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1977 Sports: Cross-country, Midwest Conference meet at Grinnell Field Hockey. Campus: Computer pictures; African Art A-F; North campus residence halls, from east, A,B; Campus scenes; North campus residence halls, east view; Forum exterior scene; Permanent Art Collections - "Maquette for Plaza Sculpture", Marie Zoe Greene-Mercier; Outdoor campus scenes A,B. People and Events: Miscellaneous pictures, Deminoff; Nathan Borenstein; Conference, Agriculture: Limits to Growth, Joan Orr, Roger Blobaum, Max Schnept; Susan Green Crim, Student Affairs; Anne Kintner; Computer Personnel, A,B,C; Actress Julie Harris, A,B; Robert McAfee Brown, Gates Lecturer, A,B; Computer programmers, A,B; John Hamby, Grinell-Rush Medical studies; Alan Jones, History; Ed Mezvinsky, A,B; Carl Oppendahl (award) and Charles Duke, physics; D.S. Poynter; Language Assistants, Josef Bertsch, Pascal Dupin, and Edena Rubinova, A,B; Gift picture; Rosenfield Lecturer, John Fairbank, A,B; Penca, Dance group from West Java, Indonesia; Roger Zimmerman; Picnic for local volunteers in college fund drives at President Turner's home, A,B; Mary Ruth Yoe; Fall Skip Day, A-D; Miscellaneous minority group student pictures; Conference, Agriculture: Limits to Growth, Lauren Soth, Lorenzo Jesso, and Mary Boland; Conference, Agriculture: Limits to Growth, Dan McCurry; Grinnell-Rush Medical Studies group; Jan German, Director of Alumni Program; Guillermo Mendoza, Stone Professor of Biology; Leota Brown; Volunteer blood donations to Central Iowa Community Blood Bank, A,B; Joseph F. Wall, parker Professor of History, A,B; Harvey Brooks, Harvard University, Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar, A,B; Mirecourt Trio being filmed by Iowa Educational Broadcasting Network, A-D; "Women in Work" conference, Louise Noun and Cindy Jackson, A,B; Morton H. Halperin, director of project on national security and civil liberties, A,B; Jonathan Kozol, educator and author; Susan Green Crim, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs with Dober Report material, A,B; Richard Van Scotter, educational faculty; The Mendoza Symposium; George W. Forell Carver Professor of Religion at Universiyt of Iowa, A,B; Students at Conard Environmental Research Area, A-F, W-Z; Nicholas Scott, member of British Parliament A; Blood A; Spring Skip Day A-D; New Student Days A-Z; Alumni Reunion Weekend A-G; Commencement A-U. 1978 Sports: Women's Cross-country, Midwest Athletic Conference for Women meet; Women's Track, Grinnell vs. William Penn;Midwest Conference Wrestling Tournament; Ice Hockey practice; NCAA Division III Swim Meet, A-I. Campus: Clark Hall Renovation, inside; Painting of College-owned house on Sixth Ave. just east of Conoco station; Norris Hall, A,B; Permanent Art Collection - "Flute Player" John Sloan; Permanent Art Collection - "Trumpeter", Benton Spuance; Permanent Art Collection - "Actor with a Sword", Toshusai Sharaku; Permanent Art Collection - "Two Ladies and a Man, One a Musician", Torii Kiyonaga; Permanent Art Collection - "Dancers", David Hare' Permanent Art Collection - "Laughing Artist", Fritz Scholder; Permanent Art Collection - "Art Lovers", Syd Fossum; Bicycle chained to a tree by Mears Hall; Ice formations; James Hall plumbing; Forum