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Faculty Offprints

  1. Apostle, Hippocrates George. The relation between mathematics and metaphysics. 2. Apostle, Hippocrates George. [Review of] Plato's mathematical imagination by Robert S. Brumbaugh. 3. Apostle, Hippocrates George. Methodological superiority of Aristotle over Euclid. 4. Apostle, Hippocrates George. The nature of non-Euclidean geometries. 5. Apostle, Hippocrates George. The relation of philosophy to the teaching of mathematics. 6. Apostle, Hippocrates George. Aristotle’s contribution to civilization. 7. Apostle, Hippocrates George. The nature of a liberal education. 8. Betts, Raymond F. DuPont de Nemours in Napoleonic Prance, 1802—1815. 9. Bradford, Curtis. George Yeats: poet's wife. 10. Brown, F. Andrew. [Review of] The emergence of German as a literary language. 11. Brown, F. Andrew. [Review of] Geschichte der deutschen Literatur voni Humanismus bis zu Goethes Tod. 12. Brown, F. Andrew. Shakespeare and English drama in German popular journals, 1717—1759. 13. Brown, F. Andrew. Shakespeare in Germany: Dryden, Langbaine, and the Acta Eruditorum. 14. Burkie, Howard. [Review of] The Marxism of Jean-Paul Sartre, by Wilfred Desan. 15. Burkie, Howard. Schall and Sartre on the grounds of individual freedom. 16. Christiansen, Kenneth. Notes on Alaskan Collembola. (I.) A new genus and species of the family Isotomidae. 17. Christiansen, Kenneth. Ratios as a means of specific differentiation in Collembola. 18. Christiansen, Kenneth. The genus Mesentotoma. (Collembola: entomobryidae) 19. Christiansen, Kenneth. The Collembola of Lebanon and Western Syria. Parts I 20. Christiansen, Kenneth. Geographic variation and the subspecies concept in the Collembolan Entomobryoides guthriei. 20. Christiansen, Kenneth. The genus Sinella brook (Collembola: entomobryidae) in nearctic caves. 21. Christiansen, Kenneth. The Collembola of Hunters Cave. 22. Christiansen, Kenneth. Convergence and parallelism in cave Entomobryinae. 23. Christiansen, Kenneth. Proposition pour la classification des animaux cavernicoles. 24. Christiansen, Kenneth. Preliminary notes on the genus Entomobrya in South America, with special reference to Patagonia. 25. Christiansen, Kenneth. Bionomics of Collembola. 26. Christiansen, Kenneth. A revision of the nearctic members of the genus Tomocerus. (Collembola Entomobryidae) 27. Christiansen, Kenneth. The genus Arrhopalites (Collembola: Sminthuridae) in the United States and Canada. 28. Christiansen, Kenneth. Behavior and form in the evolution of cave Collembola. 29. Christiansen, Kenneth. Competition between collembolan species in culture jars. 30. Christiansen, Kenneth. Geographical variation and evolution in pseudosinella violenta (Folsom). 31. Christiansen, Kenneth. The scope and direction of contemporary soil Arthropod research. 32. Christiansen, Kenneth. Survival of Collembola on clay substrates with and without food added. 33. Christiansen, Kenneth. Experimental studies on the aggregation and dispersion of Collembola. 34. Christiansen, Kenneth. Invertebrate populations in the Moulis cave. 35. Christiansen, Kenneth. Factors affecting predation on Collembola by various Arthropods. 36. Christiansen, Kenneth. Harlow B. Mills (1906-1971). 37. Christiansen, Kenneth. Notes on Miocene Amber Collembola from Chiapas. 38. Christiansen, Kenneth. Contact behavior in Collembola and the effect of food deprivation, density and culture origins. 39. Christiansen, Kenneth. The genus Pseudosinella in Mesoamerican caves. 40. Christiansen, Kenneth. Six new nearctic species of the genus Friesea. 41. Christiansen, Kenneth. The cavernicolous fauna of Hawaiian lava tubes, 5. Collembola. 42. Christianseri, Kenneth. Chaetotaxy in nearctic Priesea (Ccllembola Neanurinae) with notes on taxonomic use of chaetotaxy. 43. Clotfelter, Beryl E. Evaluation of commercial apparatus for measuring h/e. [Filed under “Hanson”] 44. Connelly, Peter J. Who is responsible for college literacy? 45. Crossett, John. Epicurus. 46. Crossett, John. Aristotle as a poet: the Hymn to Hermeias. 47. Debicki, Andrew P. Notas sobre la ironia en Algunos poemas de Borges. 48. Debicki, Andrew P. Dajnaso Alonso’s views on poetry. 49. Debicki, Andrew P. Damaso AlonsoTs “Hombre y dios.” 50. Debicki, Andrew P. La vision del mundo en la poesia temprana de Pedro Salinas. 51. Debicki, Andrew P. “Los contados dias” de Jose Cardenas Pena. 52. Denbo, Jay A. Formation constants of weak complexes: the 1:1 complexes of malate with alkali metal cations in aqueous solution. [Filed under “Erickson”] 53. Eastman, George. John Dewey: philosophy, psychology and social practice. 54. Eastman, George. Some normative implications of the term “problem”. 55. Eastman, George. The components of “commitment”. 56. Eastman, George. John Dewey’s literary style: theory and practice. 57. Erickson, Luther. Formation constants of weak complexes: the 1:1 complexes of Malate with alkali metal cations in aqueous solution. 58. Erickson, Luther. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of substituted succinic anhydrides, acids, salts, and esters. 59. Erickson, Luther. Proton magnetic resonance studies of amino acid complexes of Platinum (ii). II.Kinetics of N-H and C-H Proton exchange. 60. Erickson, Luther. Proton magnetic resonance studies of amino acid complexes of Platinum(II). III.Isomerism, Proton exchange, and inversion at asymmetric coordinated nitrogens. 61. Erickson, Luther. Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of N-H proton dissociation and inversion of platinum(II) . Complexes of substituted ethylenediamines. 62. Erickson, Luther E. Conformational effects on three-bond and four-bond platinum - Hydrogen coupling constants in platinum complexes of methylglycines. 63. Erickson, Luther E. Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance studies of Platinum(II) complexes. I.Five—membered rings formed by substituted -1,2- Diaminoethanes. 64. Eysenbach, Mary L. Voucher plans, voting models, and the efficiency of local school finance. 65. Fletcher, Harold A. The regie Renault: a nationalized enterprise in the French automobile industry. 66. Foster, Edward E. Rhetorical control in Pope’s Eloisa to Abelard. 67. Graham, Benjamin F., jr. Natural root grafts. 68. Graham, Benjamin F., jr. CERA: An outdoor biological laboratory. 69. Guroff, Gregory. A note on urban literacy in Russia, 1890-1914. 70. Hanson, Roger J. A cosmic-ray gas Cerenkov counter with adjustable velocity threshold. 71. Hanson, Roger J. Frequency shifts in spin-exchange optical pumping experiments. 72. Hanson, Roger J. Soft Gamma background radiation at the earth’s surface and at aircraft altitude. 73. Hanson, Roger J. Magnetically shielded solenoid with field of high homogeneity. 74. Hanson, Roger J. Evaluation of commercial apparatus for measuring 75. Harris, Brian. Translation of “Grand Hotel Metaphysic.” 76. Harris, Brian. Translation of “A commentary on Heimito von Doderer.” 77. Harris, Brian. Translation of “A surrealistic novel.” 78. Harris, Brian. Translation of “Die Rampenmaler.” 79. Harris, Brian. Translation of “Visit to an Exhibition.” 80. Harris, Brian. Translation of “End of the line.” 81. Harris, Brian. Translation of poems by Christoph Meckel. 82. Harris, Brian. Translation of “Tullipan.” 83. Herman, Eugene A. Generalized Fredtiolm conditions in an algebra of singular integral operators. 84. Herman, Eugene A. The symbol of the algebra of singular integral operators. 85. Hiser, Velina Bissell. Iowa hand usage dextrality quotients of one hundred high-school students. 86. Hiser, Velina Bissell. The applications of general semantics to a case of stage-fright. 87. Irving, Donald J. Who is responsible for college literacy? [Filed under “Connelly”] 88. King, Winston L. Negation as a religious category. 89. Kintner, Philip I. [Review of] Martin Luther, by Heinz Blulim. 90. Kintner, Philip I. Memmingens “Ausgetretene”; eine vergessene Nachwirkung des Bauernkrieges, 1525—1527. 91. Kissane, James. Tennyson: the passion of the past and the curse of time. 92. Klausner, Neal W. Philosophy as criticism and perspective. 95. Kuntz, Paul G. Order in language, phenomena, and reality. 94. Liberman, Mathilda Nahra. The Odyssey and the theme of storytelling. 95. Liberman, M.M. The Gibbon in the maple tree, a story. 96. Liberman, M.M. Robin Redbreast and the wren. 97. Liberman, M.M. The short story as chapter in “Ship of Fools.” 98. Liberman, M.M. The publication of Porter’s “He,” and the question of the use of literature. 99. Liberman, M.M. The uses of anti-fiction: Greene’s “Across the Bridge.” 100. Magee, James S. Structure and substance: the politics of decentralization in the United Nations. 101. Meyer, Richard D. The paradox of Gordon Craig. 102. Meyer, Richard D. What the open stage means to the playwright. 103. Nefzger, Ben. The ideal-type: some conceptions and misconceptions. 104. Nevill, William A. Automated inventory control at the small college. 105. Niehaus, Thomas. Two studies on Lorenzo Hervas Y Panduro, S.I. (1755—1809) I.As Newtonian popularizer, II. As anthropologist. 106. Parsons,Lynn Hudson. Continuing crusade: four generations of the Adams family view Alexander Hamilton.

