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Robert Kerr correspondence. ca. 1945-57. Correspondents include Art Kemble, Paul Meyers, F.W. Tomasek, Arthur Kemble, Lee Stewart, Fred and Dorothy __?___, and others. Folder 3: letters from Europe to Mrs. Kerr describing post-World War II conditionsOther Items

Faculty Offprints

Caulkins, D. Douglas, Jonathan G. Andelson, Vicki Bentley-Condit, Kathryn A. Kamp. Discovery-mode teaching using the electronic human relations area files for cross-cultural comparison. Christiansen, Kenneth. The biogeography of Collembola. Christiansen, Kenneth. Las colas de resorte. Christiansen, Kenneth. La evolucion de la vida cavernicola. Christiansen, Kenneth. Cave Pseudosinella and Oncopodura new to science. Christiansen, Kenneth. Cave Arrhopalites: new to science. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of Ptenothrix from China (Collembola: dicyrtomidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. Subgenus Coecobrya of the genus Sinella (Collembola: entomobryidea) with special reference to the species of China. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of Arrhopalites from China Collembola: Sminthuridae). Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of Homidia from China (Collembola: entomobryidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. Tomocerus (s.s.) spinulus (Collembola: Tomocerinae): a new species of Chinese sprintail. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of Tomocerus (s.s.) (Collembola: tomocerinae) from China. Christiansen, Kenneth. New species of Pseudosinella (collembola) from Ascension Island. Christiansen, Kenneth. New species of the subgenus Coecobrya from Hungary (Collembola: entomobryidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. A new record of Pseudosinella from China with a redescription of P. sexculata (Collembola: entomobryidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. Redescriptions of some of salmon's istomid types. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of Pseudosinella from Guilin, China (Collembola: entromobryidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of the subgenus Coecobrya (Collembola: entomobryidae) from China. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of the subgenus Coecobrya from Hungary (Collembola: entromobryidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. A preliminary report on the cretaceous collembola. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of sinella (collembola: entomobryidae) from China. (2 copies) Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of psudosinella from China (collembola: entromobryidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. A survey of the genus seira (hexapoda: collembola: entomobryidae) in the Americas. Durkee, Lenore T. Five new taxa and two new combinations of acanthaceae from Central America. Durkee, Lenore T. Morphology, ultrastructure, and function of extrafloral nectaries in three species of caesalpiniaceae. Eckhart, Vincent M. Character variation and geographic distribution of clarkia xantiana a. gray (onagraceae): flowers and phenology distinguish two subspecies. Eckhart, Vincent M. Evolution of sexual systems and sex allocations in plants when growth and reproduction overlap. Eckhart, Vincent M. Nutrient sensitivity of the cost of male function in gynodioecious phacelia linearis (hydrophyllaceae). Kaiser, Danel. Advancing the teaching of Slavic studies. Kaiser, Danel. Naming cultures in early modern Russia. Kaiser, Danel. The poor and disabled in early eighteenth-century Russian towns. Kaiser, Danel. Urban identities in sixteenth-century Muscovy: the case of Tula. Kaiser, Danel. "He said, she said": rape and gender discourse in early modern Russia. Kaiser, Danel. Invading the "private": spousal violence and the state in early modern Russia. Lalonde, Gerald V. Agora I 5983: Zeus Exou-... Again. Lalonde, Gerald V. Agora I 6656: a fragment of IG 13,243. Mader, Mary. Binding energy and catalysis: the implications for transition-state analogs and catalytic antibodies. Christiansen, Kenneth. Cretaceous collembola (arthropoda, heapoda) from the upper cretaceous of Canada. Kaiser, Daniel. Default and deception in Muscovite weddings. Kaiser, Daniel. Quotidian orthodoxy. Kaiser, Daniel. Book reviews in Kritika. Kaiser, Daniel. Whose wife will she be at the resurrection? Marriage and remarriage in early modern Russia. