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Faculty Conference Papers
- 1998-1999 (Creation)
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Adelberg, Arnold. 2-adic congruences of Norlund numbers. Aleman, Ana M. Martinez. The search for the great community: the multicultural community and its problems. Andelson, Jonathan G. Raising inspirations: child-rearing and child losing in communal Amana. Anger, Jenny. Abstraction as other. Appelbaum, Nancy. Remembering Riosucio: race and religion in old Caldas. Armstrong, Todd Patrick. Classroom stategies for Nachalo. Armstrong, Todd Patrick. From Pushkin to Makanin. Azoulay, Katya Gibel. The color of your skin, the race of your kin. Azoulay, Katya Gibel. Jewishness after Mount Sinai: Jews, blacks and the (multi)racial category. Azoulay, Katya Gibel. Places we call home. Azoulay, Katya Gibel. Tresspassing on the wings of theory. Azoulay, Katya Gibel. Race, sex and theoretical interventions. Azoulay, Katya Gibel. Disciplining canons and the subject of race. Bradley, Bateman W. Born again in 1904: reflections on John R. Commons and the social gospel. Bentley-Condit, V. Captive olive baboon and feral yellow baboon mother-infant proximity during infants first three months. Cavanagh, Michael. Fighting off Larkin: Seamus Heaney and Aubade. Cavanagh, Michael. Walking into the light: Dante and Seamus Heaney's second life. Chamberland, Marc. A continuous extension of the 3x+1 problem to the real line. Chenette, Jon. Prairie autumn. Cook, Scott. Forming a school of his own. Cook, Scott. Anonymous criticism in the Lushi Chunqiu. Cook, Scott. The Wuxing pain and the Confucian road ton virtuosity. Cunningham, Charles E. New techniques for studying the pinning force on a single vortex in a thin superconducting film. Cunningham, Charles E. Low-temperature, high-field suceptometry experiments for undergraduates laboratories. Cunningham, Charles E. The integer quantum hall effect: an undergraduate laboratory. Czechowski, Leslie. Managing description in the one-person repository: integrating processes to create the finding aid, MARC catalog record, and WWW document. Dawson, John C. Integrating the analysis of income and product, financial flow and balance sheet accounts. Ellis, Ann E. Infants categorization of men and women from motion-carried information. Erickson, L.E. Effect of Olefin-plantium(II) complex formation on amide bond rotation energy profiles of unsaturated amides. Fergusen, Bill. Wage, effort, worker motivation and market power in a labor discipline model with dismissal cost. Fergusen, Bill. A model of bilateral labor market power in nonunion settings. Fergusen, Susan J. Recreating family: never married Chinese American and Japanese American women. Gardner, Jared. To breed a new race of men: eugenics, Jewish Hollywood and Universal's horror films of the 1930s. Gardner, Jared. The historical epic in the 1920s. Ghosh, Gautam. My men sing Marx. Ghosh, Gautam. The politics of memory: migration kinship and nationalism on the periphery of the Bengali nation. Ghosh, Gautam. From displacement to diaspora: (re)constructing culture and history after the paritiion of India. Ghosh, Gautam. Refugee education from the natives' point of view. Ghosh, Gautam. Global theory and the future of area studies convocation. Ghosh, Gautam. Time limits: refugees the state and the revolutionist history of time Bengal after the 1947 partition of India. Gilday, Edmund T. Smiles and frowns: a reflection on performance traditions. Goldberg, Sanford. Basic self-knowledge is not knowledge of content. Goldberg, Sanford. Interpretation, self-knowledge and the level-of-coherence problem. Goldberg, Sanford. The relevance of discrminatory knowledge of content. Gross, Jan B. Women and theatre: staging new voices. Gross, Jan B. In harm's way: violating father-daughter relations in plays by French female playwrites. Hernandez, Mark. Recreating the conquest of western Mexico in Victor M. Castillo Bautista's Nuno de Guzman o la espada de dios. Herold, Kelly. A re-examination of details in Tolstoi's War and Peace. Hewitt, Elizabeth. Scarlet letters, dead letters: correspondence and the poetics of democracy in Melville and Hawthorne. Hewitt, Gary L. Enlightened enthusiasts: English liberty, African slave and religions awakening in Georgia. Ireland, Susan. Mothers and daughters in Ying Chen's L'ingratitude and Nadia Ghalem's Les jardins de cristal. Ireland, Susan. Translating urban identities in