Grill shots; College Forum, south private dining rooms, at night; Music Dept. organ; Snow scenes by Burling Library; Hall of Science Library; Grinnell House exteriors; Campus snow removal; Millet painting; Clark Hall renovation outside. People and Events: Angus Wilson, British writer, A,B; Reb. Jeanette Piccard, Episcopal Priest, A,B; Theatre production "The Cloud" A,B,C; Bill Evans Dance Co, A,B; Viola da Gamba Trio of Basel Workshop A,B; Jon Andelson, Anthropology, A,B; Jon Andelson, Anthropology class, A,B; Renaissance Feast, A,B; Eleanor Bowers; u.S. Senator Dick Clark; Edward Mezvinsky, U.S. Representative to Un.N. Human Rights Commission, A,B; Miscellaneous Science pictures, mostly minority students; General Telephone Co, grant to College; Miscellaneous Science pictures, mostly minority students, A; Angela DAvis, Black Martyrs' Weekend; Black Martyrs Weekend Poetry Reading; Psychology pictures, Mary Jo LaDu, Ruth Wheeler, Psychology pictures, Mary Jo LaDu; Psychology pictures, Dan Swewll and Adam Thornton; Patience Whitten, Food service donut maker, A,B; Mathematics pictures, Charles Jepsen, Rosemary Strunk; C. Ellen Mease, Theatre; Physics dept. pictures, A,B,C; President A. Richard Turner; Panama Canal Treaty debate with H. Wayne Moyer and Richard Turner, attorney general of Ioa, A-D; Theatre Dance Troupe, rehearsal; scenes from Grinnell--Knox Parents and Alumni Day; Kickoff Breakfast for Town-Gown campaing, A-F; Fred Little, Board of Trustees, meeting; Susan Duffey, Rhodes Scholar selection; Psychology pictures, Sarah Rae; Chemistry department pictures, A,B,C; Blood B; Jeld-Wen, Wenco scholarship grant to Joel Sears with John Kintzinger and Nick Ryan; C. Ellen Mease, Theatre; Debra Stuart, Student Affairs, Susan Wittpenn, Student Affairs, and Steven Hall, A,B,C; Dave McConnell, Food Service Director, AB; Diane Cowden Robertson biology class, A,B,C; Awards given to participants in Town-Gown campaign; Dave McConnell, Food Service Director; Career Services pictures, Brad Voss; Student Advising pictures, Susan Wittpenn and Ruth Bittner; Nata=ha Braun, Music Dept. poster maker; Chris McKee, Librarian, A,B; Howard Simons, Manageing Editor of the Washington Post, A,B; Hedrick Smith, New York Times, A,B,C; Christine Downing, San Diego State University , Gates Lecturer, A,B; Rehearsal for premier of composer James Drew's "Orangethorpe Aria" A,B; New Student Days, Rush Medical luncheon; Fall Skip Day, A-E; Skip Day A,B; Trustees; Trustees, A-J; New Student Days A-W; New Student Days, Elizabeth Dobbs, English; New Student Days, Ruth Wheeler, Pscyhology; Women's Sumposium, Catherine Stimson, assistant professor of English at Barnard College, A,B; Gail Burdick, Office of College Relations; Warren Buffet, Trustee; John Chrystal, Trustee; Presser Foundation Scholarship award to Amy Stubenhaus, Presidet A. Richard Turner, and James Fudge; John Dawson, edonomics, A,B,C; U. S. Congressmmen Jim Leach and Tom Railsback, A,B; Bill Brown and Shirley Heimanin track uniforms A,B; Presentation of Jeld-Wen Wenco Scholarship to Sara Mathews; Watson Fellows June Bradley and Ann Lion, A,B; "Sun Day" May 3, 1978; Harry S. Truman Scholars; Psychology dept pictures, A,B; Mirecourt Trio with newly-acquired Broadwood Piano; C. Ellen Mease, theatre faculty on