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Faculty Offprints

Lindgren, Clark. Early effects of Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome serum on neuromuscular junctions in the lizard, Anolis carolinensis. Lindgren, Clark. Nitroprusside inhibits neurotransmitter release at the frog neuromuscular junction. Lindgren, Clark. Calcium current in motor nerve endings of the lizard. Lindgren, Clark. Calcium channels that regulate neurosecretion. Lindgren, Clark. Identification of ionic currents at presynaptic nerve endings of the lizard. Lindgren, Clark. Extracellular ATP modulates calcium uptake and transmitter release at the neuromuscular junction. Lindgren, Clark. Increased presynaptic ATP levels coupled to synaptic activity at the crayfish neuromuscular junction. Lindgren, Clark. Isolated cardiac mycytes: a new cellular model for studying insulin modulation of monosaccharide transport. Phillado-Miller, Margarita. La metanarracion onirica en La colera de Aquiles, e Luis Goytisolo. Phillado-Miller, Margarita. La paradoja del ave migratoria, o como ser fractal y no morir en el intento. Phillado-Miller, Margarita. Paradise and the longing for the father. Sinnett, Laura. Meta-analysis of experimental manipulations: some factors affecting the Velten mood induction procedure. Sinnett, Laura. Moderators of mood dependent memory: the effects of interference, materials, and task instructions. Vishevsky, Anatoly. Models of empire and the colony: the case of Chechnya and the Caucasus. A proposal to the joint steering committee of the bridging project in international studies. Rose, Ferrel. The disenchantment of power: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's Maria Stuart in Schottland. Rose, Ferrel. Germanistik: internationales referatenorgan mit bibliographischen hinweisen. Rose, Ferrel. Actress. Rose, Ferrel. An unseemly combination: a nineteenth century woman philosopher. Rose, Ferrel. The guises of modesty: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's female artists. Review of The guises of modesty... Uhlenhopp, Elliot. Viscoelastic DNA molecular weight measurements of E. coli dif mutants. (Sabbatical projects report) Wellborn, Beryl. Teaching in the elementary and middle schools: a resource for the beginning teacher. (Sabbatical projects report)