Mouns's Territoire d'outre-ville. Ireland, Susan. Voices of resistance in contemporary Algerian women's writing. Jacoby, Wade. Priest and penitent: the EU as a force in the domestic politics of eastern Europe. Jacoby, Wade. Tutors and pupils: international organizations, Cee Elites, and western models. Gregg-Jolly, Leslie. Identification of acine kobacter calcoaceticus DNA damage-inducible promoters using natural transformation. Kamp, Kathryn. Prints on pots: children working and learning in prehistory. Kamp, Kathryn. Hands on research as a teaching technique. Kamp, Kathryn. Corn storage in simple pits. Ketter, Jean. Engaging from a distance: Euroamerican teachers read and repond to multicultural literature. Lo, K.Y. Indeterminacy in meaning: religious syncretism and dynastic hisoriography in the Shannuren Zhuan. Lo, K.Y. A study about Buddhist story-telling in early medieval China. Lo, K.Y. A Chinese theory about rebirth: a reading of Luo Han's "Essay on rebirth" and Sun Sheng's rejoinder. Lo, K.Y. Freedom and imaginal realms in early Chinese literature. Lo, K.Y. Physical freedom, spiritual liberation and moral automnomy in early medieval Chinese literature. Lo, K.Y. The drama of numskulls: structure, texture and functions of the Scripture of one hundred parables. Lo, K.Y. A performative approach to experimental learning: China's ancient world as an experiment. Mader, Mary. Computational comparison of mechanisms of silane oxidation. Marzluff, Elaine. Presentation at the "Gordon Research Conference on Structure, Energetics and Dynamics of Gaseous Ions." McClelland, K. The collective control of perceptions: constructing order from conflict. McKee, Christopher. An ocean which no one can fathom: values of United States naval enlisted men 1815-1860. Mease, Ellen. Reducing overweening production on your campus. Meehan, J. The subject the self and the other. Meehan, J. Plurality, autonomity and the right to take ones life. Meehan, J. Becoming a self society for phenomenology and existentialist philosophy. Meehan, J. Feminism and Habermas. Meehan, J. Kosovo... Mohan, John. M. Russian today: a session in honor of Dan Davidson. Mohan, John. M. The westernizing agenda of Vasilii Aksennov's Moskovskaya saga. Mohan, John. M. The spirit of Dostoevsky in Vasilii Aksenov's Moskovskaya saga. Munyon, Paul. Measuring changes in the cost of living. Powell, Irene. The relationship between health status and health expenditures: evidence on US States over time. Rebelsky, S. Designing and building course webs with site-level authoring tools. Roberts, Tyler. Ecstatic philosophy: mystical elements in Nietzsche's thought. Rosenthal, Michael A. Review of representation and the mond-body problem. Rosenthal, Michael A. Abstract: Spinoza on religious toleration. Ruiz, Bladimir. Prostitucion y homosexualidad: interpelaciones desde el margen en El vampiro de la colonia roma de Luis Zapata. Russell, Ralph. Abstract: William Levi Dawson: a biographical sketch of his life and a descriptive analysis of The bond of Africa from the negro folk symphony. Schmitt, Cannon. Abstract: The lost world of British masculinity. Schrift, Alan. Abstract: Nietzsche for democracy. Sharpe, Lee. Abstract: Sulphur dioxide sensors based on powered phosphors. Short, K.R. Abstract: Opiate receptor antagonist in dorsal raphe prior to inescapable stress increased anxiety and decreased 5HT receptor binding in rat dorsal raphe. Simawe, Saadi A. Abstract: James Baldwin and the Arabs. Simawe, Saadi A. Abstract: The future of Middle Eastern studies at smaller institutions. Sinnett, Laura. Getting emotional about one's goals: individual difference in emotional intelligence. Sinnett, Laura M., Rupin R. Thakkar, and Erin Sugrue. The influence of emotion manipulations on the accessibility of personal goals. Sinnett, Laura M., Erin Shoulberg, and Erin Sugrue. Meta-analytic evidence that laboratory "mood" manipulations induce discrete emotions. Stuhr, Rebecca. Computers on campus presentation. Trish, Barbara. The party/campaign relationship: a conceptual and empirical analysis of its effect. Trish, Barbara. Presidential PACs and the multinuclear party. Vishevsky, A. Prisoner of the Caucasus. Vishevsky, A. Playing with a used deck: the echoes of Pushkin's The queen of spades in Lermonvov's Fatalist. Willis, Eliza J. The price of federalism in Brazil: municipalization and primary health care. Whittaker, John. Abstract: Where the waste went: a knappers' dump at Grasshopper Pueblo.