set of "The Women of Troy"; John Hamby, Girnnell-Rush Medical Studies; Computer personnel; Walker, Atwekk, Connelly, and Kurtz; Beryl Clotfelter, Physocs; John Hayes and Rogers Gurira, Chemistry, A,B; Newton White and Jodie Stonesifer; Mose Killion Day; Ken Browning; John Pfitsch; Tom Wicker, associate editor and columnist of the New Youk Times, A,B,C; Pre-school pictures A-E; Alumni Colege lecture series, Gregg Sayre and Susan Hartman Sayers; Alumni College Lecture series, Peter Connelly with Robin Omahana, and Deanne Smallwood; Commencerment A-S; Alumni Reunion Weekend, A-F. 1978-1979 People and Events: Rush Medical Class. Unlabeled: 1 packet 35 mm transparency-admission brochures and books circa 1981-1982; 6 plastic protective sheets of unlabeled negatives. 1979-1980 People and Events: Scholars Convocation: Colin, Jackson, Fromer member of British House of Parliament; Scholars Convocation: Paul Engle and Hualing Nieh Engle, poets and translators, A,B; Scholars Convocation: Henry Sahpiro, joiurnalist and Sovietologist, A,B; Scholars Convocation: President George Drake; Presser Foundation Scholarship: Blair Martin with Pres. George Drake; Grinnell-Rush Medical Studies class. 1980 Sports: Marth Brown, Head Coach of Women's Volleyball and Swimming, Assistant professor of physical education; Tom and Jill Hepenstell, brother-sister divers on men's and women's swimming teams; John Harvey, Associate Professor of Physical Education, Head Men's Basketball coach. Campus: North campus residence halls; Herrick Chapel renoation; Herrick Chapel interior renovation; Physical Education Complex wall deterioration A,B,C; George Dentel's Forum Office, A,B. People and Events: Grinnell-Rush Medical Studies Program, students and faculty; Scholars Convocation series: Robert Grey, Grinnell Political Scinece faculty; Scholars Convocation series: Robert Abelson, Higgins Professor of Psychology at Yale University; George Gibian, Cornell University, Visiting Porfessor in residence; U. S. Senator John Culver, (D-IA); Richard Hatcher, Mayor of Gary, IN, Black Martyrs Weekend; Catherine Frazer, Dean of the College; Annual Fund Telethon; Comedian, Back Activist Dick Gregory, Black Martyrs Weekend; George A. Drake Inauguration Weekend; Roxanne Conlin, U. S. Attorney for Southern District of Iowa Conference on Women in Public Affairs; Mary O'Halloran, Regional representative for Department of Energy Continuing Conference on Women in Public Affairs; Chemistry Department seniors and faculty and staff; Andrew Hsieh, history faculty; Mirecourt Trio with composer Paul Creston; Cora Roof, Physical plant employee; Grinnell-Rush Medical Studies at Grinnell General Hospital A-D; Grinnell-Rush Medical Studies Lab shots A, B; Grinnell-Rush Medical Studies classroom pictures; Albert Hunt, Wall Street Journal political reporter; Chemistry department open house A,B; Spanish pianist Antonio Baciero in recital in Herrick Chapel A,B; Spanish artist Raquel Fabrega A-D; Dancer Daniel Nagrin, A,B; Shirley Williams, British stateswoman, Rosenfield Lecture series A,B; Theatre production "The Robber Bridegroom", A,B,C; Robert Bullitt with seismograph A,B; Young, Gifted, and Black Gospel Choir, A,B; Inauguration of Georga A. Drake,A-L; Commencement A-O; Skip Day A-D; Alumni Reunion Weekend A-N.