Faculty Conference Papers

Adelberg, Arnold. Arithmetic properties of the Norlund polynomial Bn(x). Barber, Sigmund. Johann Michael Moscherosch's Insomnia cura parentum and the Strabberg Reform Movement. Bateman, Bradley. Finding confidence: business expectations, economic policy and The general theory. Bateman, Bradley. Clearing the ground: the demise of the social gospel and the rise of neo-classical economics in interwar America. Bentley-Condit, Vicki. A comparison of feral yellow babboon (Papio cynocephalus) and captive rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) mother-infant proximity during infants' first three months. Caulkins, Douglas. An entrepreneurial culture for Wales? Regional development and advanced technology industries in mid Wales. Caulkins, Douglas. But is it Irish: consensus or contestation in the construction of Irish identity. Cavanaugh, Michael. Chattanooga paper on Seamus Heaney. Cook, Scott. Harmony and cacophony in the panpipes of Heaven. Cook, Scott. On Mencius 2A.2: just what was it that Zeng Zi "guarded over"? Cook, Scott. The Xici commentary and the question of school affiliation in the late warring states. Cook, Scott. Sima Qian and the universal mind. Erickson, Luther E. The energy profile for rotation about the c-c bond in substituted ethanes. Ferguson, Bill. Exit, voice and implicit bargaining power. Ferguson, Bill. Exit, voice, implicit bargaining power and efficiency wages. Ferguson, Susan. Never married Japanese women: preliminary findings. Ferguson, Susan. Medicalization of women's breasts and breast implants. Ferguson, Susan. Excellence and equity in sociology departments: lessons from the ASA MOST program. Ghosh, Gautam. Survival(s) and souvenirs: the 1957 partition of India. Gibel-Azoulay, Katya. Complexities of identities. Gibel-Azoulay, Katya. Race relations in higher education. Gibel-Azoulay, Katya. Black, Jewish, and interracial: it's not the color of your skin, but the race of your kin. Gilday, Edmund. Promises made to Hindu goddesses: women's boons and men's fears. Gilday, Edmund. Bodies of evidence: imperial funerary rites and the emergence of modern shinto. Goldberg, Sanford. Why self-ascription is not self-knowledge: the real case from memory. Goldberg, Sandford. "Basic self-knowledge" is not "knowledge of content." Hunter, Chris. Recruitment and retention of students and faculty of color in Grinnell's sociology department. Hunter, Chris. ASA talk on MOST and increasing research opportunities. Ireland, Susan. La voix des immigres dans la litterature contemporaine. Ireland, Susan. Recovering the past in the novels of Marlene Amar. Ireland, Susan. Displacement and identity in the Beur novel. Ireland, Susan. Territoire d'outre-ville: les banlieues de l'immigration. Jacoby, Wade. The dilemmas of diffusion: institutional transfer and the remaking of vocational training practices in eastern Germany. Ketter, Jean and Judith Hunter. Communicating and maintaining a writing across the curriculum culture. Keung Lo, Yuet. To use or not to use: the idea of Ming in the Zhangzi. Keung Lo, Yuet. Negotiating boundaries: Huang Kan's (488-545) early medieval confucian metaphysics. Keung Lo, Yuet. Buddhist women in Confucian guise: a case of cultural assimilating in Pen Jiqing's Buddhist ecumenism. Keung Lo, Yuet. One step forward to Tang poetry: tonal antithesis and verbal parallelism in Fan Yn's poetry. Knight, Cecilia, Gretchen Revie, and Catherine Rod. Integrating information technology into teaching at Grinnell College. McClelland, Kent. The collective control of perceptions: toward a person-centered sociology. Mader, Mary. Silylacetic esters: enolate reactions and polyol preparation. Martinez-Aleman, Ana. Untitled. Presented at the annual conferece of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. Martinez-Aleman, Ana. raced and gendered learning: undergraduate women of color and female friendships. Meehan, Johanna. Gender, power, and identity. Moffett, S. "And by God I was rich": images of the frontier in American drama. Nathenson, Cary. He who last laughs. Petrovich, Vesna. Women in/of science: scientific, literary, and philosophical manifestations in the eighteenth century. Petrovich, Vesna. Women and science in eighteenth-century France: case studies. Rosenthal, MIchael. Spinoza and the free rider. Rosenthal, Michael. Spinoza's republican concept of freedom. Rosenthal, Michael. Spinoza's republican theory of freedom. Schmitt, Cannon. Victoria redux: angels, insects, and a narrative of return. Schmitt, Cannon. Mother Dracula. Schneider, Mark. A lab-based, lecture-free general physics course. Schrift, Alan. Nietzche's marginal politics: on the "Jewish question." Schrift, Alan. Response to my critics. Simawe, Saadi. The image of the poet in Plato's Republic and in the Qur'an. Simawe, Saadi. Spiritual impact of exile in Ghaib: Tuma Farman's El-Murtaja wa el-Mua'ajjal. Simawe, Saadi. Ibn Khaldun and Alexander Crummell: the curse of ham, blackness, servitude in the Islamic tradition. Sinnett, Laura. The validity of emotion manipulations: implications for emotion theory and research. Smith, Daniel. Axiomatics and problematics as two modes of formalization. Smith, Daniel. What is a problem? Deleuze's use of mathematical concepts. Sullivan, C.H. Inhibitions of lens-forming potential in non-lens head ectoderm from chicken embryos. Trish, Barbara. Explaining candidate success in the Iowa precinct caucuses. Trish, Barbara. Journalistic decision making: the decision to cover.

