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Grinnell College Libraries Special Collections dsc Inglés
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Montgomery, Royal J., 1966 Moran, Viola, 1978-85 Morrison, Helen M., 1913-51 Mudd, Seeley, 1960-68 Muehlstein, Herman, 1963-68 Muir, S. Anna, 1924-42 National Science Foundation, 1956-58 Neasham, Ruth W., 1982-83 Needham, Charles K., 1954-56 Neily, Kathryn Jo. & Joseph E., 1962 Neis, Frances M., 1982 Nelson, Mildred J., 1971 Nichols, Madeline W., 1961 1908 class gift Noble, Charles & Mary, 1903-43 Noll, Amy, 1930-45 Nollen, Gerard S. (Laura Whitman Nollen), 1915 Norelius, Elsie, 1989 Norris, D.W., 1929-53 (2 folders) Notson, Ellen May, 1975-77 Noyes, LaVerne, 1922-80 (2 folders)

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White, George D., 1970-72 Whiting, Will C., 1909 Whittum, Fred S., 1966 Whittum, Orpha, 1970-72 Wilder, Herbert A., 1923-66 Wilkinson, Anna Reed, 1916 Willett, Clara G., 1929-55 Williston, S.S., 1874-78 Wilson, Donald L., 1972-87 Wilson, Frances E., 1970-73 Witmer, E.A., 1957-62 Woodford, Carl D., 1985 Worth, Harry, [n.d.] Yager, Beatrice M., [n.d.] Yager, Vincent, 1958

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Abel Adkins Akerman Allison-Sherman Ames Anderson-Mangold Appleby Arnold-Parish Attwooll Bair Barber Barnard Bliss Boehmler Brereton Brewer Bridgham Brody Brundage Buckley Budlong Burling Burroughs Call Carter-Wilkinson Cathcart Cessna Clark-Hugus Cleveland Corrough Cowles Cushman Crabb Craver DeLong-Coggeshall Dewey Dickinson Douglas Dunham-MacEachron Egan-Evenson Eldridge Evans Everest Fellows-Wagner Fisher Fleck Ford-Harshbarger Friend George-Coutts Gleysteen Greef Haines Hall, Norman Hardin Harriman Harris (Arthur, Clint, etc.) Harris (Mayo) Hayes Heald Higley Hopkins Hormel-Grounds Hunting-Corr Inglis-Bush James (Master Genealogy filed under Ricker) Jones Kensinger Kenyon Kessel Kingdon-Brown Kleespie Korns Ladd-Mills Leavitt Lowrey-Barnes-Cobb Lyon McCornack-Smith McIntosh Macy Marsh Marshall Martin-Almy Matlack Matthews Maytag Meacham Meade Mears Merrill, J.H. Merrill-McGill-McCandless Miller, Bessie Hitchcock Miller, Edward Miller, Ervin J. & Ray H. Morrison Murphy-Burroughs Norelius Norris, H. Waldo Noyes Palmer Park Parker (2) Patton (See Lyon) Patterson Peck Pedersen-Pederson Peirce Pennock Perkins Pooley (see Lyon) Pyle Raffety Rerick Ricker (immediate family and master genealogy) Rinaldo Risser Robbins-White Roberts Rule Rutledge Sherman Smiley Smith Somers-Winter-Frey Spencer-Lynde Steiner Stewart Strong Stuart-Noll Sutherland Sunnen & Sly Swan-MacEachron-Roberts Tallmon-Tallman-Jones Tebbens-Collette Thompson Thompson-Farr Towle Van Derveer Wallace Weitz West West-Warburton Whitehill Whiting Whitley-Leach Wilson Woodward Wright

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Phonathan. History, 1977-84 Phonathan. Student evaluations, 1991 & 1993 Phonathan. Training materials/scripts Phonathan, 1982-96 (6 folders) Student Development Committee, 1984-94 (3 folders) Special funds: Lori Schwab Memorial, 1994-95 Special funds: Laura Lambert memorial, 1996 Special mailings: Steiner, 1992 Special mailings: Goodnow, 1994 Special mailings: Swim Clock, 1994 Special mailings: Lybunt letter, 1995 Special mailings: Couples letter, 1995 Special mailings: Ternberg letter, 1995 Special mailings: Reunion '72, 1996 Special mailings: Lapsed "chalkboard" mailing, 1996 Special mailings: 1941 Pam letter follow-up to Farver challenge, 1996 Special mailings: Reunion '71 Loewi letter, 1996 Special mailings: Lapsed appeal letter, 1996 Special mailings: Kresge, 1996 Special mailings: Schmeichen letter, 1996 Special mailings: Joe Rosenfield letter, 1996 Special mailings: Kresge Science letter, 1997 Special mailings: J. Hill Medallion Ceremony, 1998 Special events: Herbie Hancock event, 1996 Special events: Fine Arts groundbreaking, 1996 Special events: NBC News spot Reunion, 1997 Special events: Noyce Science Center dedication, 1997

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Musical scores--Vocal music: Broken ground, for choir and orchestra. Texts by Ray Young Bear, Michael Carey, Paula V. Smith, Edward Hirsch, Dean Hunter, and Mary Swander. Choral-piano score and choral- orchestral score. 1996. Eric Hermannson’s Soul, vocal-piano score and vocal-orchestral score. Opera. c1993. "Eric’s salvation", scene 1 from the opera, Eric Hermannson’s Soul. Based on a story by Willa Cather. 1986-1988. Glory to God (Gloria in Excelsis), music for Episcopal worship. 1991.

