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[Untitled Box]
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Scope and content
Kulp, Mersh, 1925-42 Kyle, Willie B., Jr., 1977 Kyle, Willis B., Sr., 1973-82 Lake property, 1955-70 Lambie, Donald, 1965 Lancaster, William, 1953-55 Langan, William H., 1921-70 Larrabee, Annie F. & Laura Leona, 1865-1946 Larrimore, Lillian, 1959 Law, Samuel, 1916-19 Leach, Charles & Ida, 1914-15 Leonard, D., 1872-85 Liddle, Abram & Mary, 1904-24 Lilljeberg, Mary, 1980 Lindley, Agnese Nelms, 1982-83 Lindquist, Phoebe, 1965-67 Little, L.P., 1916-22 Lombard, Mary C., 1916-17 Loose, David N., 1927-52 Lovelace, Marjorie V.E., 1965-67 Loveland, Roger P. 1979 Lowden, Bertha E., [n.d.] Luce, Othmar C., 1974-78 Lyman, Fae L., 1961 Lynch, Frank T., 1982 Lyon, Alma C., 1964-65 MacDonald, Bert, 1959 Macy, Maude, & Kathryn, 1921-63 Main, Emma M., 1929-38 Mark, Stephen Leonard, 1983 Mathews, LaVerne, 1974-75 Maxam, Hattie, 1943-46