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Grinnell College Libraries Special Collections dsc
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Sin título

Carleton, Charlotte C., 1919-20 Carlson, Randolph E., 1981 Chamberlain, Eliza A., 1902-03 Chamberlain, Mary, 1911-19 Chester township scholarship fund, 1908-17 Choska Alfalfa Mills, 1961-62 Christoph, Emily May, 1958 Christoph, Mildred B., 1982-84 Clapp, Charles, 1882 Clark, John C., 1905-44 Clark, Louise H., 1973-75 Clark, Theodore F., 1919-21 Clevenger, Edna Warren, 1954-72 Clifton, Cyril C., 1979 Cole, Gracia A., 1930-32 Cole, Phoebe A., 1945-46 Collins, Henry & Florence, 1915-39 Conard, Louisa S., 1976-84 Condit, Eliza B., 1921-30 Cooper, Samuel F., 1902-05 Crabb, David Ernest, 1953-57 Crabb, George M., 1957 Crandall, F.E., 1958 Crone, R. B. Emmet Farm, 1917-41 Crosby, James O., 1916-19 Crow, J.M., 1890-98 Cummings, Margaret D., 1957 Cunningham, Ethel, 1976-77 Curtis, Catharine, C., 1951 Cushman, Job, 1865 Dack, John W. & Nellie P., 1962-77

Sin título

Dimit, William C.. 1928-1952 Dodge, Joshua E., 1903 Dodson, J.C., 1950 Dorgan, Joseph M., 1976-79 Douglas, Eleanor Louise, 1955-74 Douglas, M.H., 1945-46 Drake, Frances Lee, 1986 Drasdo, Albert P., 1983 Edson, Lizzie S., 1925-26 1887 Alice Forry Fund, 1887-1910 1879 Library Fund Eller, Helen, 1986-1988 Ellis, Francis C., 1986 Ellis, Kate G., 1927 English, Esther K., 1964 English, John W., 1965 Ennis, C.W., 1919-52 Equitable Life Insurance Company, 1927-61 (2 folders) Erwin, Cornelius B., 1931-72 Fairground Property, 1945-61

Sin título

Henry, John M., 1966-78 Henshaw, Helen H., 1908-60 Herrick, S.H. and Harriet E., 1910-34 Herrick Chapel Fund, 1930-39 Hewitt, Edwin, 1966-75 Hill, Gershom H., 1920-27 Hill, Grace, 1961 Hill, James L., 1919-36 Hill, Julia F., 1971-73 Hinds, O.H., 1917-53 Holloway, Georgiana M., 1960-61 Holmes, Eugene D., 1945-48 Houghton, Frederick W., 1942-45 Hoyt, Agatha B., 1960 Howe, E.F., 1947-53 Hubbard, Pearl Kellogg, 1977 Huff Farm, 1926-45 Hull, Vira E., 1971 Hulshof, Agnes, 1985-86 Humphrey, Carleton, 1986-87 Hunt, Wilson P., 1925-48 Hurlbut, W.H., 1920-26 Hurr, A.A., 1929 Hurtz, Leonard E., 1952-61 International Nickel, 1948-52 (David Loose) Ingraham, Louise P., 1983-84 Iowa Foundation of Women's Club, 1912 Iowa Theatre Building

Sin título

James, Mary B., 1857-1935 (James Hall) Janes, Jennie W., 1939 Jarman, Mary I., 1924-64 Jeffrey, CeCelia, 1977 Jenkins, M.E., 1962-65 Jenness, Joe N., 1954 Jentzen, Henry H., 1908-37 Jones, Donald P., 1954-64 Jones, Mary G., 1982 Jones, Richard D., 1913-44 Jones, Ruth, 1949 Kaye, Vashti B., 1966 Kearney, Marjorie E., 1979 Kelsey, Elizabeth, 1967-73 Kersley, Alfred, 1916-44 Kiersted, Wynkoop, 1976 Kilgore, Cecil, 1985 Kimball, D.W., 1910 Kirk, Warren W., 1968-85 Kite, Nettie E. Ware, 1948 Kleinschmidt, Mrs. John R., 1969 Knesel, Howard, 1968-77 Knight, Eleanor S., 1977-78 Knight, Millie B., 1968-70 Knowlton, James A., 1975 Knox, John J., 1929 Kruidenier, Florence Cowles, 1985-86

