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Offsite Storage Harold L. Clapp Papers 1929-1961 1947-1961 Anglais
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Harold L. Clapp Papers 1929-1961 1947-1961

  • US US-store MS/MS 01.03
  • Collection

The Harold L. Clapp papers consist of talks; unpublished articles, stories, books, verse, and translations; newspaper clippings about Clapp; and correspondence.  One published book is reproduced here; other published works are listed in Appendix A.  The papers span the years 1929-61, with the bulk of the material between 1947 and 1961. Mr. Clapp was very concerned about American public primary and secondary education and in teacher training, favoring greater emphasis on basic elementary subjects.  Much of the collections records his active work in this area, speaking and writing and working for the Council for Basic Education in Washington, D.C.  This interest began with his observations of his sons’ education in Swiss public schools during the family’s year in Geneva, 1947-48.  The year is described in detail in letters written by HLC and Laura Clapp and in Laura Clapp’s introductory pages to the letters.  All of these are in “Letters from Switzerland,” the first series in the Clapp papers.  The Swiss letters also describe living and travel conditions and problems of American students in post-war Europe. Mr. Clapp’s ideas on education are most fully documented I the series Council for Basic Education, Talks, and Published and Unpublished Writings.  French Play School shows the practical application of his ideas.  His fiction (three books) was satire on American education.  Other than the Manual for French A2 the papers contain very little directly relating to Mr. Clapp’s teaching of French at Grinnell College. Laura Clapp transcribed by hand or had typed some of the papers because the originals were difficult to read.  She collected and in part arranged the material and appended explanatory notes where she felt they would help a reader better understand her husband’s writings.  Excerpts from her letters to her mother (series 10) describe some campus events of the 1940s and ‘50s.

Clapp, Harold L.

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Translations No date indicated. 12 poems by various writers and a selection from Courteline. [See also “Meteors” by Georges Courteline, in Grinnell College Arena, vol. 3 no. 3, (Easter 1953), p. 75-77]

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Letters from Switzerland, 1947-1948 [Mr. Clapp directed the University of Delaware Foreign Study Group in Geneva, Switzerland 1947-48] “Transplanting our family” summary of the Swiss experience by Laura (Mrs. Harold) Clapp. 26 p. Typed. “Perspectives on these papers: by Laura Clapp. 5 p, typed. Summary information handwritten by Laura Clapp, 1971. 8 p. 22 letters from HLC and Laura Clapp to their families with clarifying comments by Laura Clapp added later (16 are holograms, 6 are typed and may not be the original copies).

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Council for Basic Education Harold Clapp was one of the founders of the Council for Basic Education (1956), served as the Council’s First Executive Secretary 1956-57, as President 1959-60, and was editor of the CBE Bulletin 1956-57. CBE was a nonprofit educational organization show “primary purpose was strengthening the basic subject in American elementary and secondary schools.” CBE Certificate of Incorporation. 1956. 12 p., and 2 descriptive leaflets. CBE Bulletins, ed. By HLC, Aug. 1956-Aug. 1957 also two August 1958 Bulletins with unsigned articles by HLC. Articles not signed or initialed by someone else were written by HLC during the year of his editorship. Executive Secretary’s Report, Oct. 1957. 7 p. Typescript. Bibliography of articles about CBE in US newspapers. 7 p. “The Main job of Schools” manuscript of editorial by HLC in Des Moines Sunday Register, Sept. 2, 1956. “Some Overtones – National and International -- of American Education.” 1959, 8 p. Talks given by HLC under auspices of CBE: Remarks to Division of Arts and Sciences, American Association of Land Grant Colleges and State Universities, Washington, Nov. 13, 1956. 5 p. “Schools Need More Thank Money” to National Conference of Taxpayer Executives, Washington. Feb. 4, 1957. 8 p. “The American Scholar and Public Education.” Wayne State Chapter of the AAUP, Feb. 19, 1957. 8 p. “The Need for Substance in Secondary Education" Southern Humanities Conference, Tulane University. Mar. 29 and 30, 1957. 8 p. Remarks at Farewell Luncheon. Brookings Institution, Washington. Aug. 6, 1957. 4 half-sheets. “Basic Education – and the Council Therefore,” University of Kentucky. Foreign Language Conference. April 24, 1959. 9 p. General Prospectus of Council for Basic Education. Autumn, 1959. 16p. [Author unknown. Describes CBE’s point of view, operations, assessments of its work, etc,] Miscellaneous papers.

