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Grinnell College Libraries Special Collections dsc Inglés
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Personal and Professional Relationships

Folder 1 HLH Personal Relationships Folder 2 John A. Kingsbury (Assistant to Hopkins at WPA) Folder 3 Harry S. Truman (33rd President of the United States) Folder 4 Richard Law (British Minister of State during WWII) Folder 5 Hap Arnold (General Henry H. Arnold, “Architect of American Air Power”) Folder 6 Joseph Alsop and Robert Kintner 1941 (Respected Washington Columnists) Folder 7 Harry C. Butcher Diary (Friend and member of Eisenhower’s Staff) Folder 8 James Byrnes: Supreme Court Justice involved in Lend- Lease. Folder 9 Sidney Hyman Notes (Hired by HLH to sort through his papers after leaving politics) Folder 10 Louise Macy (Married to Hopkins from 1942 until his death). Folder 11 Lorena Hicock (Press Correspondent to and confidant of Eleanor Roosevelt) Folder 12 Henry Wallace (Vice President under Roosevelt from 1940-1944) Folder 13 Jesse Macy (Professor of Political Science during Hopkins’ years at Grinnell). Folder 14 Burns, Cox and Young (worked with Hopkins on developing Lend- Lease). Folder 15 Eleanor Roosevelt (Wife of FDR, worked with HLH on New Deal policy) Folder 16 Franklin Delano Roosevelt (32nd President of the United States) Folder 17 Diana Hopkins (Daughter) Folder 18 John N. Hazard (Worked with Hopkins on Lend- Lease for USSR)

Personal Correspondence, Biographical information

Harriet Nilson correspondence: Cousins. Harriet Nilson Correspondence: Mrs. Christie. Harriet Nilson Correspondence: Sehnaz, Turkish friend. Harriet Nilson Correspondence: Unidentified letter parts Harriet Nilson Correspondence: Mother, 1929-1932 Harriet Nilson Correspondence: Mother, sisters May and Faith, 1932-1934. Writings of Harriet Nilson: Introspective personal writings and assignments for a correspondence course. Paul Nilson Correspondence. Miscellaneous Information about Paul Nilson. Round Robin Documents and Letters.

Personal Correspondence, Biographical information

Nilson Visas and immigration documents. Nilson passports Documents on Harriet's education and Talas American Mektibi. Harriet and Paul Nilson Correspondence, 1915-1916, from Goezne and Adana to Hartford Seminary. Card from Mrs. Christie to Paul Nilson at Hartford, Jan 1916. Note from Harriet Fischer to Mrs. Christie. Paul Nilson on Speaking Trip and correspondence with Harriet from Wheaton. Birth of Faith Elizabeth, 1919. Nilson Address at Grinnell, 1946 Letter to Herman Fischer. 1898: Dewey, Journey back to Mardin. Harriet Nilson Correspondence: Mother and Father. Harriet Nilson Correspondence: Siblings.