1979 Sports: Men's Indoor Track, triangular; Ed Dombrowski, Football coach. Campus: Chemistry equipment in laboratory of Elliot Uhlenhopp; Permanent Art Collection - Maurice Alamink, Lithograph; Permanent Art Collection - Picasso Print - "Dreams and Lies of Franco"; Goodnow Hall exteriors; Hall of Science; Mears Hall exteriors; North campus residence halls; Classroom shots; Calder mobile sculpture; Classroom pictures; Classes meeting outdoors on central campus; Grinnell House exteriors; "Grinnell" and "Grinnell College" interstate highway signs; Meeting in renovated Main Hall Lounge; Outdoor campus scenes; Greenhouse pictures, Elizabeth Ward, A,B,C. People and Events: Truman Scholarship nominees: Lori Llewelyn and Emily Silliman with Wayne Moyer and A. Richard Turner; Marilyn Berger, Public Television Network, Times Journalism Lecture; Eugene Kwon; Robin Lakoff, University of California at Berkeley; Miscellaneous Biology pictures; Student artists painting and drawing in Schaeffer Gallery; Philip Windsor, London School of Economics; Chemistry graduates and faculty; Susan Hagler and Kirk Krutilla seated in front of Forum; Mark Jones; Biology class dissecting animals; Kool-Aid stand in front of Audubon House, Joan Mandel, Robert SHeeler and David Chalkley; Mark Hyde and Lynn Rossman; John Cromwell and Kenneth Schwartz; Piobeer Football players with Halloween pumpkins isiting at Grinnell General Hospital; Merle Zirkle art and pottery; Jeld-Wen, Wenco Scholarship presentation to Davi Abarr; Scholars Convocation Series, James Redfield; Pre-school students parading in Halloween costumes; Committee on Student Life meeting; Jennifer Michaels, German Faculty; William T. McKibben, Benedict Professor of Classics; Theatre Dance Troup A, B; Neil Staebler, former Democratic U S. Congressman from Michigan, A,B; Solar eclipse, A,B; Toni McNaron, Women Week featured speaker and Scholars Convocation series speaker, A,B; Spring Skip Day, A,B; Town meeting on Disarmament with Paul Warnke, A,B,C; Folk Dance pictures, A,B; Commencement Aj-R; Vine Deloria, Gates Lecturer and Scholars Convocation speaker, A,B,C; Renaissance Feast A,B; Fall Skip Day, A-D; Sen. Edward Kennedy at Grinnell, A-F; Theatre production "Good Person of Szechwan" A,B; President George Drake in his office A-C; New Student Days A-V; Dusco Doder, Washington Post correspondenc, A,B; Debaters: Jane St. Clair and Jon Nelson, A,B,C; Scholars Convocation series, Pres. George Drake A,B; Alumni Reunion Weekend, A-N; Republican Party conference A-E; Rosenfiled Lecture Series, A-D. 1979-1980 People and Events: Scholars Convocation: Colin, Jackson, Fromer member of British House of Parliament; Scholars Convocation: Paul Engle and Hualing Nieh Engle, poets and translators, A,B; Scholars Convocation: Henry Sahpiro, joiurnalist and Sovietologist, A,B; Scholars Convocation: President George Drake; Presser Foundation Scholarship: Blair Martin with Pres. George Drake; Grinnell-Rush Medical Studies class. 1980 Sports: Marth Brown, Head Coach of Women's Volleyball and Swimming, Assistant professor of physical education; Tom and Jill Hepenstell, brother-sister divers on men's and women's swimming teams; John Harvey, Associate Professor of Physical Education, Head Men's Basketball coach. Campus: North campus residence halls; Herrick Chapel renoation; Herrick Chapel interior renovation; Physical Education Complex wall deterioration A,B,C; George Dentel's Forum Office, A,B. People and Events: Grinnell-Rush Medical Studies Program, students and faculty; Scholars Convocation series: Robert Grey, Grinnell Political Scinece faculty; Scholars Convocation series: Robert Abelson, Higgins Professor of Psychology at Yale University; George Gibian, Cornell University, Visiting Porfessor in residence; U. S. Senator John Culver, (D-IA); Richard Hatcher, Mayor of Gary, IN, Black Martyrs Weekend; Catherine Frazer, Dean of the College; Annual Fund Telethon; Comedian, Back Activist Dick Gregory, Black Martyrs Weekend; George A. Drake Inauguration Weekend; Roxanne Conlin, U. S. Attorney for Southern District of Iowa Conference on Women in Public Affairs; Mary O'Halloran, Regional representative for Department of Energy Continuing Conference on Women in Public Affairs; Chemistry Department seniors and faculty and staff; Andrew Hsieh, history faculty; Mirecourt Trio with composer Paul Creston; Cora Roof, Physical plant employee; Grinnell-Rush Medical Studies at Grinnell General Hospital A-D; Grinnell-Rush Medical Studies Lab shots A, B; Grinnell-Rush Medical Studies classroom pictures; Albert Hunt, Wall Street Journal political reporter; Chemistry department open house A,B; Spanish pianist Antonio Baciero in recital in Herrick Chapel A,B; Spanish artist Raquel Fabrega A-D; Dancer Daniel Nagrin, A,B; Shirley Williams, British stateswoman, Rosenfield Lecture series A,B; Theatre production "The Robber Bridegroom", A,B,C; Robert Bullitt with seismograph A,B; Young, Gifted, and Black Gospel Choir, A,B; Inauguration of Georga A. Drake,A-L; Commencement A-O; Skip Day A-D; Alumni Reunion Weekend A-N.