Sin título

Kulp, Mersh, 1925-42 Kyle, Willie B., Jr., 1977 Kyle, Willis B., Sr., 1973-82 Lake property, 1955-70 Lambie, Donald, 1965 Lancaster, William, 1953-55 Langan, William H., 1921-70 Larrabee, Annie F. & Laura Leona, 1865-1946 Larrimore, Lillian, 1959 Law, Samuel, 1916-19 Leach, Charles & Ida, 1914-15 Leonard, D., 1872-85 Liddle, Abram & Mary, 1904-24 Lilljeberg, Mary, 1980 Lindley, Agnese Nelms, 1982-83 Lindquist, Phoebe, 1965-67 Little, L.P., 1916-22 Lombard, Mary C., 1916-17 Loose, David N., 1927-52 Lovelace, Marjorie V.E., 1965-67 Loveland, Roger P. 1979 Lowden, Bertha E., [n.d.] Luce, Othmar C., 1974-78 Lyman, Fae L., 1961 Lynch, Frank T., 1982 Lyon, Alma C., 1964-65 MacDonald, Bert, 1959 Macy, Maude, & Kathryn, 1921-63 Main, Emma M., 1929-38 Mark, Stephen Leonard, 1983 Mathews, LaVerne, 1974-75 Maxam, Hattie, 1943-46

Sin título

Maytag, Fred, II, 1923-67 McAllister, Fannie S., 1916-34 McCaffrey, Richard, 1949-53 McClelland, W.F., 1910 McClenon, Raymond B., 1947-68 McColl, Eva A. Brenton, 1957-58 McCornack, Isabelle Wilkie, 1986-87 McDonald, Angus C., 1944 McDonald, J.C., 1909-20 McDonald, W.B., 1959-71 McGregor, J.R., 1945-53 McGregor, J.R., 1965-66 McKee, Joseph M., 1986 McLain, Eva E., 1986-87 McLaren, William G., 1969-71 Meacham, Bessie K., 1948-56 Mears, Eliot G., 1936-46 Meek, Walter, 1960-81 Mendoza Property, 1428 East, 1947-56 Merrill, Annie D., 1947-48 Merrill, G.H., 1921-25 Merrill, G.W., 1915-38 Merrill, Lucia E., 1968 Merrill, Samuel, 1887-1915 Mid-Continent Petroleum Corp., 1954-62 Miles, R. May, 1955 Miller, D.C., 1909 Miller, Martha, 1965 Miller, F. Wendell, 1949-63 Miller, Peter, 1913-25 Millerd, Clara E., 1915-35 Moffatt Duncan Nicholas Agency, 1954-60 Moller, Amie L., 1959-61

Sin título

Montgomery, Royal J., 1966 Moran, Viola, 1978-85 Morrison, Helen M., 1913-51 Mudd, Seeley, 1960-68 Muehlstein, Herman, 1963-68 Muir, S. Anna, 1924-42 National Science Foundation, 1956-58 Neasham, Ruth W., 1982-83 Needham, Charles K., 1954-56 Neily, Kathryn Jo. & Joseph E., 1962 Neis, Frances M., 1982 Nelson, Mildred J., 1971 Nichols, Madeline W., 1961 1908 class gift Noble, Charles & Mary, 1903-43 Noll, Amy, 1930-45 Nollen, Gerard S. (Laura Whitman Nollen), 1915 Norelius, Elsie, 1989 Norris, D.W., 1929-53 (2 folders) Notson, Ellen May, 1975-77 Noyes, LaVerne, 1922-80 (2 folders)