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of psudosinella from Nanjin, China (collembola: entomobryidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. Similarity of Chinese pseudosinella hui sp. nov (collembola: entomobryidae) to European and North American species. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new Chinese species of the genus tomocerus (tomocerina) from Xinjiang (collembola: tomoceridae) with a discussion of tomocerina. (2 copies) Christiansen, Kenneth. Taxonomy of the genus lepidocyrtus s.l. (collembola: entomobryidae) in east and southeast Asia and Malaysia, with description of a new species from the People's Republic of China. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of pseudosinella from Xinjiang, China (collembola: entomobryidae). (2 copies) Christiansen, Kenneth. A new collembolan species of the genus homidia (collembola: entomobryidae) from Hubei, China. Christiansen, Kenneth. Arrhopalites (collembola: arrhopalitidae) in U.S. caves with description of seven new species. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of the genus Homidia (collembola: entomobryidae) from Sichuan, China. (2 copies) Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of pseudosinella from China (collembola: entomobryidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of the genus tomocerus (tomocerina) from China (collembola: tomoceridae) with a discussion of the subgenera of tomocerus. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new record of tomocerus baicalensis from China with its redescription (collembola: tomoceridae). Christiansen, Kenneth. A survey of the genus pseudosinella (collembola: entomobryidae) from east Asia. Johnson, Loretta M. Neutrino oscillations and new physics. Ireland, Susan. Une ecriture de l'apaisement dans "La nuit de la lezarde." Christiansen, Kenneth. Re-examination of three species of tomocerus s.l. (collembola: tomoceridae) from China. Kaiser, Daniel H. Review of Nataliia Kozlova, ed.<span style="font-style: italic;">, Gorodskaia sem'ia XVIII veka: semeinopravovya akty kptsof i raznochintsev Moskvy [</span>The 18th-century urban family: legal documents of Moscow merchatn and professional families]. Christiansen, Kenneth. Redescription of nothobrya schubarti arle, 1961 (collembola, antomobryomorpha). Christiansen, Kenneth. A new genus and species of entomobryidae (collembola, entomobryomorpha) from the Iberian peninsula. Knight, R. Cecilia, Gretchen Revie, Catherine Rod. Integrating information technology into teaching at Grinnell College. (2 copies) Christiansen, Kenneth. A new entomobryid species of homidia from Shaanxi, China (collembola: entomobryidae). (2 copies) Kaiser, Daniel. Divorce, serious illness and spousal care in Russia in the seventeenth century. Christiansen, Kenneth. Collembola (arthropoda, hexapoda) from the mid cretaceous of Myanmar (Burma). Christiansen, Kenneth and Peter Bellinger. "Collembola" in The Light and Smith manual: intertidal invertebrates from central California to Oregon, edited by James T. Carlton, Berkeley, Calif. : Univeristy of California Press, c2007. Christiansen, Kenneth and Hanghang Wang. A revision of the genus typhlogastrura in North American caves with description of five new species. Christiansen, Kenneth. Supragenic classification of collembola entomobryomorpha. Christiansen, Kenneth. Review of North American species of the genus onychiurus (collembola: onychiuridae), with a description of four new species from caves. Tederman, James S. A personal perspective on the philosophy, roles, and approaches of a dean at a small, private, liberal arts college. Christiansen, Kenneth. Misturasotoma, a new nearctic springtail genus (collembola: isotomidae). Smith, Don A. A Conversation with Tocqueville, 1854. (From Tocqueville Review/La Revue Tocqueville 10 (1989-90) : 239-43.) Games, Alison F. Survival strategies in Early Bermuda and Barbados. Revista/Review Interamericana vol. 22: 1-2 (1992).