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Series 4: Writings of Harold L. Clapp, published and unpublished A. Published articles and manuscripts of published material. 1929-1959 [Partial bibliography of other published articles is in Harold L. Clapp Manuscript Inventory, Appendix A. Paper copies of many articles are filed in Grinnell College Archives] 1. “Those Dirty French Writers.” The Willow Path. Nov. 1929. 6 p. 2. “An American Scholar and Public Education.” South Atlantic Bulletin, Jan. 1957, 4 p. 3. Some Lessons from Swiss Education. 1958. 9 p. Typed manuscript with appended bibliography of newspapers and journals which published the article. 4. Some Hints from the Swiss. No date. 18 p. Typed manuscript. (No record of where this was published) B. Unpublished stories, articles, and reports, 1958-1960 Arranged chronologically. Mr. Clapp’s writings on education also in “Talks” (series 3) and “Council for Basic Education” (series 2) 1. “Paris Green.” 1938. 14 p. 2. “Sammy Carpenter’s Friends.” ca. 1939. 7 p. (Story for children) 3. “Linguistics Lament.” ca. early 1940s. 7p. 4. “Without Study or Effort.” ca. 1946. 15 p. 5. Letter to Chairman of Modern Foreign Languages, Grinnell College, June 1946. 1946. 4 p. 6. “Sand in the Ears of European Business.” ca. 1949. 7p. (Based on the 1946-7 experience in Switzerland) 7. “On Stinging Beads.” 42 p. 8. “A simple man’s Revolt.” 5 p. 9. “Educational Hypothesis.” 6 p. 10. “Et Tu Brutal Digest.” ca. 1955. 7 p. 11. “The Question of Ernest P. Goodfellow.” ca. 1955. 8 p. 12 The New-Rich Curriculum by Voltaire. Ca. 1955. 9 p. 13. “A Few More Thoughts on Why Johnny Can’t Read.” ca. 1955-56. 2 p. 14. “Pedagogical Perceptions for Cooperative Laymen.” ca. 1957. 6 p. 15. Report of Chairman of the Faculty. 1959. 10 p. 16. “What Are the Essential Ingredients in a Sound Education for Teachers?” 1960. 5 p. 17. “Grinnell College. [Faculty Salaries and Benefits].” Report by HLC. Summer 1960. 9 p. 18. [Paper on education requirements for teachers] undated, ca. 1951-56. 2-22 p. (p. 1 with title is missing) 19. “Specific Suggestions for Increasing Reading Power in French.” 2 p.

[Series 4 continues in Box 2]

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[continued from Box 1] C. Published book, Manual for French A2. 1947 (Unpaged. Odette de Lecluse, co-author) D. Unpublished books, (4), ca. 1953-1958 1. Education for Mediocrity. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5 of a projected 7-chapter book. Ca. 1948-1956. 92p. Non-fiction. 2. Dialogues and Diatribes. Ca. 1953. 161 p. Satire. 3. Private Papers of Jeremiah Badger, N.P. 1954. 213 p. Satire. Version of Dialogues and Diatribes. 4. Knightmares or Modern Education Through a Looking Glass, Darkly. Ca. 1953-1956. 146 p. Satire. Appended to manuscript are explanatory notes by Laura Clapp and a talk given by Mr. Clapp to the Whitcomb Club, Feb. 1955, “On Writing Satire,” describing this novel. 5. Aisse. Notes on proposed historical novel. 1960. Ca. 20 leaves.

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French Play School – Summers 1949, 1950, for children ages 4-10 Summary of the project by Mrs. Clapp (1 p.) Lists of words and phrases (3 typed pages, 13 handwritten blue-book pages) Song sheet (2 pages) Scripts of 3 puppet shows by Mrs. Clapp (11 p.) Summary notes by HLC (2 pgs. Transcribed by Mrs. Clapp) “A Punch and Judy Theater” – manuscript of unpublished article by HLC based on French Play School experience (3 pgs. Text, 5 pgs. Diagrams of stage construction, scenery, puppets, 1 pg. of 5 photographs) [No complete outlines of curriculum or daily lesson plans were preserved.] [See also Clapp, Harold L. “Second Fiddle to a Puppet.” French Review 37 (May 1954): 453-59]

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Correspondence, obituaries, and letters of condolence 1928-1961. Arranged chronologically. Correspondence, 1928-61. 3 undated. 23 items. Obituary notices and letters of condolence, 1961. 13 items. Includes 2 notes from BADM H.G. Rickover. Letters about Prof. O. H. Hauptmann.