1982 Sports: Football, Grinnell vs. Graceland. Campus: Windsor House; Royal Winnepeg Ballet truck outside Fine Arts Center; South Lounge Science; South elevation of Norris Hall; West elevation of Hall of Science; Miscellaneous outdoor campus shots; Rephotograph of early college picture; Burling Library rededication, Scholars Convocation with William Jovanovich; Musical instruments still life, A, B; Outdoor campus scenes, A,B; Cowles Dining Hall interior after remodeling, A-C. People and Events: SGA money presentation to Grinnell United Fund--Jen Scharff, Rev. Harry Lennenbrink, John Moffett, and Pete Hantzinger; Latin American Marimba Ensemble in concert; Jim FUdge and Friends concert of Rogers and Hart music--Barbara Lien, Ed Phillips, Russ Leggett, Berneil Mueller, Pat Larson; Presentation of Jeld-Wen Wenco Scholarship to Tammy McKenna; Symposium on nuclear disarmament - William Stringfellow; Poetry reading by Amy Clampitt; Dennis Haas, Prof. of Religious Studies and College Chaplain; Bill Deminoff 35mm negatives; Bill Deminoff, pictures taken at Chapin IA; Symposium on Nuclear Disarmament, earl Ravenal; Symposium on Nuclear Disarmament 0 William Stringfellow, Wayne Moyer, Earl Ravenal, and Gordon Thompson; Slinky II and SLinky III; Clivichord workshop by Jean Benson; Thomas Marshall, Vice President of Development; Shane Cook, Director of Alumni Programs; Arthur Green, Associate Professor of Religion at University of Pennsylvania, Gates Lecturer; Ladies Education Society, officers and scholarship recipients; Grinnell Rush Medical Studies program - Luncheon and Investiture; Vietnam Conference, Greorg McGovern A-D; Conference on U. S. Soviet agricultural relations A-C; Vocal workshop by Tenor Blake Stern, A,B; Kenneth Adelman, Deputy U.S. Ambassador to United States, A,B; New Student Days pictures; New Student Days A-S. 1983 Sports: Tennis practice; four members of Midwest Conference 1955 schamionship cross-country squad; Grinell Football helmets; Grinnell - Concordia - St. Paul Football; Outstnading Freshmen Athletes. Campus: Students modeling Grinnell shirts at Bookstore A-C; Conard Environmental Research Area A-E; Miscellaneous Outdoor campus scenes A-C; Burling Library interior photos A,B; Outdoor campus scenes; Outdoor campus shots A,B; Burling Library Rededication B-G; John Martinek campus photos rephotographed; Forum interior photos; Girl with guitar on Barber Plaza; ARH classroom shot; Musicians playing in front of Forum; Outdoor campus scenes; Outdoor snow scenes; Miscellaneous indoor scenes, Libray and Forum; Piano moving in Herrick Chapel; Art exhibition in Print Display Gallery, lower level of Burling Libray; John Martinek photos of Physical Education Complex;Laboratory building at Conard Environmental Research Area; Gale observatory; Books photographed for Bookstore flyer; Classroom photos, Nancy Waldrop photos; Guitarists on central campus. People and Events: Alumni Reunion Weekend A-L; Alumni Reunion Weekend Picnic A,B; Alumni Reunion Weekend Gayle Burdick photos A, B; Commencement A-P; United Fund Carnival A-D; Chinese journalist-novelist Xiao-Qian, Scholars Convocation speaker A,B; Business executive Fletcher Byrom, Scholars Convocation speaker A-C; Alumni College A, B; New Student Days Freshman Tutorial Advising A-J; New Student DAys photos by Tony Margherita; New Student