Faculty Conference Presentations

Facutly conference Presentations: 1994-1995 Adelberg, Arnold. Congruences of higher order Bernouli numbers Affron, Matthew. Waldemar George: a Parisian art critic on modernism and fascism. Affron, Matthew. "Deus ex machina"? Fernand Leger and the crisis of the modernist machine esthetic. Armstrong, Todd. On the essence and forms of love in "Moja toksa": Anneskij's polemic with Kuzman. Bateman, Bradley. Theme and variation: Alfred Marshall on speculation. Bateman, Bradley. Teaching a new history of economic thought. Caulkins, Douglas. Further explorations in grid/group analysis for comparative research. Caulkins, Douglas. The ethnography of contemporary Welsh and Welsh-American identity and values. Chasson, Timothy. Illuminated single leaves and fragments. Connelly, Peter. Fielding's domesticity. Ellis, Ann. Hierarchical structure and enabling relations affect event memory in preschoolers. Ellis, Ann. Gender-based inferences in 3- to 6-year old children. Ferguson, William. Nonprofit status and wages: an investigation of the child care industry with firm-specific effects. Games, Allison. Migration and the evolution of seventeenth century British America. Games, Allison. Migration and the evolution of the British Atlantic world under Charles I. Gardner, Jared. "Under the garb of fiction": the literary hoax and the truth of race in Poe's Pym. Gardner, Jared. Covered wagons: the paramount silent western and the myth of origins. Hsieh, Andrew. Why live? Ming loyalists' attitudes toward life and death. Hunter, Chris. ASA special session on MOST II program. Ireland, Susan. Rewriting the story in Tassadit Imache's Une fille sans histoire. Ireland, Susan. American stories: Monique LaRue's Copies conformes and Jacques Godbout's Une histoire americaine. Ketter, Jean. Portfolios and pedagogy: how portfolio assessment affects learning and teaching. Kramer, Thayer. Abstract of study done on children of battered women and beliefs of men's and women's roles. Lalonde, Gerald. The origins of athena Itonia at Athens. Michaels, Jennifer. Franz Wefel, de Oper und Giuseppe Verdi. Nowak, Barbara. Human rights, advocacy, and the anthropologists' role: the truths behind the moral dilemma. Mesitte, Jesse and Irene Powell. Customer race discrimination in the market for baseball cards. Schrift, Alan. Rethinking the subject, or how one becomes other than what one is. Schrift, Alan. Foucalt's reconfiguration of the subject: from Nietzsche to Butler, Laclau/Mouffe, and beyond. Silk, Jonathon. Oedipal calumny and schismatic rhetoric in Indian Buddhism. Silk, Jonathon. Abstract of proposed paper: IABS: Mexico City. Simawe, Saadi. The aesthetics of Sa'di Yusuf: the use of the vernacular. Sinnett, Laura and Randall Edgell. The enactment of individual differences through personal projects. Sinnett, Laura and Amy Smith. A meta-analysis of sex differences in reactivity to emotion manipulations. Sinnett, Laura and Mary Cooper. The relationship between coping styles and behavioral reports: a personal projects analysis. Strauber, Ira. Prudential casuistry: constitutional commentary as civic education. Strauber, Ira. Only words, indeed!   Faculty Conference Presentations: 1995, A-M Adelberg, Arnold. Newton polygons and Bernoulli polynomials. Andelson, Jonathon. What's in a name? Quite a lot, in the 282-year history of the community hosting this conference. Armstrong, Todd. Anneskij's Kiparisovyj larec as lyric cycle. Armstrong, Todd. The emerging these of homosexuality in contemporary Russian literature by Anatoly Vishevsky. Azoulay, Katya. Addresses the ways in which syllabi are conceptualized and organized Azoulay, Katya. Addresses questions about how to diffuse controversial topics through carefully planning how issues will be introduced, contextualized and the relations to syllabi. Bateman, Bradley. Are we still all Keynesians now? Bentley-Condit, Vicki. Female-infant-female social relationships: "manipulation" among yellow babboons (Papio cynocephalus). Broe, Mary Lynn. Gentle geomorphologies: nomadism and community in Michale Ondattye's The English patient. Broe, Mary Lynn. Nights of bummage and the ethics of ti-frere: Marie-Claire Blais's Les nuits l'underground. Caulkins, Doug. Using scenarios to assess cultural consensus and cultural criticism. Cook, Scott. Xun zi on ritual, music, and the "use of the useless." Ellis, Ann. Infants' categorization of groups specificedby consistent or inconsistent visual and auditory information. Ellis, Ann. Does hierarchical structure facilitate event memory in preschoolers? Ferguson, Susan. "Mapping the social landscape": an introductory anthology. Ferguson, Susan. "Deformities" & "Diseased": the medicalization of women's breasts. Gardner, Jared. Covered wagons: Paramount, autobiography, and the myth of film history. Hewitt, Elizabeth. Letters of seduction: epistolarity in early American literature. Goldberg, Sandford. Must the avowal theory of self-knowledge be wed to the nocognitive achievement theses? A criticism of Wright. Goldberg, Sandford. Searle on consciousness, intentionality, and reduction. Goldberg, Sandford. Self-knowledge as cognitive achievement. Goldberg, Sandford. The very idea of computer self-knowledge and self-deception. Hewitt, Gary. The state in the planters' service: South Carolina's political and economic development, 1702-1731. Ireland, Susan. La reecriture du corps dan La femme sans tete de Marlene Amar. Ireland, Susan. The figure of the mother in the novels of Monique LaRue. Ireland, Susan. Of Dreams and assassins: contemporary voices in Algerian fiction by women. McClelland, Kent. The collective control of perceptions: sociology from the ground up.   Faculty Conference Presentations: 1995-1996, M-Z Meehan, Johanna. Interpretation and social science. Meehan, Johanna. Untitled. Meehan, Johanna. Identity, autonomy, and power. Meehan, Johanna. Thoughts on William Rehg's Insight and solidarity. Michaels, Jennifer. "Der heutige Tag ist ein resultat des getrigen": the critique of Austrian identity in the works by Elisabeth Reichart, Peter Heinisch and Felix Mitterer. Moffett, Alexander. The Chinese dream still lives: notes on the reactions of some Nanjing University students to contemporary American theatre. Nathenson, Cary. Abstract: The blue light in the classroom: the Riefenstahl film as a "reading" for the topic 'humans and nature' in the German lesson. Rosenthal, Michael. Abstract: Parallelism and the problem of self-awareness in Spinoza. Schrift, Alan. Abstract: Performance check: a brief genealogy and some questions for Judith Butler. Schrift, Alan. Abstract: Nietzsche's contest: Nietzsche and the culture wars. Stuhr-Rommerreim, Rebecca. Iowa Library Association annual meeting presentation. Willis, Eliza. Decentralization in Latin America.