Faculty Offprints

Andelson, Jonathan. Elvino Shetten Pueblo and its relationship to terraces and nearby small structures, Chihuahua, Mexico. (see also Luebben, Ralph) Andelson, Jonathan. Gift to be single: celibacy and religious enthusiasm in the Community of True Inspiration. Andelson, Jonathan. Living the man: ethos, practice & genius of Amana. Apostle, Hippocrates George. Aristotle's theory of mathematics as a science of quantities. Archer, Doug. Iowa history tutorials teacher's guide. Beebe, Jane. Preservation analysis & the brittle book problem... (with Robinson) Bonath, Gail. The demise of the cataloger? Case, William B. Nonlinear effects in a simple mechanical system. Case, William B. Pumping of a sing from the seated position. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Biogeography of the collembola of Hawaii. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Biogeography and the distribution of cave collembola. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Computer assisted identification of specimens of Pseudosinella. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Evolution and zoogeography of the invertebrate cave faunas of the Driftless Area of the Upper Mississippi River Valley of Iowa, Minn., Wis., and Ill., USA. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Genus sinella with spcial reference to sinella s.s. (collembola: entomobryidae) of China. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Marine littoral collembola of North and Central America. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Phylogeny of the Hawaiian species of the genus Lepidocyrtus. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Taxonomia y biogeografia de troglopedetes (collembola: paronellidae) en America, con enfasis en las especies cavernicolas. Christiansen, Kenneth A. Two new species of Hawaiian pseudosinella. Chasson, Timothy. More mistakes by Parisian illuminators. Chasson, Timothy. New uses for an old text in some early Tuscan bibles. Clotfelter, Beryl. Cavendish experiment as Cavendish knew it. Connelly, Peter J. The ideology of Pope's Iliad. Connelly, Peter J. Ideology of Pope's Iliad. Connelly, Peter J. Pope's Iliad: Ut Pictura Translatio. Durkee, LaVerne H. Flor Costaricensis: family #200, Acanthaceae. Durkee, Lenore. Ultrastructure of extrafloral nectaries in Aphelandra spp. (Acanthaceae). Erickson, Luther. History of research in chemistry at Grinnell College. Ferguson, Pamela. Connections between prime divisors of conjugacy classes and prime divisors of |G|. Ferguson, Pamela. Lengths of conjugacy classes of finite solvable groups. Ferguson, Pamela. Lengths of conjugacy classes of finite solvable groupus, II. Fudge, James. Choral music in West Germany: travel to four cities: Koln, Stuttgart, Hamburg, West Berlin. Fudge, James. Professional singing in West Germany. Gibson, Janet. Auditory cue-depriciation effect. Gibson, Janet. Collection of 4,741 word fragments that have unique completions with respect to 146,205 words. Gibson, Janet. Population recovery capabilities of 35 cluster analysis methods. Gibson, Janet. Spontaneous mnemonic strategies used by older and younger adults to remember proper names. Gibson, Janet. Typography manipulations can affect priming of word stem completion in older and younger adults. Jordan, David W. "The miracle of this age": Maryland's experiment in religious toleration, 1649-1689. Kintner, Philip. Die Teuerung von 1570-72 in Memmingen. Kissane, James. The authorization of Keats. Kissane, James. Frankie's home run. Kissane, James. The humanities as language. Kurtz, Ronald. Comments on Kobben's "Logic of cross-cultural analysis." Kurtz, Ronald. Crossroads: continuity in a changing Swiss village: Saas-Almagell. Kurtz, Ronald. Graduate and undergraduate teaching of anthropology. Kurtz, Ronald. Headmen and war chanters: role theory and the early Canyoncito Navajo. Kurtz, Ronald. Midwestern rural poverty, human rights, and the need for legal services. Lalonde, Gerald. Greek inscriptions from the athenian agora. Liberman, M.M. Some observations on the genesis of Ship of Fools: a letter from Katherine Ann Porter. Luebben, Ralph. Elvino Shetten Pueblo and its relationship to terraces and nearby small structures, Chihuahua, Mexico. [filed under Andelson] McClelland, Kent. Adolescent subculture in the schools. McClelland, Kent. The aged aubculture hypothesis: social integration, gerontophilia and self-conception. McClelland, Kent. Factor analysis applied to magnitude estimates of punishment seriousness: patterns of individual differences. McClelland, Kent. The polarity poll: a report on campus lifestyles at Grinnell. 2 copies. McClelland, Kent. Self-conception and life satisfaction: integrating aged subculture and activity theory. McClelland, Kent. Social standing in America: new dimensions of class. McClelland, Kent. Who gets ahead?: The determinants of economic success in America. McKee, Christopher. Fantasies of mutiny and murder: a suggested psycho-history of the seaman in the United States Navy, 1798-1815. McKee, Christopher. Foreign seamen in the United States Navy: a census of 1808. Minelli, Martin. Multinuclear NMR studies of molybdenum & tungsten carbonyl isocyanide complexes. Minelli, Martin. Synthesis, structure, & characterization.... (1989) Minelli, Martin. Synthesis, structure, & characterization of... (1990) Minelli, Martin. Synthesis, structure, & characterization of... (1991) Mendoza, Guillermo. Ovary and anal processes of "characodon" eiseni, a viviparous cyprinodont teleost from Mexico. Perri, Dennis. Artistic unity of "Corona de sombra.'" Perri, Dennis. Fulfillment and loss: Lorca's view of communication in the twenties. Perri, Dennis. Lorca's suite "Newton": the limits of science and reason. Perri, Dennis. Lorca's suite "Palimpsestos": keeping the reader at bay. Perri, Dennis. Review (1928-1929) of the "romancero gitano": competing readings. Perri, Dennis. Tenison, speaker, and experience in "Poema del cante jondo." Percas, Nicolas. What is wrong with Portuguese? Reid, Clifford. Are blacks making it in the suburbs?: a correction. Reid, Clifford. The effect of residential location on the wages of black women and white women. Ronbinson, Lynn. Preservation analysis & the brittle book problem. [with Beebe] Schrift, Alan. The becoming-postmodern of philosophy. Schrift, Alan. Between perspectivism and philology: genealogy as hermeneutic. Schrift, Alan. Foucault and Derrida on Nietzsche and the end(s) of "Man." Schrift, Alan. Language, metaphor, rhetoric: Nietzsche's deconstruction of epistemology. Schrift, Alan. Nietzsche and the critique of oppositional thinking. Schrift, Alan. A question of method: existential psychoanalysis and Sartre's "Critique of dialectical reason." Schrift, Alan. Reading, writing, text: Nietzsche's deconstruction of author-ity. Solow, Anita. Feminist history and critiques of science. Tyler, D.W. Bare press behavior reinforced by pup retrieval. Tyler, D.W. Effects of paraphrasing clinical interview items on structured responses. Tyler, D.W. Extinction following partial reinforcement with control of stimulus-generalization and secondary reinforcement. Tyler, D.W. Frustration stimuli on discrimination. Tyler, D.W. A multipurpose discrimination apparatus for general laboratory use. Tyler, D.W. Simultaneous and successive discrimination under identical stimulating conditions. Wellborn, Beryl. Case of teaching: teacher work. Wellborn, Beryl. Challenges to the whole language approach to instruction in language arts. Wellborn, Beryl. Dialogues on excellence: key to excellence in cooperation. Wellborn, Beryl. Handling change: challenge of challenges. Wellborn, Beryl. Helping students to make sense of their world. Wellborn, Beryl. on the challenge of selecting instructional media. Wubbels, Gene. Why Johnny can't titrate.