Faculty Conference Papers

Aleman, Ana M. Martinez. Abstract: John Dewey's sociality and individual: a viable vehicle for feminist pedagogy? Broe, Mary Lynn. Celebrating Djuna Barnes the next hundred years. Broe, Mary Lynn. En paroles: sexual collisions and collusions in the writing of Marie-Claire Blais. Broe, Mary Lynn. Abstract: Pfffffftttt... Kaput! On reading old lecture notes. Caulkins, Douglas. Abstract: Cultural barriers to technology transfer in small firms in northern Europe. Chenette, Jonathan. Microtonality and the liberal arts. Erickson, L.E. and M. van Os. Abstract: Effect of substitutents on the stereoselectivity of olefin coordination in chiral amino acid complexes of PT(II). Games, Alison F. Servants in seventeenth-century Virginia and Barbados. Gebhard, Caroline. Reconstructing the South: race, class and the political unconscious. Gross, Jan Berkowitz. Moral rights? Scenic wrongs? The case of Samuel Beckett vs. the female voice. Hughes, Dennis. The cult of Kassandra in Lakonia. Ireland, Susan. Retelling the tale in Sophie Chauveau's Les belles menteuses. Ireland, Susan. Damned Californians: American stories by two Quebec writers. Ireland, Susan. Writing at the crossroads: cultural conflict in the works of Beur women writers. Kramer, Thayer L. Abstract: Prosociability, aggression and social withdrawal: generalizations preschool children make about hypothetical peers. Leitinger, Isle. Abstract: Long term survial of a women's crafts cooperative dealing with problems of rapid growth at CASEM in Costa Rica. Pillado-Miller, Margarita. Estrategias de desautorizacion en La paradoja del ave migratoria, de Luis Goytisolo. Pillado-Miller, Margarita. La metanarracion onirica La colera de Aquiles, de Luis Goytisolo. McKnight, J. Kathryn. Madre Castillo's Biblical mysticism: a nun's mask for a priest's prerogative. McClelland, Kent. Perceptual control and sociological theory. Neginsky, Rosina. Abstract: The influence of Nietzsche and Soloviev on Russian symbolist movement. Neginsky, Rosina. Abstract: Kant's influence on Bakhtin's early writings. Powers, John. Abstract: Issues in Buddhist epistemology and radical empiricism. Rapp, David G., Laura M. Sinnett, and Julie A. Gedden. Mood state dependence: effects of incidental learning and interference reduction. Rose, Ferrel. An unseemly combination: a nineteenth-century woman philosopher. Rose, Ferrel. A harmless story? The femme fatale as the dark side of Ebner's Lotti, die Uhrmacherin. Schrift, Alan D. Abstract: Nietzsche's French legacy. Schneider, M.B. Abstract: Modern physics in a calculus-based introductory physics course. Schroeder, Daniel. Abstract: Fractional luminosity near maximum energy in the presence of beamstrahlung. Seiz, Janet A. Optimization and oppression: methodological issues for feminist economics. Simawe, Saadi. The Sufi imagery and the Sufi tradition in al-Nawwab's poetry. Smith, Paula. Uninhabited rooms, selfless biographies: the game of misleading interiors in Virginia Woolfe and Gertrude Stein. Strauber, Ira L. Planned parenthood v. Casey: the politics of differences of self-identity.

Sans titre

Newspaper clippings: Herron family and Rand School Herron and diplomatic role. 1918-19 Clippings re Pres. Gates Move to oust Herron from Congregational Church. April-June 1901 Herron and Social Democratic Party Clippings. 1891-1914 Fragmentary, undated clippings Parker collection of clippings on Herron affair (3 folders)

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Annual reports, 1970. Administrative papers, 1970-1974, 1982-1985. Correspondence, budgets, memoranda. Mock conventions, 1960-1968. Programs. Programs and brochures, 1969-1970. Dwight D. Eisenhower at Grinnell, by Tom Hartman. Photgraphs. 12 pages. Press releases. Eisenhower lecture, May 13, 1965. 11 pages. Eisenhower visit photographs. Harry S. Truman visit, October 13, 1963. Photographs. McCarthy, Eugene J. The Times Demand a Democratic Victory in 1962, address, 1962, 6 typed leaves.

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Overview of the department and notes for the secretary. Major handbooks and senior comprehensive exams. Career listings.

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Annual budget (receipts, bills, accounts) for 1967-1979.

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Ledgers/Notebooks: #3 Treasurer's book, Congregational Church, 1913-19. (D.K. Ross, Treasurer) #4 [Secretary's book for DK Society?], 1912-16 #5 Secretary's records for DK Society, 1917-28. Includes minutes of meetings and lists of members. Inserted in the book are programs for: Brotherhood Dramatic Club (Dec. 22, 1916), Ordination and Installation of Rev. W.W. Maxwell (Mar. 12, 1918), Weekly Calendar (Feb. 11, 1917), National "Every Member Drive" (Dec. 28, 1919) #6 Treasurer's book, DK Society, 1908-20 [Note: When received, book had some sort of grass or grain stems pressed into book.] #7 Secretary's book, Home Missionary Society, 1894-98 #8 Home and Foreign Missionary Society, 1899-1917 #9 Secretary's book of the Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Society, Congregational Church, Victor, Iowa, 1918-26 #10 Secretary's book of the Ladies' Social Society, Congregational Church, 1893-1929 #11 Treasurer's book of Ladies' [Social?] of Congregational Church, 1909-17 #12 Secretary's book of Women's Missionary Society of Congregational Church, 1928-33 #13 Account book with Victor Savings Bank (J.E. Bach, Treasurer, Congregational Church), 1916-19