Days A-M; John Martinek photos A,B; Theatre Production , Aristophanes "Lysistrata" A,-C; Computer Workshop A=E; Grinnell Elderhostel wine and cheese party A-B; Theatre producation, Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure" A,B; Grinnell Relays, A-C; Conference on Central Ameria A-E; orchestra in rehearsal A-C; Soviet Official Georgi Arbatov, Rosenfield Lecturer A-E; Mayfest of Gilbert and Sullivan A-D; Dan Halsey photos A-F; Grinnell Institute A-D; Grinnell Institute picnic 1-3; Soviet official Georgi Arbatov, Rosenfield Lecturer; Ted Solis family photos repghotographed; Members of Ted Solis' "World of Music" class with instruments they nade; Presidential candidate Alan Cranston; Nancy Waldrop photos; Dr. Edward Steiner clippings rephotographed; John Chrystal lecture; John Searle, Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar;Latin America Marimba Ensemble concert; Presentation of Ruth Suckow books to Grinnell by Ferner Nuhn; Earl Heady, Symposium on Agriculture; Wendell Berry Symposium on Agriculture; Writer's Conference, poet Edward Hersh; Grinnell Singers; Former Sen. Eugene McCarthy (D-MN) poetry reading; Royal Winnepeg Ballet; Grinnell Elderhostel members at CERA; Theatre Dance Troupe rehearsing for concerts; Grinnell College Chorus; President and Mrs. Drake; Grinnell Elderhostel, Sandy Moffett theatre course; Chemistry seniors and faculty; Pre-school classes; Kathryn Jagow Mohrman, Scholars Convocation speaker; Presidential candidate Alan Cranston; Tony Margherita photos; Former Sen. Eugene McCarthy, Scholars Convocation; James Gannon, Des Moines Register editor, Scholars Convocation speaker; Will Freeman, Physical Education faculty; Catherine Frazer, Dean of the Colelge; Gar Smith, Physical Education; Presentation of plaque to Kent Staley, recipient of Muehrcke Scholarship; Jim Gilbert, Physical Education faculty; Karin Stein, modeling Grinnell shirts; Chemistry Department seniors and faculty; Parent's Weekend Oktoberfest; Tony Margherita photos; Finanicial Aid Officers meeting; Ladies Education Society, officers and scholarship recipients. 1984 Sports: Sports Symposium A-J. Campus: Computer Center photos and campus photos by Bill Deminoff; Morgan Taylor track shoes and cap photographed. People and Events: Presser Foundation Scholarship presentation to Steven Snodgrass by President Drake; Grinnell Singers; Cindy Drake passport photo; Jonathan Letchinger Dance pohotos; Dance Troupe rehearsing for concerts; Service awards, Nancy Waldrop; President Drake's arrest; Paul Schlegel, Presser Foundation Scholar with Pres. Drake; Computer workshop; Rhodes Scholars rephotographed; Edd Bowers; Bobby Seale, co-founder of Black Panther Party, Scholars Convocation speaker; Willaim Rusher, Scholars Convocation speaker; George Kennan at Grinnell A-C; Theatre production, "The Architect and the Emperor of Assyria" A-C; Tony Margherita photos A-E. Print file negatives: Nancy Waldrop, internships; Nancy Waldrop, Sports symposium A-E; Tony Margherita, Baseball; Nancy Waldrop, Golf; Tony Margherita, Ralph Luebben, Anthropology; Tony Margherita, Baseball; Nancy Waldrop, Des Moines internships; Tony Margherita, Conrad Wiffenbah; Jonathan Letchinger, Opera workshop; Tony Margherita, Scholars Convocation. Freshman book photos with names on a list. Miscellaneous negatives and proof sheets.