Faculty Offprints

  1. Andelson, Jonathan. Book review, 1979. 2. Andelson, Jonathan. The double bind and social change in communal Amana. 3. Andelson, Jonathan. Routinization of behavior in a charismatic leader. 4. Apostle, Hippocrates G. Ackrill on Aristotle’s Categories. 5. Apostle, Hippocrates G. Book review, 1973. 6. Apostle, Hippocrates G. The unity in Aristotle’s ethics. 7. Babener, Liahna. California Babylon: the world of American detective fiction. 8. Brown, Andrew F. Lessing in Heutiger sicht. 9. Brown, Stuart Gerry. A note on C. Ritter’s reading of the Timaeus. 10. Brown, Stuart Gerry. On being free. 11. Brown, Stuart Gerry. The poetry of A.E. Housman. 12. Brozoski, Thomas J. Cognitive deficit caused by regional depletion of dopamine in prefrontal cortex of Rhesus monkey. 13. Brozoski, Thomas J. Dopamine in prefrontal cortex of Rhesus monkeys: evidence for a role in cognitive function. 14. Burkle, Howard. Jesus Christ and religious pluralism. 15. Christiansen, Kenneth. Catalogue of the species of the genus pseudosinella. 16. Christiansen, Kenneth. Chaetotaxy in Folsomia (Collembola Isotomidae) with special reference to nearctic species. 17. Christiansen, Kenneth. Creationism and the science teacher. 18. Christiansen, Kenneth. An evolutionary and ecological analysis of the terrestrial arthropods of caves in the Central Pyrenees. Parts I & II. 19. Christiansen, Kenneth. . Five new species of Orchesella. 20. Christiansen, Kenneth. Four new nearctic species of Folsomia. 21. Christiansen, Kenneth. Notes on Mexican cave pseudosinella with the description of six new species. 22. Christiansen, Kenneth. New species of the genus Nearctic Tomocerus. 23. Christiansen, Kenneth. Zoogeography of cave collembola east of the Great Plains. 24. Cleaver, Charles. Approximating democracy in Japan and the United States. 25. Cleaver, Charles. How can we explain the obvious success of Japanese universities. 26. Cleaver, Charles. Liberty, equality, fraternity: Japan and the U.S. 27. Clotfelter, Beryl. The basic questions science can’t answer. 28. Connelly, Peter J. Composition in the liberal arts: a shared responsibility. 29. Deck, Alice. African literatures in western languages: types of translation. 30. Delong, Karl T. The effect of the manipulation of social structure on reproduction in house mice. 31. Delong, Karl T. A microtus population with supplemental food. 32. Delong, Karl T. Population ecology of feral house mice. 33. Delong, Karl T. Population ecology of feral house mice: interference by microtus. 34. Delong, Karl T. Quantitative analysis of blood circulation through the frog heart. 35. Deminoff, William. “Interinstitutional Cooperation” (Chapter 10 in Handbook of College and University Administration, A.Knowles, ed.) 1970. 36. Duke, Charles L. Decay of 90ir. 37. Duke, Charles L. Decay of 90Rbg and 9ORbm. 38. Duke, Charles L. Determination of the isotope shift of 190H8 by. on-line laser spectroscopy. 39. Duke, Charles L. Nuclear shape staggering in very neutron-deficient Hg isotopes detected by laser spectroscopy. 40. Durkee, LaVerne H. Flora of Panama: Part IX, Family 177, Accanthaceae 41. Durkee, LaVerne H. A Pollen profile from woden bog in north—central Iowa. 42. Durkee, Lenore. Floral and extra-floral nectarines of passiflora. I. The floral nectary. 43. Durkee, Lenore. Light and electron microscopy of the resin glands of passiflora foetida. 44. Durkee, Lenore. Protein-containing cells in the nectary phloem of passiflora warmingii. 45. Erickson, Luther E. A protein N,R study of the stereochemistry and kin—- etics of the reactions of dimethyl sulfoxide with potassium dicloroglycinatoplatinate (II) and its methyl derivatives. 46. Erickson, Luther E. Stereochemistry of the reaction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide with Dichloro(glycinato)platinate(II) and similar amino acid complexes. 47. Gayer, Kenneth. A study of coloboma and other abnormalities in transplants of eye primo±’dia from normal and Creeper chick embryos. 48. Graham, Ben. Iowa’s Natural Heritage (pre-publication signatures). 49. Grey, Robert D. Dependency: A political economy model post-imperial Ethiopian foreign policy. 50. Grumet, Robert S. An analysis of upper Delawaran land sales in Northern New Jersey, 1630-1758. 51. Grumet, Robert S. Changes in Coast Tsimshian redistributive activities in the Fort Simpson region of British Columbia, 1788-1862. 52. Grumet, Robert S. Women and colonization; anthropological perspectives. 53. Harris, Bryan (translator). Poems by Christopher Meckel. 54. Herz, Theda M. In search of the reader: artistic quest and esthetic experience in Rene Aviles Fabila’s Tantadel. 55. Herz, Theda M. Las Fuentes Cultas de La Sátira del Confabulario. 