Sin título

White, George D., 1970-72 Whiting, Will C., 1909 Whittum, Fred S., 1966 Whittum, Orpha, 1970-72 Wilder, Herbert A., 1923-66 Wilkinson, Anna Reed, 1916 Willett, Clara G., 1929-55 Williston, S.S., 1874-78 Wilson, Donald L., 1972-87 Wilson, Frances E., 1970-73 Witmer, E.A., 1957-62 Woodford, Carl D., 1985 Worth, Harry, [n.d.] Yager, Beatrice M., [n.d.] Yager, Vincent, 1958

Sin título

Abel Adkins Akerman Allison-Sherman Ames Anderson-Mangold Appleby Arnold-Parish Attwooll Bair Barber Barnard Bliss Boehmler Brereton Brewer Bridgham Brody Brundage Buckley Budlong Burling Burroughs Call Carter-Wilkinson Cathcart Cessna Clark-Hugus Cleveland Corrough Cowles Cushman Crabb Craver DeLong-Coggeshall Dewey Dickinson Douglas Dunham-MacEachron Egan-Evenson Eldridge Evans Everest Fellows-Wagner Fisher Fleck Ford-Harshbarger Friend George-Coutts Gleysteen Greef Haines Hall, Norman Hardin Harriman Harris (Arthur, Clint, etc.) Harris (Mayo) Hayes Heald Higley Hopkins Hormel-Grounds Hunting-Corr Inglis-Bush James (Master Genealogy filed under Ricker) Jones Kensinger Kenyon Kessel Kingdon-Brown Kleespie Korns Ladd-Mills Leavitt Lowrey-Barnes-Cobb Lyon McCornack-Smith McIntosh Macy Marsh Marshall Martin-Almy Matlack Matthews Maytag Meacham Meade Mears Merrill, J.H. Merrill-McGill-McCandless Miller, Bessie Hitchcock Miller, Edward Miller, Ervin J. & Ray H. Morrison Murphy-Burroughs Norelius Norris, H. Waldo Noyes Palmer Park Parker (2) Patton (See Lyon) Patterson Peck Pedersen-Pederson Peirce Pennock Perkins Pooley (see Lyon) Pyle Raffety Rerick Ricker (immediate family and master genealogy) Rinaldo Risser Robbins-White Roberts Rule Rutledge Sherman Smiley Smith Somers-Winter-Frey Spencer-Lynde Steiner Stewart Strong Stuart-Noll Sutherland Sunnen & Sly Swan-MacEachron-Roberts Tallmon-Tallman-Jones Tebbens-Collette Thompson Thompson-Farr Towle Van Derveer Wallace Weitz West West-Warburton Whitehill Whiting Whitley-Leach Wilson Woodward Wright

Sin título

Phonathan. History, 1977-84 Phonathan. Student evaluations, 1991 & 1993 Phonathan. Training materials/scripts Phonathan, 1982-96 (6 folders) Student Development Committee, 1984-94 (3 folders) Special funds: Lori Schwab Memorial, 1994-95 Special funds: Laura Lambert memorial, 1996 Special mailings: Steiner, 1992 Special mailings: Goodnow, 1994 Special mailings: Swim Clock, 1994 Special mailings: Lybunt letter, 1995 Special mailings: Couples letter, 1995 Special mailings: Ternberg letter, 1995 Special mailings: Reunion '72, 1996 Special mailings: Lapsed "chalkboard" mailing, 1996 Special mailings: 1941 Pam letter follow-up to Farver challenge, 1996 Special mailings: Reunion '71 Loewi letter, 1996 Special mailings: Lapsed appeal letter, 1996 Special mailings: Kresge, 1996 Special mailings: Schmeichen letter, 1996 Special mailings: Joe Rosenfield letter, 1996 Special mailings: Kresge Science letter, 1997 Special mailings: J. Hill Medallion Ceremony, 1998 Special events: Herbie Hancock event, 1996 Special events: Fine Arts groundbreaking, 1996 Special events: NBC News spot Reunion, 1997 Special events: Noyce Science Center dedication, 1997

