, D.W. Bare press behavior reinforced by pup retrieval. Tyler, D.W. Effects of paraphrasing clinical interview items on structured responses. Tyler, D.W. Extinction following partial reinforcement with control of stimulus-generalization and secondary reinforcement. Tyler, D.W. Frustration stimuli on discrimination. Tyler, D.W. A multipurpose discrimination apparatus for general laboratory use. Tyler, D.W. Simultaneous and successive discrimination under identical stimulating conditions. Wellborn, Beryl. Case of teaching: teacher work. Wellborn, Beryl. Challenges to the whole language approach to instruction in language arts. Wellborn, Beryl. Dialogues on excellence: key to excellence in cooperation. Wellborn, Beryl. Handling change: challenge of challenges. Wellborn, Beryl. Helping students to make sense of their world. Wellborn, Beryl. on the challenge of selecting instructional media. Wubbels, Gene. Why Johnny can't titrate.