56. Herz, Theda M. Rene Aviles Fabila in the light of Juan Jose Arreola: A study in spiritual affinity. 57. Irving, Donald J. Composition in the liberal arts: a shared responsibility. (filed under “Connelly”) 58. Jones, Charles. Using linear forms to determine the set of integers realizable by (g0, g1 . . . g) trees. 59. Jordan, David W. Edward A Steiner and the struggle for toleration during World War I. 60. Kinter, Anne G. Manuscript Collections: James Norman Hall Papers, 1906-1951. 61. Lalonde, Gerald. A Boiotian Decree in Athens. 62. Lalonde, Gerald. A study in Athenian architecture, sculpture, an topography. 63. Lalonde, Gerald. A fifth century Hieron southwest of the Athenian agora. 64. Lalonde, Gerald. A hero shrine in the Athenian agora. 65. Leggett, Glenn. The small private college: an equilibrium between change and constant values. 66. Macias Karolys, Carlos. Gramatica Inglesa para primero y segundo ano. 67. Mills, Susan K. The propensity interpretation of fitness. 68. Moberg, Thomas F. An adaptive M-Estimator and its application to a selection problem. 69. Moberg, Thomas F. An adaptive multiple regression procedure based on M-estimators. 70. Mooer, Edward M. Henry Irving’s Shakespearean productions. 71. Perri, Dennis. “La Colina” and the theatre of Daniel Gallegos. 72. Moberg, Thomas F. The Costa Rican stage: an update. 73. Moberg, Thomas F. . The grotesque in Rivas’ “Romances Historicos”. 74. Moberg, Thomas F. Tension, speaker, and experience in “Poema del dante jondo”. 75. Pluhar, Werner S. Abortion and simple consciousness. 76. Pluhar, Werner S. Nonnaturalism proper. 77. Reid, Clifford. Comments on “minimum wage legislation and the educational outcomes of youth. 78. Reid, Clifford. Measuring residential decentralisation of blacks and whites. 79. Reid, Clifford. Some evidence on the effect of manpower training programs on the black/white wage differential. 80. Schilling, Bernard N. The English case against Volaire: 1789-1800. 81. Skonnord, John. Act and artifact: narrative procedure in Werther. 82. Skonnord, John. Poetry and why it’s so. “Near the mountain” (poem). 83. Stone, John David. A formalization of Geach’s antinomy. 84. Stone, John David. Meaninglessness and paradox: some remarks on Goldstein’s paper. 85. Stone, John David. Proper names as connoting expressions. 86. Stone, John David. Semantic paradoxes and linguistic theory. 87. Stone, John David. Simplism and the liar. 88. Stone, John David. Treatments of the word ‘true’ in Mantague grammar. 89. Stone, Walter J. The dynamics of constituency: electoral control in the house. 90. Stone, Walter J. Electoral change and policy representation in Congress: domestic welfare issues from 1956-72. 91. Stone, Walter J. Measuring constituency-representative 1itikages: problems and prospects. 92. Uhlenhopp, Elliott L. Alterations in the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid on chemical methylation. 93. Uhlenhopp, Elliott L. Denaturation of DNA at ph 7.0 by acid and alkali. 94. Uhlenhopp, Elliott L. Measurement of strand breaks by viscoelastometry.   95. Uhlenhopp, Elliott L. Reaction of anthramycin with DNA. 96. Uhlenhopp, Elliott L. Rheopexy of denatured bacterial DNA solutions. 97. Uhlenhopp, Elliott L. Structural aberrations in T-even bacteriophage. VI. Molecular weight of DNA from giant heads. 98. Uhlenhopp, Elliott L. Viscoelastic analysis of high molecular weight, alkali- denatured DNA from mouse 3T3 cells. 99. Uhlenhopp, Elliott L. Viscoelastic characterization of single-stranded DNA from Escherichia Coli. 100. Uhlenhopp, Elliott L. Viscoelastic studies on tetrahymena macronuclear DNA. 101. Wubbels, Gene G. Ammonia-catalyzed photoaddition of tert-Butlyalchohol to 9,lO-Anthraquinone. Electron transfer catalysis of a photochemical hydrogen abstraction reaction. 102. Wubbels, Gene G. Base catalysis in a photochemical smiles rearrangement. A ca of general base catalysis of a photoreaction. 103. Wubbels, Gene G. Convenient, degassable, reusable tubes for “Merry-go-roumd” photochemistry and general vacuum line applications. 104. . Wubbels, Gene G. Een Universitair luilekkerland? 105. Wubbels, Gene G. Migratory aptitude studies in the photochemical rearrangement of 2(5F)—furanones. 106. Wubbels, Gene G. Photochemistry of Benzaldehyde in hydrochloric acid. Limitation of the scope of photoreduction-chlorination. 107. Wubbels, Gene G. Photosensitized dissociation of di-tert-butylperoxide. Energy transfer to a repulsive excited state. 108. Wubbels, Gene G. Solvent control of migratory aptitudes in the photochemical rearrangement of 2(5H)-furanones. 109. Wubbels, Gene G. Thermal and photochemical smiles rearrangement of beta(nitrophenoxy)ethylamines.