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Letter from administrator of Kemmerer’s estate Expedition (autobiography) Along the Raccoon River (including some corrected pages for typesetting) -- 4 folders A winter’s day (reminiscence) The roundhouse (printed copy of the published story) Marais des cygnes (stories) White clouds (stories) The woodchopper and other stories The flying cloud (poems)

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Correspondence (J. L. Hill), ca. 1928 Letters: S. Wolcott to Julius Reed, 1832 (from Hill’s collection?) Letters (from Hill’s collection?) [3 folders] Bill of sale of slaves (from scrapbook) Sale of land, July 18, 1828 (from scrapbook) Items from scrapbook Postal receipts, 1840-42 (from scrapbook) Lyman Whiting correspondence and materials (from scrapbook)

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Articles Book reviews Correspondence (political, charitable, personal) Correspondence (professional) Correspondence with Grinnell College “The Labor Party and constitutional reform for India” (Ph.D. thesis, 1960)Items Discarded: form letters from public officials

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Internships, 1977-1979 (grant proposals, operational procedures, meeting agendas) Junior liberal arts exams, 1962-1964 Kintner report, 1976 Liberal arts workshop, 1978 Multiracial committee, 1972-1974 (memos; president's letters, reports; including Technical Report #1, "Initial Observations and Analysis of Multi-racial Policy" by John Smith and Kwame Salter, Madison, Wisconsin (ca. 1974); affirmative action plan for equal opportunity, Grinnell College, 1973

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Grinnell in London, 1974-1976 (includes correspondence, course syllabi, memos, Grinnell in London Newsletter) Mears Hall renovation, 1978-1979

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Norton, Dean Homer. 1956-1957. Physics curriculum. 1962-1963. National Science Foundation (NSF) scientific equipment proposal. Science Division. 1958-1968. Includes minutes of Science Division meetings; memos; reports, including "Sciences and science education at Grinnell, December 1965." Trustees. 1947, 1956. Reports to trustees from President Stevens, 1947; Dean Norton, 1947; Student Personnel Services, 1947; report on religion program, 1947.

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Correspondence with Grinnell.  1940s-1950s. College centennial papers.  1946. College president correspondence.  1938-1959. George Drake inauguration papers for the speech "The College:  an Affectionate History," 1980. Grinnell programs.  1929-1953. Robert Noyce clippings.  1980s-1990s. Robert Noyce correspondence.  1950-1995. Transportation, train timetables,1887-1960s, and articles on trains, 1950s-1990s.

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Baron, Samuel H. Tourism in the U.S.S.R. Beal, Lathrop V. Career-relevant values of medical students - a research note. Burkle, Howard. Counting against and counting decisively against. Burkle, Howard. The ground of biblical authority: six theses - a response. Burkle, Howard. Jean-Paul Sartre: social freedom in critique de la raison dialctique. Burkle, Howard. Ought a Protestant vote for a Roman Catholic? Burkle, Howard. Tillich's "Dynamic-Typological" approach to the history of religions. Burkle, Howard. Uchimura Kanzo: Christian transcendentalist. Burkle, Howard. The value of Sufism to Islam: a view from the outside. Case, William B. Space-charge Cerenkov and cyclotron-Cerenkov instabilities in an electrobeam dielectric system. Case, William B. Nonlinear effects in a simple mechanical system. Christiansen, Kenneth. The genus Sinella Brook (collembola: entomobryidae) in Nearctic caves. Clapp, Harold L. The American scholar and public education. Clapp, Harold L. A conversation of teacher education. Clapp, Harold L. The main job of the schools. Connelly, Peter J. Pope's Iliad: ut pictura translatio. Cummins, W. Joseph. Eros, epthumia, and philia in Plato. Graham, Ben F. The effect of drainage on the establishment and growth of pond pine (Pinus Serotina). Graham, Ben F. Labelling pollen of woody plants with radioactive isotopes. Graham, Ben F. The occurence of natural root grafting in Eastern white pine, Pinus Strobus L., and its ecological implications. Graham, Ben F. A technique for introducing radioactive isotopes into tree stems. Graham, Ben F. Transfer of dye through natural root grafts of Pinus Strobus L. Graham, Ben F. Translocation of silvicides through root grafts. Grey, Robert D. Leninism, the Soviet Union, and party development in Cuba and Ethiopia. Grey, Robert D. The soviet presence in Africa: an analysis of goals. Grey, Robert D. Post-imperial Ethiopian forign policy: Ethiopian dependence. Grey, Robert D. Determinants of national identifications in Ethiopia: a research note. Grey, Robert D. Haile Selassie I and modernization. Grey, Robert D. Ethiopian politics, imperial and revolutionary: a bibliography. Grey, Robert D. The institutional development of the Ethiopian revolutions. Haner, Charles. Preparing college teachers. Neville, William A. Free radical chlorination of cyclobutane-carboxylic acids. Oelke, William. Review of "Practical physical chemistry." Pursell, Lyle E. Riemann integrals as mappings in elementary applications. Sandmann, William H. Cosmic-ray measurement of - and K-meson mean lives. Sandmann, William H. Millimicrosecond timing with large scintillation detectors. Sandmann, William H. Search for mass-550 particles. Vopava, Judy R. Attitude assessment and prediction of college attendance among economically disadvantaged students. Vopava, Judy R. Canonical reduction analysis: a new technique to analyze correlation matrices. Walker, Waldo S. The effects of mechanical stimulation and etiolation on the Collenchyma of datura Stramonium. Wellborn, Beryl. Beginning a verse choir in intermediate grades. Wellborn, Beryl. Enriching reading for all children in the intermediate grades. Wellborn, Beryl. Measuring pupil achievement in middle grade social studies.

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