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US US-IaGG Archives/RG-F-9-9.1-3-of Box 3
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Faculty Offprints
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Âmbito e conteúdo
- Apostle, Hippocrates George. The relation between mathematics and metaphysics. 2. Apostle, Hippocrates George. [Review of] Plato's mathematical imagination by Robert S. Brumbaugh. 3. Apostle, Hippocrates George. Methodological superiority of Aristotle over Euclid. 4. Apostle, Hippocrates George. The nature of non-Euclidean geometries. 5. Apostle, Hippocrates George. The relation of philosophy to the teaching of mathematics. 6. Apostle, Hippocrates George. Aristotle’s contribution to civilization. 7. Apostle, Hippocrates George. The nature of a liberal education. 8. Betts, Raymond F. DuPont de Nemours in Napoleonic Prance, 1802—1815. 9. Bradford, Curtis. George Yeats: poet's wife. 10. Brown, F. Andrew. [Review of] The emergence of German as a literary language. 11. Brown, F. Andrew. [Review of] Geschichte der deutschen Literatur voni Humanismus bis zu Goethes Tod. 12. Brown, F. Andrew. Shakespeare and English drama in German popular journals, 1717—1759. 13. Brown, F. Andrew. Shakespeare in Germany: Dryden, Langbaine, and the Acta Eruditorum. 14. Burkie, Howard. [Review of] The Marxism of Jean-Paul Sartre, by Wilfred Desan. 15. Burkie, Howard. Schall and Sartre on the grounds of individual freedom. 16. Christiansen, Kenneth. Notes on Alaskan Collembola. (I.) A new genus and species of the family Isotomidae. 17. Christiansen, Kenneth. Ratios as a means of specific differentiation in Collembola. 18. Christiansen, Kenneth. The genus Mesentotoma. (Collembola: entomobryidae) 19. Christiansen, Kenneth. The Collembola of Lebanon and Western Syria. Parts I 20. Christiansen, Kenneth. Geographic variation and the subspecies concept in the Collembolan Entomobryoides guthriei. 20. Christiansen, Kenneth. The genus Sinella brook (Collembola: entomobryidae) in nearctic caves. 21. Christiansen, Kenneth. The Collembola of Hunters Cave. 22. Christiansen, Kenneth. Convergence and parallelism in cave Entomobryinae. 23. Christiansen, Kenneth. Proposition pour la classification des animaux cavernicoles. 24. Christiansen, Kenneth. Preliminary notes on the genus Entomobrya in South America, with special reference to Patagonia. 25. Christiansen, Kenneth. Bionomics of Collembola. 26. Christiansen, Kenneth. A revision of the nearctic members of the genus Tomocerus. (Collembola Entomobryidae) 27. Christiansen, Kenneth. The genus Arrhopalites (Collembola: Sminthuridae) in the United States and Canada. 28. Christiansen, Kenneth. Behavior and form in the evolution of cave Collembola. 29. Christiansen, Kenneth. Competition between collembolan species in culture jars. 30. Christiansen, Kenneth. Geographical variation and evolution in pseudosinella violenta (Folsom). 31. Christiansen, Kenneth. The scope and direction of contemporary soil Arthropod research. 32. Christiansen, Kenneth. Survival of Collembola on clay substrates with and without food added. 33. Christiansen, Kenneth. Experimental studies on the aggregation and dispersion of Collembola. 34. Christiansen, Kenneth. Invertebrate populations in the Moulis cave. 35. Christiansen, Kenneth. Factors affecting predation on Collembola by various Arthropods. 36. Christiansen, Kenneth. Harlow B. Mills (1906-1971). 37. Christiansen, Kenneth. Notes on Miocene Amber Collembola from Chiapas. 38. Christiansen, Kenneth. Contact behavior in Collembola and the effect of food deprivation, density and culture origins. 39. Christiansen, Kenneth. The genus Pseudosinella in Mesoamerican caves. 40. Christiansen, Kenneth. Six new nearctic species of the genus Friesea. 41. Christiansen, Kenneth. The cavernicolous fauna of Hawaiian lava tubes, 5. Collembola. 42. Christianseri, Kenneth. Chaetotaxy in nearctic Priesea (Ccllembola Neanurinae) with notes on taxonomic use of chaetotaxy. 43. Clotfelter, Beryl E. Evaluation of commercial apparatus for measuring h/e. [Filed under “Hanson”] 44. Connelly, Peter J. Who is responsible for college literacy? 45. Crossett, John. Epicurus. 46. Crossett, John. Aristotle as a poet: the Hymn to Hermeias. 47. Debicki, Andrew P. Notas sobre la ironia en Algunos poemas de Borges. 48. Debicki, Andrew P. Dajnaso Alonso’s views on poetry. 49. Debicki, Andrew P. Damaso AlonsoTs “Hombre y dios.” 50. Debicki, Andrew P. La vision del mundo en la poesia temprana de Pedro Salinas. 51. Debicki, Andrew P. “Los contados dias” de Jose Cardenas Pena. 52. Denbo, Jay A. Formation constants of weak complexes: the 1:1 complexes of malate with alkali metal cations in aqueous solution. [Filed under “Erickson”] 53. Eastman, George. John Dewey: philosophy, psychology and social practice. 