Political Career

Folder 1 Board of Child Welfare: “Report for June 1916”; “Office Report for Nevember 1916”; “Office Report for March 1917”; “Office Report for April 1917”; “Minutes of September 18, 1917”; “Office Report for November 1917” Folder 2 New York Tuberculosis and Health Association: “Twenty Years of Work: Outline of the History of the Harlem Tubeculosis and Health Committee of the New York Tuberculosis and Health Association, 1922-1942” Folder 3 Emergency Relief 1933-1942: Various relief correspondence. Folder 4 Committee on Economic Security 1934: “Executive Order: Establishing the Committee on Economic Security and the Advisory Council on Economic Security,” Franklin D. Roosevelt, June 29, 1934; Minutes on the Meetings of the Committee on Economic Security, August- December 1934 Folder 5 WPA Official Orders: WPA Administrative Bulletins July 21, 1935- May 1936 Folder 6 WPA Labor Assignment: Analyses of WPA Labor Assignment Folder 7 WPA Biographies: Biographical Sketches of Key WPA personnel including Corrington Gill, Robert Hinckley, Lawrence Westbrook, Jacob Baker, Ellen S. Woodward, Pierce Williams, Florence Kerr, Aubrey Williams, Emerson Ross, David K. Niles, Howard O. Hunter Folder 8 WPA Mail: Analysis of Letters Regarding Labor Relations Acknowledged by Correspondence Division, November 1-15, 1936 by Region; “Committee on Mail Confernce,” July 10, 1936; “Analysis of Mail Handled in Correspondence Division of WPA 1937”; “Summary of Public Opinion Relating to the WPA and Relief,” February 20, 1939. Folder 9 1935-1936 Local Politics: “Partisanship at the Local Level” Folder 10 FSRC: Minutes January 1934- January 1935 Folder 11 State Department: Material regarding the organization of the State Department Folder 12 HLH Press War: Various materials regarding press covering Hopkins Folder 13 National Security: Correspondence regarding Nazi- German Americans, Japanese Americans on West Coast, paranoia, information leaks, Civil liberties, seditious activities, post monitoring U.S. v. Carl Wilhelm Baumgartner, etc. Folder 14 Election of 1944: “What Victory Will Bring Us” Harry L. Hopkins, American Magazine No. 137 January 1944. “Your Job After the War” Harry L. Hopkins American Magazine No. 138 November 1944. “Suggested Procedure to Make Administration’s Post- War Policy Acceptable to American Public” Hadley Cantril and Gerard B. Lambert November 15, 1943. “Wartime Economic Stablization and the Efficiency of Government Procurement” Thomas Blanchord Worsley June 1948. “Tomorrow’s Army and Your Boy” Harry L. Hopkins American Magazine No. 139 March 1935. Folder 15 New Deal 1941-1945 “Comment on Dean Hoover’s Study of International Trade and Domestic Employment” W.L. Clayton November 18, 1945. Folder 16 National Executive Council Hopkins’ Reports to National Executive Council 1933-1934