Faculty Offprints

  1. Adelberg, Arnold. Preface to “Congruences to p-adic Integer Bernoulli Numbers,” with Overview of Bernoulli Polynomial Papers. 2. Adelberg, Arnold. Congruences to p-adic Integer Bernoulli Numbers. 3. Adelberg, Arnold. Irreducible Factors and p-adic Poles of Higher Order Bernoulli Polynomials. 4. Adelberg, Arnold. On the degrees of irreducible factors of higher order Bernoulli polynomials. 5. Adelberg, Arnold. p-adic Integer Order Bernoulli Polynomials. 6. Affron, Matthew. Fernand Leger and the spectacle of objects. 7. Affron, Matthew. Fascism and Modernism in France and Italy, 1885-1945(Abstract for the introduction to the volume). 8. Affron, Matthew. Waldemar George: A Parisian Art Critic On Modernism and Fascism. 9. Andelson, Jonathan G. Intentional Communities and The Possibilities for Human Society: A Perspective from Evolutionary Biology. 10. Andelson, Jonathan G. The Tribulations of Barbara Heinemann: Female Prophet in Patriarchal Amana. 11. Armstrong, Todd P. Czeslaw Milosz’s Zobycie wiadzy: the Structure of the Polish Dilemma. 12. Barlow, George. Cruisin Cool. 13. Barlow, George. Gumbo. 14. Barlow, George. In My Father’s House & A Dream of the Ring: The Great Jack Johnson. 15. Barlow, George. In My Father’s House (From the Jazz Poetry Anthology) 16. Barlow, George, ed. The Before Columbus Foundation Poetry Anthology. 17. Barlow, George. 4 1/2 Months: Halfway Song (Hey, Baby! What You Know Good?) 18. Barlow, George. Facing the Prairie & American Plethora: MacCorporate MacDream. 19. Barlow, George. A Vigil in Reno. 20. Bell, Michael J. Iowa Jewish Heritage: an Annotated Bibliography. 21. Bell, Michael J. Making Art Work. 22. Bell, Michael J. No Borders to the Ballad Maker’s Art: Francis James Child and the Politics of the People. 23. Bell, Michael J. The Relation of Mentality to Race; William Wells Newell and the Celtic Hypothesis. 24. Bell, Michael J. Social Control/Social Order/Social Art. 25. Bell, Michael J. Tending Bar at Brown’s Occupational Role as Artistic Performance. 26. Bell, Michael J. William Wells Newell and the Foundation of American Folklore Scholarship. 27. Bell, Michael J. Related Book Reviews (Not Authored By Bell) 28. Bell, Michael J. “The Only True Folksongs We Have in English”: James Russell Lowell and the Politics of the Nation. 29. Bentley-Condit, V.K. Female-female competition and social manipulation in baboons. (Abstract) 30. Broe, Mary Lynn. Food, Historiography and the Politics of Translation: Sara Suleri’s Meatless Days. 31. Brown, Victoria B. Female Socialization among the Middle Class of Los Angeles. 32. Brown, Victoria B. The Fear of Feminization: Los Angeles High Schools in the Progressive Era. 33. Campbell, David. Scale and Paherns of Community Structure in Amazonian Forests. 34. Caulkins, Doug. From Description to Comparison: Teaching a Combined Ethnographic and Cross-Cultural Research Methods Course. &Is There a Cultural Focus in the Celtic Fringe? Ethogenetic and Cladist Explanations of Cultural Similarities in Ireland and Wales. (Abstracts) 35. Caulkins, Doug. Images of Commercial Success and Failure in Scotland: Sectarian Resistance to the Thatcherite Enterprise Culture. (Abstract). 36. Caulkins, Doug. Assessment of Notebook Computer Use at Grinnell College. 37. Christiansen, Kenneth. Biogeography of Hawaiian Collembola: Simple Principles and Complex Reality. (2 Copies) 38. Cunningham, Charles. Low Noise Switching of a Superconducting Circuit by a Laser Induced Weak Link. 39. Cunningham, Charles. Demonstration of Absolute Magnetic-flux Quantization in a Superconducting Circuit. 40. Cunningham, Charles. Correlation of Flux States Generated by Optical Switching of a Superconducting Circuit. 41. Cunningham, Charles. Trapped Vortices in a Superconducting Microbridge. 42. Cunningham, Charles. Vortex Pinning Force in a Superconducting Niobium Strip. 43. Cunningham, Charles. X-Ray Detector Using Superconducting Aluminum Tunnel Junctions. 44. Cunningham, Charles. Superconducting Tunnel Junction X-Ray Detectors with Niobium Absorbers and Aluminum Quasiparticle Traps. 45. Cunningham, Charles. Energy Resolving X-Ray Detectors Using Niobium Absorbers and Multiple Quasiparticle Tunneling Between Two Aluminum Traps. 46. Cunningham, Charles. Single Trapped Vortices Induced in a Superconducting Film by Laser Switching. 47. Cunningham, Charles. Absolute Magnetic Penetration Depth of Thin-Film Niobium Measured by Fluxoid Quantization. 48. Cunningham, Charles. Noise Reduction in Low-Frequency SQUTD Measurements with Laser-Driven Switching. 49. Cunningham, Charles. Emission of Electrons from a Clean Gold Surface Induced by Slow, Very Highly Charged Ions at the Image Charge Acceleration Limit. 50. Durkee, Lenore T. Morphology and Ultrastructure of the Extrafloral Nectaries in Three Species of Caesalpiniaceae. (With Figure Plates.) 51. Durkee, L. H. Three New Species of Justicia from Costa Rica. 52. Ferguson, Susan J. The Politics of Breast Reconstruction and Augmentation. 53. Ferguson, Susan J. Vessels or Vectors: Sexism and Pronatalism in Public Health Policies Regarding Women and AIDS. 54. Ferguson, William D. Exit, Voice and Implicit Bargaining Power in an Efficiency Wage Model. 55. Ferguson, William D. Nonprofit Status and Wages: An Investigation of the Child Care Industry with Firm-Specific Effects. 56. Ferguson, William D. A Two-Sector Effort-Regulation Model with Implications for Wage Developments of the 1980s. 57. Ferguson, William D. Union Bargaining Power in an Efficiency Wage Environment. 58. Gibson, Janet. Power of a Test That Is Robust Against Variance Heterogeneity. 59. Gibson, Janet. Tests That Are Robust Against Variance Heterogeneity in k x 12 Designs with Unequal Cell Frequencies. 60. Hewitt, Gary L. Civilizing South Carolina: The Political Economy of Slavery and Family Labor in Early Eighteenth-Century South Carolina and Georgia. 61. Hsieh, Andrew. The Changing Appraisal of Yen Song’s Poetry. 62. Kaiser, Daniel. Seasonality of Family Life in Early Modem Russia. 63. Kaiser, Daniel. Time- and Age-Awareness in Early Modern Russia. 64. Kaiser, Daniel. Urban Household Composition in Early Modern Russia. 65. Keenan, David. Selected Translations From the Yüeh-wei ts’ ao-t’ ang pichi of Chi Yün and a Foreword. 66. Kinter, Philip. Schone Judita. 67. Lopatto, David. Response Sequence Differences Between Preschoolers and College Students on a Stereotypy Procedure. 68. Lopatto, David. Effects of Schedules of Reinforcement on Operant Sequential Stereotypy in Humans. (Also by Barbara Brown.) 69. Lyons, Leslie. Electrochemical & LR Spectroelectrochemical Investigations of the Series.... : In Situ Observation of fac-mer and cis-trans Isomerizations. 70. McClelland, Kent. Up the Metaphorical Mountain. 71. McClelland, Kent. Perceptual Control and Social Power. 72. McClelland, Kent. Earning the Model-Minority Image: Diverse Strategies of Economic Adaptation by Asian-American Women (Also by Yamanaka, Keiko.) 73. Sharpe, Lee. Ion Paring & Ionic Conductivity in Amorphous Polymer Electrolytes: A Structural Investigation Employing EXAFS. (Also by Leslie Lyons.) 74. Sharpe, Lee. Effects of Absorption of Gaseous Ambients On the Photoluminescence Intensity of a Powdered CdS:Te Phosphor. 75. Sharpe, Lee. Exafs Studies of Film Coated Electrodes. 76. Sortor, Marci. Saint-Omer and Its Textile Trades in the Late Middle Ages: a Contribution to the Proto-Industrialization Debate. 77. Weliborn, Beryl. Boards of Education and Literacy. 78. Weilborn, Beryl. On Raising the Level of Student Achievement Via Performance Objectives and Follow-Up Instruction.