54. Eastman, George. Some normative implications of the term “problem”. 55. Eastman, George. The components of “commitment”. 56. Eastman, George. John Dewey’s literary style: theory and practice. 57. Erickson, Luther. Formation constants of weak complexes: the 1:1 complexes of Malate with alkali metal cations in aqueous solution. 58. Erickson, Luther. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of substituted succinic anhydrides, acids, salts, and esters. 59. Erickson, Luther. Proton magnetic resonance studies of amino acid complexes of Platinum (ii). II.Kinetics of N-H and C-H Proton exchange. 60. Erickson, Luther. Proton magnetic resonance studies of amino acid complexes of Platinum(II). III.Isomerism, Proton exchange, and inversion at asymmetric coordinated nitrogens. 61. Erickson, Luther. Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of N-H proton dissociation and inversion of platinum(II) . Complexes of substituted ethylenediamines. 62. Erickson, Luther E. Conformational effects on three-bond and four-bond platinum - Hydrogen coupling constants in platinum complexes of methylglycines. 63. Erickson, Luther E. Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance studies of Platinum(II) complexes. I.Five—membered rings formed by substituted -1,2- Diaminoethanes. 64. Eysenbach, Mary L. Voucher plans, voting models, and the efficiency of local school finance. 65. Fletcher, Harold A. The regie Renault: a nationalized enterprise in the French automobile industry. 66. Foster, Edward E. Rhetorical control in Pope’s Eloisa to Abelard. 67. Graham, Benjamin F., jr. Natural root grafts. 68. Graham, Benjamin F., jr. CERA: An outdoor biological laboratory. 69. Guroff, Gregory. A note on urban literacy in Russia, 1890-1914. 70. Hanson, Roger J. A cosmic-ray gas Cerenkov counter with adjustable velocity threshold. 71. Hanson, Roger J. Frequency shifts in spin-exchange optical pumping experiments. 72. Hanson, Roger J. Soft Gamma background radiation at the earth’s surface and at aircraft altitude. 73. Hanson, Roger J. Magnetically shielded solenoid with field of high homogeneity. 74. Hanson, Roger J. Evaluation of commercial apparatus for measuring 75. Harris, Brian. Translation of “Grand Hotel Metaphysic.” 76. Harris, Brian. Translation of “A commentary on Heimito von Doderer.” 77. Harris, Brian. Translation of “A surrealistic novel.” 78. Harris, Brian. Translation of “Die Rampenmaler.” 79. Harris, Brian. Translation of “Visit to an Exhibition.” 80. Harris, Brian. Translation of “End of the line.” 81. Harris, Brian. Translation of poems by Christoph Meckel. 82. Harris, Brian. Translation of “Tullipan.” 83. Herman, Eugene A. Generalized Fredtiolm conditions in an algebra of singular integral operators. 84. Herman, Eugene A. The symbol of the algebra of singular integral operators. 85. Hiser, Velina Bissell. Iowa hand usage dextrality quotients of one hundred high-school students. 86. Hiser, Velina Bissell. The applications of general semantics to a case of stage-fright. 87. Irving, Donald J. Who is responsible for college literacy? [Filed under “Connelly”] 88. King, Winston L. Negation as a religious category. 89. Kintner, Philip I. [Review of] Martin Luther, by Heinz Blulim. 90. Kintner, Philip I. Memmingens “Ausgetretene”; eine vergessene Nachwirkung des Bauernkrieges, 1525—1527. 91. Kissane, James. Tennyson: the passion of the past and the curse of time. 92. Klausner, Neal W. Philosophy as criticism and perspective. 95. Kuntz, Paul G. Order in language, phenomena, and reality. 94. Liberman, Mathilda Nahra. The Odyssey and the theme of storytelling. 95. Liberman, M.M. The Gibbon in the maple tree, a story. 96. Liberman, M.M. Robin Redbreast and the wren. 97. Liberman, M.M. The short story as chapter in “Ship of Fools.” 98. Liberman, M.M. The publication of Porter’s “He,” and the question of the use of literature. 99. Liberman, M.M. The uses of anti-fiction: Greene’s “Across the Bridge.” 100. Magee, James S. Structure and substance: the politics of decentralization in the United Nations. 101. Meyer, Richard D. The paradox of Gordon Craig. 102. Meyer, Richard D. What the open stage means to the playwright. 103. Nefzger, Ben. The ideal-type: some conceptions and misconceptions. 104. Nevill, William A. Automated inventory control at the small college. 105. Niehaus, Thomas. Two studies on Lorenzo Hervas Y Panduro, S.I. (1755—1809) I.As Newtonian popularizer, II. As anthropologist. 106. Parsons,Lynn Hudson. Continuing crusade: four generations of the Adams family view Alexander Hamilton.