Reel to Reel Tapes

Reel-to-reel tapes (7" reels, 1/4" magnetic tape, 1 mil or 1.5 mil acetate or polyester backing) Philip Hauser and Erwin France tapes from Ilse Leitinger (date unknown) ~ found in archives and added January 2004, 1966 Rosenfield Lecture #1: "Population Explosion & Population Control", Dr. Philip Hauser (U. of Chicago), 2 tapes 1967 Rosenfield Lecture #2: "Population Economic Growth, and Politics", Dr. Philip Hauser (U. of Chicago), 2 tapes 1967 Rosenfield Lecture #3: "World Urbanization“ Antecedents and Consequences", Dr. Philip Hauser (U. of Chicago), 3 tapes 1967 Higher education and social change, 5 tapes 1967 Martin Luther King, 2 tapes 1967 George Champion, 1 tape 1967 Education for a scientific and technical world, 4 tapes 1967 Ashley Montagu, 2 tapes 1968 "Revolution on the Urban Scene", Erwin France, 2 tapes 1969 Conference on the New Politics: Hal Draper and Cecil Hinshaw, "New Left and the New Politics in Prespective: a Critique", 2 tapes. Allard Lowenstein and Bernadine Dohrn "The New Politics: Evolutionary Approach", 2 tapes 1969 The Nature of Rural Poverty. Harry Caudill, Robert Coles, Harry Huge, Tom Sasaki, Richard Hartz. 4 tapes 6/5/? Gov. Robert Ray, Grinnell Alumni Weekend. 1 tape 10/1-2/70 Drug Symposium. 8 tapes 10/21/70 James Billington, "Nature and significance of intellectual ferment in the Soviet Union". 3 tapes 11/5/70 Nathan Wright Jr. "Black power: a creative force". 3 tapes 11/20/70 Robert L. Williams. "Rationale of a black perspective in a predominantly white college". 2 tapes 9/12/70 Class agents. 3 tapes 1/21/71 Robert Haveman. "Our D.C. policy-makers tuned in on economic analysis". 3 tapes 1/22/71 James Miles. "Saigon". 2 of 3 tapes 1/28/71 William Zimmermann. "Space-ship Earth". 2 tapes 2/3/71 Bill Wickersham. "The college as a world community". 2 tapes 2/10/71 Frank Cassell. "Environmental responsibility" 3 tapes 2/14-16/71 Dr. Huston Smith, Gates Lectures: Tao Now: an Ecological Testament: "Technology: Roots of our crisis" 2 tapes; "Technology as world stance" 3 tapes, "Divine milieu" 2 tapes. 2/23/71 Ricaard A. Falk. "Background of the Mid-East crisis" 1 of 2 tapes 3/10/71 Richard Dyer MacCanna. "American film". 2 tapes 4/2/71 John Price. "Toward a national growth policy". 3 tapes 4/4/71 Albert B. Cleage Jr. "Black martyrs' weekend". 2 tapes 4/6-15/71 Modern Imperialism: Raymond F. Betts. "Space, power, and empire". 2 tapes. William Cohen. "Image of Africa in western culture". 2 tapes. Ronald Steel. "America as an imperial power in the mid-twentieth century." 2 tapes. James Ngugi. "Reaction of African writers to imperialism." 2 tapes. J. F. Wall. "Parting of the ways: anti-imperialists of 1898." 3 tapes. J. S. Magee, R. D. Grey, A. Nasser. "Discussion of new-colonialism." 4 tapes. J. Morris. "Franz Fanon: a psychological perspective." 2 tapes. David Hamilton. "Imperialism and anti-imperialism in China." 2 of 3 tapes 4/12/71 Eqbal Ahman (accused of conspiring, along with the Berrigan brothers, to kidnap Henry Kissinger and blow up heating ducts of government buildings in Washington DC). 4 tapes 4/19/71 Banning Garrett. "Present situation in Indochina." 3 tapes 4/21/71 Richard Friedman. "Chicago politics 1971." 2 tapes 4/22/71 Igal Roodenko. "Radical non-violence." 3 tapes 4/29/71 David Chander. "Soviet education--observations and impressions." 2 tapes 5/26/71 Senior dinner and alumni presentations. 1 video tape 5/27/71 Baccalaureate. 1 video tape 9/17/71 Nathan Hare. Black Cultural Week End. 2 tapes 11/17/71 Harrison Wellford. "How to be a constructive nuisance: an assessment of the Public Interest Movement." 3 tapes 2/27/72 Adam Yarmolinsky. "How we got here" (Foreign policy in transition). 2 tapes 2/28/72 Adam Yarmolinsky. "Where do we go from here" (Foreign policy in transition). 2 tapes no date. Student Conference on the American Working Class: 1971? Yvonne Brathwaite. "Sexual divisions in the working class." 3 tapes. Leon Davis. "Organized labor: past role and present crises." 2 of 4 tapes. Herbert Aptheker. "American working class: reaction reform, or revolution." 1 of 3 tapes. Cleveland Robinson. "Racial divisions in the working class." 1 of 3 tapes no date. Stokley Carmichael. 1 tape 1973?. Manhattan String Quartet. 4th movement of Haydn Quartet op. 74 #3. 1 5" tape no date "Sons of Old Grinnell" and "Grinnell Alumni Song." 1 tape no date. Student interviews for College Relations. 1 tape 10/9/73 Sir Herbert Marchant. "Cuban missile crisis" 1 tape 10/10/73 Sir Herbert Marchant. "The Middle East". 1 tape 10/14/73 Farqui. "Heart of Islam." Gates Lecture. 1 tape 11/1, 3/73 Symposium on Humanistic Studies. 2 tapes 3/17/74 Thomas Railsback. Boston Alumni group. 1 tape 11/2-3/77 John K. Fairbank. Rosenfield Lecture. "China and America." 1 tape 2/21/78 Tom Wicker. workshops. 1 tape 3/6/78 Moyer vs Turner debate. 1 tape no date Service of lessons and carols 11/12/74 A. R. Turner phone interview. 1 tape no date NCAA division 3 swimming. 1 tape 9/11/86 Donald MacKay. Scholars' Convocation. "Brain science & human freedom" 1 video cassette (transferred to RG-SP Ser. 3 Box 10) 9/25/86 Thomas Cech. Scholars' Convocation/Danforth Lecture. "Ribozymes & origin of life." 1 video cassette, audiotape. (Transferred to RG-SP Se.r 3 Box 10)