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Presidential search 1979 (Ron Kurtz, Chair, Faculty Committee for selection of a new president). Includes memos, correspondence, vitae, rankings and evaluations of candidates. Separate folder for each of the final candidates: Drake, Penney, Breneman, and Sullivan. Dean search 1979-1980 (papers of search committee for dean of the faculty). Includes rankings and evaluations of candidates, candidates' vitae, progress reports on the search, duties of the dean. Budget committee, 1975-1980. Comparative statistics, salary recommendations, memos.


CONFIDENTIAL Jordan's copies of the Executive Council minutes, 1976-1978, with his notes.


CONFIDENTIAL Jordan's copies of the Executive Council minutes, 1984-1985, with his notes.


CONFIDENTIAL - Closed until 2035 Notes pertaining to the hearing to dismiss Professor Chambers.

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Course syllabi, 1984-1985. Descriptions of courses, syllabi, reading lists for courses in the REES program. REES public events notices, 1983-1985. Soviet Teachers of English visit, June-August, 1987. Correspondence, memos, schedules, clippings. Contemporary Russian Literature Conference, November 1987. Correspondence, memos, schedules. Gorbachev invitation to Grinnell, September-December 1987. Background memo, correspondence, clippings. Soviet visitors to Grinnell, 1988-1989. Alexander and Olga Kjomenko, students. Clippings, lists, etc.

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Committee papers, 1987-1992. Correspondence, memos, budgets and expenditures, meeting minutes. The 1991-1992 folder includes Grinnell-Herzen Exchange Proposal, October 1991.

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USSR study tours, 1983-1991. Correspondence, memos, reading lists, forms, travel information, photographs.

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