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Talks Includes radio shows, chapel talks, talks to PA, professional groups in modern language and education, church groups, college students, etc. Arranged chronologically. Talks for council for Basic Education filed with CBE materials (series 2). Radio programs: Chautauqua County YMCA – Vocational Guidance Series, Nov. 1938. 7 p. What’s in a Name Quiz, ca 1950. 1 p. Rob and Bay ca. 1950, 10 p. French Colloquium, 1952. 1-pg. summary Jules Romains. No date. 13 p. As Others See Us. Jan. 1945. ( for Poweshiek Club) 12 p. Memorial Service Address (F. D. Roosevelt), April 1945. 2 p. [Talk on language study] (for Classical Conference in Mount Vernon) Spring 1946. 2 p. Rumbo A Mexico. (Chapel Talk) March 1946. 8 p. Talk to Dubuque language teacher’s meeting. Sept. 1946. 4 p. Meditations on a Placement Program, or When Should a Foreign Language Be Studies? (Classical Conference, Mount Vernon. Published in Modern Language Journal, 1947) Spring 1947. 7 p. Talk to Kansas Foreign Language Conference, Hayes, Kan.] ca. late 1940s. 65p. Review of Wave of the Future by Anne M. Lindbergh. (Chapel talk) 1949. 6p. [Talk on counseling] 1950. 2p. Here I Stand. (Chapel Talk) Spring 1952. 10 p. [Talk to Toledo PTA] April 1952. 4 p. How Scholarly Can We Get (Phi Beta Kappa Chapel) Oct. 1952. 11p. [Talk to Grinnell rotary Club] ca. Apr. 1953. 3 p. What’s Funny? (Kiwanis Club) April. 1953. 3 p. [Talk to Advanced Communications class] ca. 1953-54. 8 p. [Sermon at Congregational Church] Early 1950s. 7p. [Sermon] ca. 1953. 5 p. The Church in Our Time (First congregational Church) Oct. 1954. 4p. [Lecture to Advanced Communication class] Feb. 1955. 14 p. Words for a College Freshman. (Revision of Lecture to Advanced Communication class) ca. 1956. 7 p. [Draft of Chapel address] ca. 1955. 3 p. Education – Protestant problem-Child. (Chapel talk) Mar, 1955. 4 p. Ethics in Advertising. (Chapel Talk) Nov. 1955. 10 p. [Preparation of teachers for our public schools] (Audience unknown) Late 1950s. 6 p. (incomplete) [Outline of remarks proposed for Brookville PTA] April 1957. 1 p. [Talk on education to Sphinx Club, Washington, D.C.] 1957. 9 p. [Second talk on education to Sphinx Club Washington, D.C.] 1957. 3 p. The American Scholar and Public Education – Chapter II (Univ. of Kentucky Foreign Language Conference) April 1957. 9 p. [Introduction to talk on education] ca. 1957. 1 p. (transcribed by Mrs. Clapp) The Public and the Public Schools. (Annual meeting of Girls’ Latin School Alumnae Association, Boston) June 1957. 4 p. The Role of the Liberal Arts College in Teacher Education. (26th Annual Conference of Academic Deans of the Southern States, Richmond, VA.) Dec. 1957. 11 p. [Talk to Grinnell Congregational Church on merger of Congregational Christian and Evangelical and Reformed Churches] Spring 1958. 6 p. Schools Need More Than Money. (Wichita Rotary Club) June 1958. 9 p. Proceedings of the Editor and Educator conference on “The purpose of Education in the American Democracy” and HLC’s prepared notes. (Arden House, New York) Nov. 1958. Elements in the Teacher Education Program – Subject Matter preparation. (State Conference sponsored by Iowa Commission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards, Ames, Iowa) Nov. 1958. 12 p. Also press release, 1 p. How Far Is It to Ideal Teachers College? Ca. 1958. 10 p. Education for the Extremes. (Debate with Harold Hand at Milwaukee meeting of Department of Secondary Education of university of Wisconsin at Milwaukee) April 1959. 19 p. The Education of Teachers –If I Had My Way. (Kansas Conference, Lawrence, Kan.) June 1959. 4 p. [Talk on education to Grinnell Rotary Club] Aug. 1959. 10 p. Story of the Y building (Rededication of Y Building as Steiner Hall) Oct. 1959. 2 p. Discussion of three aspects of J. B. Conant’s The American High School Today. *(Iowa Association of School Administrators) Nov. 1959. 11 p. [Notes for Phi Beta Kappa panel discussion] May 1960. 5 sheets. Who’s on First in Teacher Education? Ca. 1961. 20 p. What Are the Essential Ingredients in a Sound Education for Teachers? Ca. 1961. 6 p.

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Verse by Harold L. Clapp ca. 1926-1959. 23 poems [Most poems re-copied by Mrs. Clapp, in some cases both the original and Mrs. Clapp’s copy are included]

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Scrapbook of newspaper clippings about HLC, programs of meeting, letters, etc. ca. 1937-72, most material 1955-1960. Arranged chronologically. Items pasted to or Xeroxed on 24 sheets.