Ruth Prescott Files. Convocations.

1957: Correspondence, press releases, clippings, programs, photographs. Addresses (other copies filed in 11.3/P2a) Grace Hunter, "History of Grinnell College" Honorary degree citations. 1959: Programs, photographs, and addresses (original copies. Two copies filed in 11.3/P3) Addresses (author's copies and typescript carbons) by Elbert A. Read, George Stoddard, George Drake, '56, Harold Clapp, Albert Bush-Brown, Keyes Metcalf, Walter Netsch, Russell Fridley, '50, Neal Klausner. 1967 Photographs, media coverage, press packets including speakers' schedules, biographical information, texts of some talks. See also RG-A, Misc. Ser.2 (Convocations and Commencements) and 11.3/P5b for texts of speeches.

Ruth Prescott FIles: Subject files

Chicago Sunday Tribune ratings of colleges and universities, 1957. Reprints Reprint Series of Faculty Studies, no. 1-5, 1950 Silver Dollar Story script, 1957. 21 1. Sports history 1949-64:news releases,correspondence, clippings, football jubilee Miscellaneous: Music building cornerstone materials info- 1 p. Herrick Chapel info 3 p. Campus trees, 2 p. 1882 cyclone Alumni song, additional verses, 1926 Yule Log Dinner, ca. 1950, 1 p. College pranks, 1955 Ricker House, letter of information Press releases: College costs, 1951 Opening of Younker Hall, 1951 Opening of Loose Hall, 1948 Founding Grinnell University centennial, 1956 1889 First football game, 1954, 4 p. Grinnell "firsts" 195 Third and fourth generation Grinnellians,1945,1 p. Grinnell Magazine: correspondence, memos, reports on establishing. 17. Clippings from newspapers and magazines about Grinnell College, 1945-66. 18. Barron's Profiles, 1973.

Ruth Prescott Files: Subject Files

Administrative officers' biographical information,1961. Air Force ROTC: Form letters and brochures ca. 1958 Board of Overseers (Presidentia advisory committee on long-term development) 1962-64: Press releases, biographical information. Bowen, Howard: speeches, brief remarks, inaugural address (1955). 1955-64. College Centennial, 1946: programs, press releases, calendar Feb.-Oct. 1946 Conard Environmental Research Area. 1970-75. Press releases. Darby, J. Fred, class of 1895. Photographs 1895-1945, biographical information, sports information (1890's) Journalism Intern Plan. ca. 1948 Loyalty Oath, 1959: Clippings, press releases, correspondence President's letters to alumni, parents, friends,1969-72 (7 letters): subjects covered include multi-racial campus, dissent on campus, disrobing incident (1969), physical education and recreation, dormitory regulations, Howard Bowen's assessment of Grinnell in 1969