Reel to Reel Tapes

Reel-to-reel tapes (7" reels, 1/4" magnetic tape, 1 mil or 1.5 mil acetate or polyester backing) Philip Hauser and Erwin France tapes from Ilse Leitinger (date unknown) ~ found in archives and added January 2004, 1966 Rosenfield Lecture #1: "Population Explosion & Population Control", Dr. Philip Hauser (U. of Chicago), 2 tapes 1967 Rosenfield Lecture #2: "Population Economic Growth, and Politics", Dr. Philip Hauser (U. of Chicago), 2 tapes 1967 Rosenfield Lecture #3: "World Urbanization“ Antecedents and Consequences", Dr. Philip Hauser (U. of Chicago), 3 tapes 1967 Higher education and social change, 5 tapes 1967 Martin Luther King, 2 tapes 1967 George Champion, 1 tape 1967 Education for a scientific and technical world, 4 tapes 1967 Ashley Montagu, 2 tapes 1968 "Revolution on the Urban Scene", Erwin France, 2 tapes 1969 Conference on the New Politics: Hal Draper and Cecil Hinshaw, "New Left and the New Politics in Prespective: a Critique", 2 tapes. Allard Lowenstein and Bernadine Dohrn "The New Politics: Evolutionary Approach", 2 tapes 1969 The Nature of Rural Poverty. Harry Caudill, Robert Coles, Harry Huge, Tom Sasaki, Richard Hartz. 4 tapes 6/5/? Gov. Robert Ray, Grinnell Alumni Weekend. 1 tape 10/1-2/70 Drug Symposium. 8 tapes 10/21/70 James Billington, "Nature and significance of intellectual ferment in the Soviet Union". 3 tapes 11/5/70 Nathan Wright Jr. "Black power: a creative force". 3 tapes 11/20/70 Robert L. Williams. "Rationale of a black perspective in a predominantly white college". 2 tapes 9/12/70 Class agents. 3 tapes 1/21/71 Robert Haveman. "Our D.C. policy-makers tuned in on economic analysis". 3 tapes 1/22/71 James Miles. "Saigon". 2 of 3 tapes 1/28/71 William Zimmermann. "Space-ship Earth". 2 tapes 2/3/71 Bill Wickersham. "The college as a world community". 2 tapes 2/10/71 Frank Cassell. "Environmental responsibility" 3 tapes 2/14-16/71 Dr. Huston Smith, Gates Lectures: Tao Now: an Ecological Testament: "Technology: Roots of our crisis" 2 tapes; "Technology as world stance" 3 tapes, "Divine milieu" 2 tapes. 2/23/71 Ricaard A. Falk. "Background of the Mid-East crisis" 1 of 2 tapes 3/10/71 Richard Dyer MacCanna. "American film". 2 tapes 4/2/71 John Price. "Toward a national growth policy". 3 tapes 4/4/71 Albert B. Cleage Jr. "Black martyrs' weekend". 2 tapes 4/6-15/71 Modern Imperialism: Raymond F. Betts. "Space, power, and empire". 2 tapes. William Cohen. "Image of Africa in western culture". 2 tapes. Ronald Steel. "America as an imperial power in the mid-twentieth century." 2 tapes. James Ngugi. "Reaction of African writers to imperialism." 2 tapes. J. F. Wall. "Parting of the ways: anti-imperialists of 1898." 3 tapes. J. S. Magee, R. D. Grey, A. Nasser. "Discussion of new-colonialism." 4 tapes. J. Morris. "Franz Fanon: a psychological perspective." 2 tapes. David Hamilton. "Imperialism and anti-imperialism in China." 2 of 3 tapes 4/12/71 Eqbal Ahman (accused of conspiring, along with the Berrigan brothers, to kidnap Henry Kissinger and blow up heating ducts of government buildings in Washington DC). 4 tapes 4/19/71 Banning Garrett. "Present situation in Indochina." 3 tapes 4/21/71 Richard Friedman. "Chicago politics 1971." 2 tapes 4/22/71 Igal Roodenko. "Radical non-violence." 