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Assorted negatives and proof sheets for the following people/places/events: Booksigning- Authors, Spring 1989. Delong Craig O.- Orchestra, Spring 1989. Delong Jugglers - 1/1990. Delong Fine Arts Release. Delong, Danforth-Patterson Ride Across America- Summer 1989 Indian Dance/Women's Award Senior Olympics, Town & Gown, ARH- 3/1990 Copy Work Mario Cuomo. Eric Weston Endgame (Play)- 11/1989. Delong Theater: Old Times by Harold Pinter Joann Zimmerman Ann Fausto Baltimore Company Unified Sports Art Faculty, Pottery Students- 3/1990. Normandy Photo. Odyssey of the Mind Wallace Terry- 11/1987 Presidential Hopefuls, Simon -11/1987. Johann Zimmerman + Mary Louise Smith, Spring 1990 Zimmerman; Kleinschmidt - 5/1990 Theater; Linowitz- 4/12/1990 Grinnell Review- 4/16/90 Opera; Dracula- 4/18/1990 Soccer Field; Art Class- 10/1989 Commencement 1990- 5/24/1990 President Drake Recieving Award- June 1990 Internships- 1990 Musical Theater; Tammi Johnson- 5/1990 J.B. Grinnell Scholars- 5/1990 Library, Recorders- 7/1990 Chemistry Research Minority and International Students Reunion Bookstore New Student Day- 1990. Normandy Alumni Weekend- 5/1987 An Wei Visit. Delong Community Service Fair- 9/1990 "I Have A Dream" kids- 9/22/1990 Grinnell Ladies Society- 9/25/1990 Andrew Hsieh's Book- 10/22 Iowa History Posters- 10/22/1990 Bill Case, Campus Shots- 10/24/1990 ARH Dedication- 10/27/1990. Pinder Ellen Harris Multicultural Classroom- 10/90. Delong John Riddley, Comedian- 10/90. Pinder Amy Worthem, Print Study Room- 10/90. Delong Theater: Hamlet- 11/8/1990 Phonathon- 11/8/1990 President Drake: Legal Name Chart Steven James/XC meet- 11/1990 Either Orchestra- 11/1990. Pinder