September 1935 – April 1937

Folder 1 September – October 1935: “Hopkins- Ickes Dispute To Go To President” Baltimore Sun September 11, 1935; “Memorandum of Conference on Status of Emergency Funds…” September 12, 1935 Folder 2 November- December 1935: “The Works Program Situation” Memorandum to the President from Harry Hopkins, November 20, 1935; “Field Report- Regional Adviser Labor Assignment: Ohio” Chester A. Smith, December 10, 1935. Folder 3 January- March 1936: “The Constitution and the New Deal” and “The Price of Failure” Howard Lee McBain; “Meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Stuyd or Relief Procedures and Techniques” January 17, 1935; “Report to Mr. Hunter on the Wisconsin Workers’ Alliance” January 31, 1936; “Conference at the White House Regarding Additional Funds For Work Relief Projects…” February 6, 1936; Nationwide Radio Address given by Harry L. Hopkins March 14, 1936. Folder 4 April – July 1936: WPA and FERA correspondence; Henry Morgenthau Diary Entires Folder 5 August – October 1936: “Conference with the President at Hyde Park” August 19, 1936; “Works Progress Administration Comparative Analysis of Administrative Costs as of August 31, 1936”; “Employment and Relief Policy for 1936 and 1937”; “Relief and Work Relief in Illinois”; “Relief and Work Relief- New York City” September 18, 1936; “Report on Mr. Hopkins’ Western Trip: August 25 through September 29, 1936”; “Conference with the President at Hyde Park” August 4, 1936; Report of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget Folder 6 November- December 1936: “Sponsors’ Fund Procedure in the Operation, Recording, and Reporting of the WPA Program” R. Ecker November 3, 1936; “Deficiency Appropriation for Works Program”; “Conference with the President on Relief, December 30, 1936; “Conference with the President Regarding Additional Funds Needed to Operate the WA and Resettlement Programs from February 1 to June 30, 1937” December 29, 1936. Folder 7 January- April 1937: “Summary and Selected Table Concerning the Investigation into Skills of WPA Brick and Stone Masons, Carpenters and Painters in Seven Cities in January 1937”; “Outlook for Employment, Unemployment and Relief” Division of Research, Statistics, and Records Works Progress Administration February 25, 1937; “How to Prevent Another 1929 in 1940” Harry Hopkins, 1937; “Meeting at 2201 R Street on Selective Federal Expenditures” April 1, 1937; “Conference at the White House” April 19, 1937.

Tarsus (1911-1924), Talas (1927-1952), Diyarbakir and Mardin (1952-1957), Retirement from Mission Board.

Tarsus Postcard from October 11, 1910. Thomas Christie's money raising campaign for Building Strickler Hall on Tarsus Campus. Talas. Our Student Song Book: Music Unites the People. Booklet. Tarsus. A History of the Tarsus American School 1888-1988 Booklet. Talas School Reports Talas/Kayseri. General Mission Activities, 1930-1932 Talas. Miscellaneous Information. Letters. Reports to Mission officials from Diyarbakir. Letters to acquaintances in the military, Diyarbakir and Adara, as well as the Embassy in Anka Information and Correspondence pertaining to Mission work in Turkey, Generic. March 25, 1949, October 16, 1956. Documents about Diyarbakir/Mardin work in ABCFM Mission Station between 1952 and 1957. 1947 Report. Letters from Diyarbakir, 1952-1954. Property reports and correspondence written about/from Mardin, addressed to Dave Bergmark, Mission Administration, and Ray and Fern White. February 1953, July, 1955. Letters from Harriet to Children and Friends from Mardin and Diyarbakir. July 1953, July 1956. Letter about life story of Pastor Isak Dikmen. May, 1955. Assorted Diyarbakir: Correspondence regarding lawsuit for distributing Sermon on the Mount, medical reports of injured children, correspondence to and from Nafi Donat. General letters about Diyarbakir and Mardin. 1954-1957. Paul E. Nilson's letters from Diyarbakir. 1955-1957. Letters from Paul E. Nilson, July 1957: Leaving Diyarbakir, Retiring from ABCFM. Paul Nilson correspondence. Notes: 1956, 1957, Retirement from Mission. Academies for Anatolia: A Study of Rationale, Program and Impact of the Educational Institutions Sponsored by the American Board in Turkey: 1830-2005 by Frank Andrew Stone. San Francisco: Caddo Gap Press.

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