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Correspondence A-Cam

Arthur Huntington (Iowa Light & Power). 1933. Letter: socialism in colleges (unknown provenance) George I. Adlen. Summary of correspondence. 1919-1930. 1 sheet Frank A. And Frank F. Almy. 1931. Correspondence concerning illness. American Institute for Endowments. 1935-1939. Correspondence Association of American Colleges. 1935-1940. Correspondence, meeting programs, etc. Lewis R. Barrett. 1936-1938. Correspondence (Missouri Valley Athletic Conference, Leisure Arts building) Charles A. Blossom. Will, Dec. 4, 1923 Board of Educational Examiners. 1934-1939. Correspondence. Board of Trustees and committee meetings. 1931-1940. Minutes. Bond holders. 1927. Louis D. Brandies. 2 letters about Brandeis. Nov. 1937 Carnegie Corporation. 1929-1933. Correspondence (books for college libraries). Carnegie Corporation. 1933-1934. Materials on adult education and teacher education. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. 1931-1940. Correspondence (grants, etc.) Carnetie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and TIAA. 1931-1939. Correspondence (retirement and widows' pensions). Archibald Cattell. 1932-1940. Correspondence. Mrs. H. G. CAmpbell. 1935-1936. Correspondence (H. G. Campbell memorial for book purchases). Mr. and Mrs. Hohn Campbell. 1920-1033. Correspondence (L. F. Parker Professorship fund).

Correspondence Cam - M

Arthur Huntington (Iowa Light & Power). 1933. Letter: socialism in colleges (unknown provenance) George I. Adlen. Summary of correspondence. 1919-1930. 1 sheet Frank A. And Frank F. Almy. 1931. Correspondence concerning illness. American Institute for Endowments. 1935-1939. Correspondence Association of American Colleges. 1935-1940. Correspondence, meeting programs, etc. Lewis R. Barrett. 1936-1938. Correspondence (Missouri Valley Athletic Conference, Leisure Arts building) Charles A. Blossom. Will, Dec. 4, 1923 Board of Educational Examiners. 1934-1939. Correspondence. Board of Trustees and committee meetings. 1931-1940. Minutes. Bond holders. 1927. Louis D. Brandies. 2 letters about Brandeis. Nov. 1937 Carnegie Corporation. 1929-1933. Correspondence (books for college libraries). Carnegie Corporation. 1933-1934. Materials on adult education and teacher education. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. 1931-1940. Correspondence (grants, etc.) Carnetie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and TIAA. 1931-1939. Correspondence (retirement and widows' pensions). Archibald Cattell. 1932-1940. Correspondence. Mrs. H. G. Campbell. 1935-1936. Correspondence (H. G. Campbell memorial for book purchases). Mr. and Mrs. Hohn Campbell. 1920-1033. Correspondence (L. F. Parker Professorship fund).

Correspondence N-R; Trustee Correspondence

Helen E. Chase. 1929. 1 letter. Fundraising Gary Cooper. 1938. Correspondence (premier of Cooper film at Grinnell) Edith P. Cunningham. 1921-1938. Correspondence (Perkins scholarship). Congregational Church. 1927-1940. Minutes of meetings, correspondence, proposed budget 1939-1940, annual reports, brochures. Gardner Cowles and Gardner Cowles Jr. 1933-1939. (Publishers, Des Moines Register) Correspondence (Cowles scholarships, etc.) Curriculum committee. 1930s. Course outlines for music, physical education, teacher training, journalism, drama. General teching load 1935-1936, curriculum at other institutions, booklets, clippings, etc. 1928-1931. J. F. Darby. 1931-1939. Correspondence Jay N. Darling. 1931-1939. Correspondence, photograph Martha Dibble. 1932-1938. Correspondence. Dormitories. 1931-1940. Reports with statistics, operating and business details. Endowments. Endowments of chairs and early endowments. Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Gates. 1928-1936. Correspondence. General Education Board. 1930-1938. Correspondence (endowment), questionnaire. Mrs. N. A Graver, 1931 2 letters re: contribution, Greater Iowa Commission 1936 report. Thomas D. Gregg Fund. 1938. Correspondence, petition, clippings re: estate. Grinnell College Foundation 1931-1934. Correspondence re: Dibble property, minutes of meeting June 3 1932, List of officers and directors. Grinnell in China. 1932-1938. Lists of faculty donations, letters from Alice Reed, H. Belcher, N. W. Wehrhan, pamphlets. Grinnell Institute of International Relations. 1939. Minutes, members comments. Institute of International Education, 1936-1940, Correspondence, pamphlets. Vitae for speakers: Stratton, Crowther, Manniche. E. S. Harkness. 1931-1938. Correspondence with Gertrude Moore re: possible contribution. W. F. Harrah. 1931-1932 (Trustee) Correspondence. Harvard Club. 1939 Correspondence (St. Louis meeting). Harvard Exchange. 1930-1935. Correspondence. (Move to discontinue exchange, Pres. Conard, 1935, etc.) S. H. Herrick. 1930-1934. Correspondence, telefram at death of Herrick, Jan. 16, 1934. Jesse Macy Hall. 1935. Plans, clippings, photo. Herbert Magoun, 1933-1938. Correspondence. Mears family. 1921-1937. Correspondence, clippings, testimonies to Mary Mears.