Evaluations of Parsons College

Folder 1: “Conditions at Parsons College under the Administration of President Millard G. Roberts.” A statement prepared by John C. Moore, Robert M. Stern, John M. Crossett, Walter M. Hewitson, Elmer R. Rusco, Ernest C. Thompson (all members of the Faculty at Parsons College at the time the report was made). Prepared March 1, 1963. Also referred to as “The Dissidents’ Report” Folder 2: Duplicate of “Conditions” report Folder 3: Letters, statements, memos, etc. to faculty and organization, and committees about the “conditions” report. (Outside of folder) “A Preliminary Report” prepared for the Personnel and Education Committee of the Parsons College Board of Trustees, March 22, 1963. And “Appendices to the Preliminary Report” prepared for the Personnel and Education Committee of the Parsons College Board of Trustees, march 22, 1963. These are the College’s official rebuttal to the “conditions” report Folder 4: Crossett’s notes from “A Preliminary Report,’ and correspondence concerning it. Folder 5: Follow up notes to “conditions” and a close look at Parsons’ post “conditions” catalog. (Outside of folder) The North Central Association Quarterly vol. 37, no. 1, Summer 1962 Folder 6: Excerpt from the report of the Board of College Visitors to the Iowa Synod, United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., June 24-27, 1963. Folder 7: NCA Report, February 23, 24, 1967.

Sans titre

Series 1: Letters to Salter, 1860s-1870s Letters to Salter, 1880s Letters to Salter, 1890s Letters to Salter, 1900- Letter to Salter, undated Salter’s lists of authors and titles Notes in Salter’s handwriting (?); sermon preached in 1853 Series 2: Letters from Salter to L.F. Parker, 1902-03 (re letters 1847-48) Letters to Salter concerning establishment of schools in eastern Iowa, 1847-48 Series 3: Prayer and The founders of Iowa College, 1898

Letters from various correspondents

Dates of letters and numbers of letters from each correspondent is on inventory in box: Alden, Ebenezer Adams, Ephraim Adams, H. Apthorp, W.P. Anderson, E. Badger, Milton Beech, Curtis Beecher, E. Beecher, Henry Ward Bevan, P. Bird, T. Blair (Blain?), M.W. Blanchard, J. Brainard, J.M. Brown, Alexander Bullen, Henry L. M.K.C. (Cross, Moses K.) Coleman, W.L. Clark, James A. Clark, J.B. Cobb, H.W. Cooke, P.G. Cooper, Joseph E. Dinnon (Dimon?), Oliver Dwight, Samuel G. Edie, J.P. Edson, H.K. Emerson, Oliver Emery, Samuel Hopkins Esbjorn, L.P. Ferris, Stephen G. Fessenolen (?), Samuel C. Flathers, Thomas A. Gates, C.H. Gillette, E.J. Gridley, A.D. Grinnell, J.B. Guernsey, J. Hall, A.H. Harding, Lewall Harlan, Senator James Herriott, F.I. Hill, J.J. Hinds, T.A. Hitchcock, George B. Hitchcock, A.B. Holbrock, J.C. Howard, Isabella Hunter, R. Hutchinson, Mrs. Susan Jessup, Silas Johnson, Miss Elisa Jones, D.E. Jones, Edward Joy, Arad Keith, William A. Kimball, J.P. King, Alexander Kirkuss, Edwin Knowles, D. Lambrite, J. Lane, Daniel Lane, Elizabeth J. Lewis, Eleda P. Lewis, John Magoun, G.F. Menick (Merrick?), C.H. Mitchell, D.M. Moody, D.L. Nichols, W.A. Noyes, Daniel P. Parker, L.F. Parvin, T.S. Peet, Stephen Reed, J.A. Rice, George G. Rice, H.F. Ripley, Erastus Robbins, A.B. Salter, Frances (sister) Salter, Mary (sister) Savage, G.S.F. Scudder, H.M. Shaw, J. Shreck, George W. Sheldon, D.S. Shephard, L.H. Snowden, J.E. Smith, Albert Smith, Elijah P. Spaulding, B.A. Sprague, Mrs. H.B. Sterling, John C. Stiles, Edward H. Stone, H.M. Storrs, R.S. Stuart, E.W. Taylor, H.W. Thacher, George Thompson, W.A. Todds, John Turner, Asa Turner, E.B. Turner, Mrs. E.B. Van Cleef, George S. Waters, S. Westernelt, W.A. Whiting, Lyman Whittlesey, M.K. Wilkinson, R. Windsor, John W. Wood, Glen Woods, E.C..A.

Résultats 166 à 180 sur 247