Faculty Offprints

Luebben, Ralph A. Anglo law and Navaho behavior. Luebben, Ralph A. A calamites pith cast fossil from San Diego Canyon, New Mexico. Luebben, Ralph A. The Grinnell site: a small ceremonial center near Yucca House, Colorado. Luebben, Ralph A. A mass interment in an early pueblo III kiva in southwestern Colorado. Luebben, Ralph A. The Navajo dilemma - a question of necessity. Luebben, Ralph A. Navajo status and leadership in a modern mining situation. Luebben, Ralph A. A partially subterranean pueblo III structure, Mesa Verde, Colorado. Luebben, Ralph A. Perspectives in American culture change. Luebben, Ralph A. Physiographic environment of the lower Chama Valley. Luebben, Ralph A. Prejudice and discrimination against Navahos in a mining community. Luebben, Ralph A. Recent research, 1965. Luebben, Ralph A. Recent research, 1970. Luebben, Ralph A. Spanish Americans of the upper Rio Grande drainage. Luebben, Ralph A. Two pueblo III kiva complexes associated with subterranean rooms, southwestern Colorado. Luebben, Ralph A. Elvino Whetten pueblo and its relationship to terraces and nearby small structures, Chihuahua, Mexico.

Faculty Offprints

Ireland, Susan. Between Worlds: third-world immigrants in the French metropolis. Ireland, Susan. Les banlieues de l'identite. Ireland, Susan. The comic world of Jacques Roubaud. Ireland, Susan. Displacement and identity in the beur novel. Ireland, Susan. Exile and identity in La femme sans tete. Ireland, Susan. L'exile et le conflit culturel dans les domans des ecrivaines Beures. Ireland, Susan. Monique Larue's Copies conformes: an original copy. Ireland, Susan. The novelsl of Jacques Roubaud. Ireland, Susan. Le reecriture dans Le double suspect. Ireland, Susan. The reader as writer in Madeline Monette's Le double suspect. Ireland, Susan. Re-membering the body in Marlene Amar's La femme sans tete. Ireland, Susan. Urban geography and immigrant identities. Ireland, Susan. Writing at the crossroads: cultural conflict in the work of Beur women writers. Ireland, Susan. Personal research and resume. Jacoby, Wade. The politics of institutional transfer: imitating labor institutions. Kamp, Kathryn. Production and specialization: new insights from Cyprus. [Abstract only] Katsaros, Elena. Teaching Russian culture. [Abstract only] Knight, R. Cecilia. Classification and cataloging of Spanish-language children's materials. Knight, R. Cecilia. Fine Arts. Knight, R. Cecilia. Leadership for user services in the academic library. Lewis, Cynthia. Literature as cultural practice within a 5th/6th grade classroom. Lewis, Cynthia. The quality of the question: literature as cultural practice in a 5th/6th grade classroom. Link, Scott. The allegory of the Argentine question in Ernesto Schoo's Baile de los guerreros. Lo, Yuet, Keung. Buddhist women in Confucian guise: the writing of Buddhist laywomen's biographies in Qing China. Lo, Yuet, Keung. Limited resources and limited personnel: Asian languages at liberal arts colleges. Lo, Yuet, Keung. Proposal for symposium: Life and death in imperial China - a tradition of continuity from a dual soul to a unitary soul: the continuity in the babel of soul terminologies in early China. Lo, Yuet, Keung. Second-year Chinese textbooks and evaluative criteria for Chinese proficiency test. Lofflin, Christine. Jazz, "Sonny's Blues" and To every birth its blood. Lopatto, David. Animal research: collateral issues concerning scientific practice in the context of education. Lopatto, David. Contributions of elicitation to measures of self-control. Lopatto, David. The effects of schedules of reinforcement on operant sequential stereotypy in humans. Lopatto, David. Effects of signal modality on signal-controlled responses in pigeons. Lopatto, David. Food duration and signal-controlled responding by pigeons. Lopatto, David. Keypecking as self-control response. Lopatto, David. Preschool children's comperehension of the word "handicapped." Lopatto, David. The relative influence of verbal instructions and reward contingencies during a stereotypy procedure. Lopatto, David. Response sequence differences between preschoolers and college students on a stereotypy procedure. Lopatto, David. Shock-duration reduction as negative reinforcement. Lopatto, David. Sensitivity of pigeons to an omission contingency. Lopatto, David. Teaching the logic of falsification: a classroom exercise. Lyons, Leslie. Electrochemical and IR spectroelectrochemical investigations of the series...: IN SITU observation of FAC-MER and CIS-TRANS isomerizations. Lyons, Leslie. Ion pairing and ionic conductivity in amorphous polymer electrolytes: a structural investigation employing EXAFS. Lyons, Leslie. Relationships between structure and redox properties of... Lyons, Leslie. Synthesis and electrochemical behavior of a group of thiolato-bridged iron carbonyl complexes. McKee, Christopher. Death of a sailor far from the sea: social history sails to the rescue of Samuel Eliot Morison. McKnight, Kathryn Joy. Feminine spiritual autobiology in colonial Spanish America: a problem of historical and cultural embeddedness. Lyons, Leslie. Madre Catillo's Biblical mysticism: a nun's mask for a priest's prerogative. Lyons, Leslie. Revista de critica literaria latinoamericana. Lyons, Leslie. Saint or sinner? Madre Catillo and the troubling genre of the Vica Expiritual. Lyons, Leslie. Voz, subjetividad y mistica en la Madre Catillo: tres elementos de una escritura femenina conventual. [In Spanish] Lyons, Leslie. Bibliographical update: women, politics, and culture in Latin America. Martinez Aleman, Ana. Identity, feminist teaching, and John Dewey. Martinez Aleman, Ana. Deweyan connections to educational