1983-1984 Negatives in Envelopes: Jazz Band rehearsal and Orchestra rehearsal; Grinnell-Carleton soccer and other miscellaneous photos by Tony Margherita; Conard Environmental Research Area; Drake's arrest; Michele Wallace, author and commentator, Scholars Convocation speaker; Polish playwright Janusz Glowacki; Tony Margherita photos of campus; Miscellaneous photos by Nancy Waldrop; Dan Halsey pictures; Dan Halsey pictures of Black History Month student variety show; Miscellaneous photos by Dan Halsey. 1983 (Negatives in plastic covers) Campus: Classrooms A-N; Conard Environmental Research Aread dedication A,B; Construction, summer scenes; Chairs; Bern Terrace - athletic storage; Bern Terrace - observatory; Bern Terrace dedication; Bern Terrace construction; Burling terminal room; Observatory construction; Campus candid; Classroom; observatory; Fall scenes; Grant Gale students, Physics Museum. People and Events: Commencement 2R 1&2; Commencement AV 1-3; Commencement NW 1-5: Jack Robertson, Burling; Carrel Tower, Burling; Kathryn Kamp, Anthropology; Fall Telethon; George Drake; Sculpture class; Ceramics and telethon; Art classes; Miscellaneous, Art class, and snow; Sculpture class; Electronic music classroom; Preschool; Ken Christiansen and students. Unlabeled: 1980 by Ric McDowell; ca. 1975-1980 miscellaneous proof sheets.


Negatives in envelopes: Nancy Waldrop photos, Bookstore, 1984; G. Drake by W. Deminoff, 1984; Classroom and campus shots, 1982; Grant Gale in 1934, 1984; Grant Gale rephotographed from 1966 picture, 1984; Gates Lecture series, 1984; Prof Alan Jones, 1984; "In C" musical performance at Berne Terrace, 1984; Nancy Waldrop, 1984; Burling Library Print Room, 1983; Burling Library Print Room, 1984; Tony Margherita Basketball photos, Grinnell-Lawrence, 1984; Tony Margherita photos, 1984; Tony Margherita photos, Basketball, 1984; Commencement (A-I), 1984; New Student Day at farm, B. Deminoff, 1984; G. Alumni Reunion photo by Tony Margherita (A-E), 1984. 1984 (Negatives in plastic covers) Sports: Football team 1-3; Soccer; X-C Meet; Football; Soccer; Freeman's Track; Football and Soccer. Campus: Computer - first site of Grinnell College; Campus scene; Chemistry and Physics labs; Calendar 1; Calendar 2; Art class; Computers; Grinnell College sign on 6th Ave.; Computers; Campus scenes; Art classes; Campus fall; Campus; Art class. People and Events: Telethon B; Professor Joseph Wall; New Student picnic; Registration Day; Computer classes; McKibbin prints; New Student Days; Dan Kaiser and George Drake; Goldsmith; Dance concert and Waltz; Tony Margherita; New Student Days. Folders: Miscellaneous proofs; Grinnell Technology semester in Washington; Grant Gale photos. Print File Negatives: Commencement A-C; Physical Education Complex A-C; GORP Kayak river trip; Faculty Club house; Commencement A,B; Tony Margherita photos A; Grinnell shirts; 1984 Commencement - Baccalaureate; Commencement preparation: Observatory dedication: Nancy Waldrop photos; Observatory dedication; Des Moines internships; G. Burdick photos A and E. Photos

Negative and Proof Sheets

Negative and proof sheets- 1980’s Photo Index in the box (26 February 1997) The following boxes of photographs, slides, and negatives were transferred to the Archives in 1998. They include a variety of materials from the late 1970’s to the present, including 1997 Commencement photos. Many are black and white; some are in color. There are also contact sheets and negatives accompanying the photos in some cases. Folder labels are those assigned by the Public Relations Office.

Jackie Stolze's Files

Contains two prepublication copies of books by Grinnell alums:  Bing Crosby: a Pocketful of Dreams by Gary Giddens, class of 1970; and Dear Folks by George Kessel, class of 1949.

Résultats 61 à 75 sur 117