3 tapes 4/29/71 David Chander. "Soviet education--observations and impressions." 2 tapes 5/26/71 Senior dinner and alumni presentations. 1 video tape 5/27/71 Baccalaureate. 1 video tape 9/17/71 Nathan Hare. Black Cultural Week End. 2 tapes 11/17/71 Harrison Wellford. "How to be a constructive nuisance: an assessment of the Public Interest Movement." 3 tapes 2/27/72 Adam Yarmolinsky. "How we got here" (Foreign policy in transition). 2 tapes 2/28/72 Adam Yarmolinsky. "Where do we go from here" (Foreign policy in transition). 2 tapes no date. Student Conference on the American Working Class: 1971? Yvonne Brathwaite. "Sexual divisions in the working class." 3 tapes. Leon Davis. "Organized labor: past role and present crises." 2 of 4 tapes. Herbert Aptheker. "American working class: reaction reform, or revolution." 1 of 3 tapes. Cleveland Robinson. "Racial divisions in the working class." 1 of 3 tapes no date. Stokley Carmichael. 1 tape 1973?. Manhattan String Quartet. 4th movement of Haydn Quartet op. 74 #3. 1 5" tape no date "Sons of Old Grinnell" and "Grinnell Alumni Song." 1 tape no date. Student interviews for College Relations. 1 tape 10/9/73 Sir Herbert Marchant. "Cuban missile crisis" 1 tape 10/10/73 Sir Herbert Marchant. "The Middle East". 1 tape 10/14/73 Farqui. "Heart of Islam." Gates Lecture. 1 tape 11/1, 3/73 Symposium on Humanistic Studies. 2 tapes 3/17/74 Thomas Railsback. Boston Alumni group. 1 tape 11/2-3/77 John K. Fairbank. Rosenfield Lecture. "China and America." 1 tape 2/21/78 Tom Wicker. workshops. 1 tape 3/6/78 Moyer vs Turner debate. 1 tape no date Service of lessons and carols 11/12/74 A. R. Turner phone interview. 1 tape no date NCAA division 3 swimming. 1 tape 9/11/86 Donald MacKay. Scholars' Convocation. "Brain science & human freedom" 1 video cassette (transferred to RG-SP Ser. 3 Box 10) 9/25/86 Thomas Cech. Scholars' Convocation/Danforth Lecture. "Ribozymes & origin of life." 1 video cassette, audiotape. (Transferred to RG-SP Se.r 3 Box 10)

Ruth Prescott Files: Subject Files

Administrative officers' biographical information,1961. Air Force ROTC: Form letters and brochures ca. 1958 Board of Overseers (Presidentia advisory committee on long-term development) 1962-64: Press releases, biographical information. Bowen, Howard: speeches, brief remarks, inaugural address (1955). 1955-64. College Centennial, 1946: programs, press releases, calendar Feb.-Oct. 1946 Conard Environmental Research Area. 1970-75. Press releases. Darby, J. Fred, class of 1895. Photographs 1895-1945, biographical information, sports information (1890's) Journalism Intern Plan. ca. 1948 Loyalty Oath, 1959: Clippings, press releases, correspondence President's letters to alumni, parents, friends,1969-72 (7 letters): subjects covered include multi-racial campus, dissent on campus, disrobing incident (1969), physical education and recreation, dormitory regulations, Howard Bowen's assessment of Grinnell in 1969


From various national and regional professional organizations to Public Relations Office for college publication. 1958-83. Faculty files: 1980s. Primarily press releases, also some writings of the faculty, research project descriptions, curriculum vitae.

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