practice. Meehan, Johanna. Autonomy, recognition, and respect: Habermas, Bejamin, and Honneth. Meehan, Johanna. Feminists read Habermas: gendering the subject of discourse. Meehan, Johanna. Review essay of New philosophy of social science by James Bohman. Michaels, Jennifer E. Breaking the silence: Elizabeth Reichart's protest against the denial of the Nazi past in Austria. Mohan, John M. P.V. Aksenov's Moskovskaja [Moscow Saga]: a solemn and playful discourse with Vojina i mir [War and Peace]. Munyon, Paul G. A first step in remodeling introductory economics: identifying the learning styles present in the classroom. Praton, Elizabeth. The Tully-Fisher relations and Redshift-Space artifacts. [Abstract only] Rosenthal, Michael. Spinoza and the free rider. [Abstract only] Rosenthal, Michael. Toleration and the right to resist in Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise: the problem of Christ's disciples. [Abstract only] Rosenthal, Michael. Why teach Spinoza today? Schmitt, Cannon. De Quincey, opium, and tea. Schrift, Alan. The enigma of Sarah Kofman. [Abstract only] Schrift, Alan. Logics of the gift in Cixous and Nietzsche: can we still be generous? [Abstract only] Schrift, Alan. Nietzsche's contest: Nietzsche adn the culture wars. [Abstract only] Seiz, Janet A. "Irving Fisher" "Friedrich A. Von Hayek" "Wesley C. Mitchell" articls for The encyclopedia of business cycles, panics, crises, and depressions. Seiz, Janet A. The bargaining approach and feminist methodology. Seiz, Janet A. Economics as discourse: an analysis of the language of economics. Seiz, Janet A. Feminism and the history of economic thought. Seiz, Janet A. Gender and economic research. Seiz, Janet A. Optimization and oppression: game theory and feminist economics. Sharpe, Lee. Chemical sensors based on powdered phosphors. Sharpe, Lee. The effects of absorption of gaseous ambients on the photoluminescence intensity of a powdered CdS:Te phosphor. Sharpe, Lee. EXAFS studies of film coated electrodes. Sharpe, Lee. EXAFS spectroelectrochemistry. Sharpe, Lee. Ion pairing and ionic conductivity in amorphous polymer electrolytes: a structural investigation employing EXAFS. Simawe, Saadi. The revolet of the Zanj and the portrayal of African slaves in the medieval Islamic world. [Abstract only] Simawe, Saadi. What is in a sound? The metaphysics and politics of music in James Baldwin's The amen corner. Sinnett, Laura. Moderators of mood dependent memory: the effects of interference, materials, and task instructions. Sinnett, Laura. Individual differences in the role of personal projects as mood regulators. Sinnett, Laura. A meta-analysis of sex differences in reactivity to emotion manipulations. Sinnett, Laura. Coding categories: type of manipulation... Sinnett, Laura. Evidence for the validity of the linking construct in a daily diary study. Sortor, Marci. A canal and two cities: the struggle for market position in late medieval Flanders. [Abstract only] Sortor, Marci. Economic decline or reconversion? Sortor, Marci. Saint-Omer and its textile trade in the late Middle Ages: a contribution to the proto-industrialization debate. Sullivan, Charles. A revised view of the role of the optic vesicle in chick lens induction. [Abstract only] Whittaker, John C. Individual variation as an approach to economic organization: projectile points at Grasshopper Pueblo, Arizona. Whittaker, John C. Chapter V: flaked stone tools and debitage.

Faculty Offprints

Lindgren, Clark. Early effects of Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome serum on neuromuscular junctions in the lizard, Anolis carolinensis. Lindgren, Clark. Nitroprusside inhibits neurotransmitter release at the frog neuromuscular junction. Lindgren, Clark. Calcium current in motor nerve endings of the lizard. Lindgren, Clark. Calcium channels that regulate neurosecretion. Lindgren, Clark. Identification of ionic currents at presynaptic nerve endings of the lizard. Lindgren, Clark. Extracellular ATP modulates calcium uptake and transmitter release at the neuromuscular junction. Lindgren, Clark. Increased presynaptic ATP levels coupled to synaptic activity at the crayfish neuromuscular junction. Lindgren, Clark. Isolated cardiac mycytes: a new cellular model for studying insulin modulation of monosaccharide transport. Phillado-Miller, Margarita. La metanarracion onirica en La colera de Aquiles, e Luis Goytisolo. Phillado-Miller, Margarita. La paradoja del ave migratoria, o como ser fractal y no morir en el intento. Phillado-Miller, Margarita. Paradise and the longing for the father. Sinnett, Laura. Meta-analysis of experimental manipulations: some factors affecting the Velten mood induction procedure. Sinnett, Laura. Moderators of mood dependent memory: the effects of interference, materials, and task instructions. Vishevsky, Anatoly. Models of empire and the colony: the case of Chechnya and the Caucasus. A proposal to the joint steering committee of the bridging project in international studies. Rose, Ferrel. The disenchantment of power: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's Maria Stuart in Schottland. Rose, Ferrel. Germanistik: internationales referatenorgan mit bibliographischen hinweisen. Rose, Ferrel. Actress. Rose, Ferrel. An unseemly combination: a nineteenth century woman philosopher. Rose, Ferrel. The guises of modesty: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's female artists. Review of The guises of modesty... Uhlenhopp, Elliot. Viscoelastic DNA molecular weight measurements of E. coli dif mutants. (Sabbatical projects report) Wellborn, Beryl. Teaching in the elementary and middle schools: a resource for the beginning teacher. (Sabbatical projects report)