Trustee correspondence: Her - Rob

Maxwell H. Herriott. 1945-1955 Mrs. Frank P. Hixon (Alice). 1940-1954, 1959. Also synopses of reposts presented at a Conference of the University of Illinois General Advisory Committee, May 25, 1944. Mrs. Leonard Hurtz (Laura). 1951-1953 Stewart R. Kirkpatrick. 1946-1955 Stewart R. Kirkpatrick. 1940-1945 David Kruidenier, Jr. 1953, 1955 Mrs. David Druidenier, Jr. (Florence). 1940-1953 Angus C. McDonald. 1945-1953, 1955. Fred Maytag II. 1944-1955. Also answer sheets for tests given to Robert Maytag regatding intelletual abilities, vocational interests, and personality; and a summary letter from Stevens to Robert Maytag, April 22, 1946. F. Wendell Miller. 1947-1953. Gerard S. Nollen. 1940-1053, 1955 John W. Norris. 195-1953, 1955 Louis V. Phelps. 1930-1043, 1945, 1949, 1950. Includes three letters regarding the appointment of Mrs. Phelps as Acting Dean of Women, 1932, 1933. Fred M. Roberts. 1943-1955.

Gift file, subjects

Alumni fund reports. 1951, 1953, 1956, and no date. Christmas letters of 1953, from Stevens. Developmental file. 1950-1954. Correspondence with various persons and companies. Gift fund reports, 1946 - 1953. Lists of donors. Pledges made and paid to the Million Dollar Fund. Reports on various funds. Miscellaneous file. Phi Beta Kappa, 1942. Two brochure by Henry K. Holsman. Memoranda on institutional development, 1944. Two reports by dun and Bradstreet on Darby Petroleum, 1941-1942. Pledge cards, 1945. College balanve sheet, 1930. Plans suggested for replacing endowment funds used for productive plant, 1930? Des Moines Register article on Cowles Dormitory, 1941. President's House notes. 1943. List of "note" holders. Prospective Donors, 1952. List of men who had not given to Grinnell in the last ten years. Science Building Letters. September/October 1951. "Thank you" letters from Stevens for gifts. Van Evera Fund. 1953. William Volker Charities Fund. 1952-1953.

Subject Files: G - L

Gates Lecturers. 1915, 1922-1931, 1940-1054. Correspondence Grinnell in China. 1914?, 1940-1943, 1950, 1956-1958, 1960, 1963. Correspondence, Reports, Booklet, (1940). Grinnell Institute of International Affairs. 1955-1956. Fund-raising correspondence. Inauguration of Howard Bowen. 13, November 1955. Programs, Speech, Script of service, Correspondence. Inez Henely Memorial Fund. 1943. Correspondence. List of books purchased. Invitations, 1955-1956. Those received by Bowen and his responses to them. Iowa College Foundation. 1952-1956. Correspondence, Minutes, Lists of contributors and contributions. Loyalty Oath. 1959, 1960, 1962. Correspondence and newspaper articles regarding student loans under National Defense Education Act of 1958. A Game of Numbers Revisited, 1964.

Subject Files: S

Scarlet and Black. 1956 Science Building. 1951. Proposal contract. Seminar on Order. 1962-1964 (One-year interdisciplinary seminar originated by Paul Kuntz) Student Affairs. Part 1: 1963. Letters regarding student conduct and rules, tabulated by type of opinion expressed and by type of sender. Student Affairs. Part 2: 1961-1964. Correspondence. Recommendations by James Stauss. Bowen's address at 1963 student convocation on rules. Student Peace Group. 1961-1962. Correspondence. Five reports on Washington trip. Statement of purpose. Student Services. 1961. Report to Trustees. Students: African Student Program. 1961-1963. Students: Freshman Honors Program. 1958-1963. Students: Freshman Honors Program. 1958-1963. List of top students. Students' symposium. 1963-1964. Correspondence. Program. Students' Use of Time. 1963. Report by Bowen. Joiurnal article Summer Program. 1959-1963. Summer Program: Academy. 1963-1964. Brochure. Correspondence. Summer Program: School for ALumni. 10=960, 1963-1966.

Personal File

Social Science Research Council, Committee on Business Enterprise Research: correspondence 1953-1955; minutes; notes; reports. Central Intelligence Agency: correspondence, notes. 1952-1954 National Council of Churches. 1953-1957. Correspondence, reports, minutes.

Personal File

Correspondence prior to 1957, arranged alphabetically. Letters of recommendation through 1955. Bowen correspondence with Rinehart (publisher), through 1957.

Associated College of the Midwest (ACM)

ACM memos, correspondence. Includes Single Application Method and Referral Plan (ca. 1966- folder 2); ACM organization chart (folder 3); ACM Board of Directors meeting minutes, 1964-1967; progress report on Video Tape Project, 1965; Financial statement-1968.


ACM Constitution, 1965, 1972 Correspondence, memos, ACM testimonies before various U. S. Congress Hous and Senate subcommittees, 1970-1971; memos from Ida Wallace of ACM Washington DC office on legislative matters; Knox College attrition rate study (April 3, 1970); tabulations of data on black students and studies in ACM institutions (April 6, 1970). ACM Periodical Bank, minutes, budgets, congressional testimonies, 1971-1973. ACM Board of Directors meetings minutes, 1970.

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