Faculty Offprints

Caulkins, D. Douglas, Jonathan G. Andelson, Vicki Bentley-Condit, Kathryn A. Kamp. Discovery-mode teaching using the electronic human relations area files for cross-cultural comparison. Christiansen, Kenneth. The biogeography of Collembola. Christiansen, Kenneth. Las colas de resorte. Christiansen, Kenneth. La evolucion de la vida cavernicola. Christiansen, Kenneth. Cave Pseudosinella and Oncopodura new to science. Christiansen, Kenneth. Cave Arrhopalites: new to science. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of Ptenothrix from China (Collembola: dicyrtomidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. Subgenus Coecobrya of the genus Sinella (Collembola: entomobryidea) with special reference to the species of China. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of Arrhopalites from China Collembola: Sminthuridae). Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of Homidia from China (Collembola: entomobryidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. Tomocerus (s.s.) spinulus (Collembola: Tomocerinae): a new species of Chinese sprintail. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of Tomocerus (s.s.) (Collembola: tomocerinae) from China. Christiansen, Kenneth. New species of Pseudosinella (collembola) from Ascension Island. Christiansen, Kenneth. New species of the subgenus Coecobrya from Hungary (Collembola: entomobryidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. A new record of Pseudosinella from China with a redescription of P. sexculata (Collembola: entomobryidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. Redescriptions of some of salmon's istomid types. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of Pseudosinella from Guilin, China (Collembola: entromobryidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of the subgenus Coecobrya (Collembola: entomobryidae) from China. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of the subgenus Coecobrya from Hungary (Collembola: entromobryidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. A preliminary report on the cretaceous collembola. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of sinella (collembola: entomobryidae) from China. (2 copies) Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of psudosinella from China (collembola: entromobryidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. A survey of the genus seira (hexapoda: collembola: entomobryidae) in the Americas. Durkee, Lenore T. Five new taxa and two new combinations of acanthaceae from Central America. Durkee, Lenore T. Morphology, ultrastructure, and function of extrafloral nectaries in three species of caesalpiniaceae. Eckhart, Vincent M. Character variation and geographic distribution of clarkia xantiana a. gray (onagraceae): flowers and phenology distinguish two subspecies. Eckhart, Vincent M. Evolution of sexual systems and sex allocations in plants when growth and reproduction overlap. Eckhart, Vincent M. Nutrient sensitivity of the cost of male function in gynodioecious phacelia linearis (hydrophyllaceae). Kaiser, Danel. Advancing the teaching of Slavic studies. Kaiser, Danel. Naming cultures in early modern Russia. Kaiser, Danel. The poor and disabled in early eighteenth-century Russian towns. Kaiser, Danel. Urban identities in sixteenth-century Muscovy: the case of Tula. Kaiser, Danel. "He said, she said": rape and gender discourse in early modern Russia. Kaiser, Danel. Invading the "private": spousal violence and the state in early modern Russia. Lalonde, Gerald V. Agora I 5983: Zeus Exou-... Again. Lalonde, Gerald V. Agora I 6656: a fragment of IG 13,243. Mader, Mary. Binding energy and catalysis: the implications for transition-state analogs and catalytic antibodies. Christiansen, Kenneth. Cretaceous collembola (arthropoda, heapoda) from the upper cretaceous of Canada. Kaiser, Daniel. Default and deception in Muscovite weddings. Kaiser, Daniel. Quotidian orthodoxy. Kaiser, Daniel. Book reviews in Kritika. Kaiser, Daniel. Whose wife will she be at the resurrection? Marriage and remarriage in early modern Russia. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of psudosinella from Nanjin, China (collembola: entomobryidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. Similarity of Chinese pseudosinella hui sp. nov (collembola: entomobryidae) to European and North American species. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new Chinese species of the genus tomocerus (tomocerina) from Xinjiang (collembola: tomoceridae) with a discussion of tomocerina. (2 copies) Christiansen, Kenneth. Taxonomy of the genus lepidocyrtus s.l. (collembola: entomobryidae) in east and southeast Asia and Malaysia, with description of a new species from the People's Republic of China. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of pseudosinella from Xinjiang, China (collembola: entomobryidae). (2 copies) Christiansen, Kenneth. A new collembolan species of the genus homidia (collembola: entomobryidae) from Hubei, China. Christiansen, Kenneth. Arrhopalites (collembola: arrhopalitidae) in U.S. caves with description of seven new species. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of the genus Homidia (collembola: entomobryidae) from Sichuan, China. (2 copies) Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of pseudosinella from China (collembola: entomobryidae). Christiansen, Kenneth. A new species of the genus tomocerus (tomocerina) from China (collembola: tomoceridae) with a discussion of the subgenera of tomocerus. Christiansen, Kenneth. A new record of tomocerus baicalensis from China with its redescription (collembola: tomoceridae). Christiansen, Kenneth. A survey of the genus pseudosinella (collembola: entomobryidae) from east Asia. Johnson, Loretta M. Neutrino oscillations and new physics. Ireland, Susan. Une ecriture de l'apaisement dans "La nuit de la lezarde." Christiansen, Kenneth. Re-examination of three species of tomocerus s.l. (collembola: tomoceridae) from China. Kaiser, Daniel H. Review of Nataliia Kozlova, ed.<span style="font-style: italic;">, Gorodskaia sem'ia XVIII veka: semeinopravovya akty kptsof i raznochintsev Moskvy [</span>The 18th-century urban family: legal documents of Moscow merchatn and professional families]. Christiansen, Kenneth. Redescription of nothobrya schubarti arle, 1961 (collembola, antomobryomorpha). Christiansen, Kenneth. A new genus and species of entomobryidae (collembola, entomobryomorpha) from the Iberian peninsula. Knight, R. Cecilia, Gretchen Revie, Catherine Rod. Integrating information technology into teaching at Grinnell College. (2 copies) Christiansen, Kenneth. A new entomobryid species of homidia from Shaanxi, China (collembola: entomobryidae). (2 copies) Kaiser, Daniel. Divorce, serious illness and spousal care in Russia in the seventeenth century. Christiansen, Kenneth. Collembola (arthropoda, hexapoda) from the mid cretaceous of Myanmar (Burma). Christiansen, Kenneth and Peter Bellinger. "Collembola" in The Light and Smith manual: intertidal invertebrates from central California to Oregon, edited by James T. Carlton, Berkeley, Calif. : Univeristy of California Press, c2007. Christiansen, Kenneth and Hanghang Wang. A revision of the genus typhlogastrura in North American caves with description of five new species. Christiansen, Kenneth. Supragenic classification of collembola entomobryomorpha. Christiansen, Kenneth. Review of North American species of the genus onychiurus (collembola: onychiuridae), with a description of four new species from caves. Tederman, James S. A personal perspective on the philosophy, roles, and approaches of a dean at a small, private, liberal arts college. Christiansen, Kenneth. Misturasotoma, a new nearctic springtail genus (collembola: isotomidae). Smith, Don A. A Conversation with Tocqueville, 1854. (From Tocqueville Review/La Revue Tocqueville 10 (1989-90) : 239-43.) Games, Alison F. Survival strategies in Early Bermuda and Barbados. Revista/Review Interamericana vol. 22: 1-2 (1992).

Resultados 31 a 45 de 236