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RG-R: College Relations dsc Inglés
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Ruth Prescott FIles: Subject files

Chicago Sunday Tribune ratings of colleges and universities, 1957. Reprints Reprint Series of Faculty Studies, no. 1-5, 1950 Silver Dollar Story script, 1957. 21 1. Sports history 1949-64:news releases,correspondence, clippings, football jubilee Miscellaneous: Music building cornerstone materials info- 1 p. Herrick Chapel info 3 p. Campus trees, 2 p. 1882 cyclone Alumni song, additional verses, 1926 Yule Log Dinner, ca. 1950, 1 p. College pranks, 1955 Ricker House, letter of information Press releases: College costs, 1951 Opening of Younker Hall, 1951 Opening of Loose Hall, 1948 Founding Grinnell University centennial, 1956 1889 First football game, 1954, 4 p. Grinnell "firsts" 195 Third and fourth generation Grinnellians,1945,1 p. Grinnell Magazine: correspondence, memos, reports on establishing. 17. Clippings from newspapers and magazines about Grinnell College, 1945-66. 18. Barron's Profiles, 1973.

Ruth Prescott Files: Subject Files

Administrative officers' biographical information,1961. Air Force ROTC: Form letters and brochures ca. 1958 Board of Overseers (Presidentia advisory committee on long-term development) 1962-64: Press releases, biographical information. Bowen, Howard: speeches, brief remarks, inaugural address (1955). 1955-64. College Centennial, 1946: programs, press releases, calendar Feb.-Oct. 1946 Conard Environmental Research Area. 1970-75. Press releases. Darby, J. Fred, class of 1895. Photographs 1895-1945, biographical information, sports information (1890's) Journalism Intern Plan. ca. 1948 Loyalty Oath, 1959: Clippings, press releases, correspondence President's letters to alumni, parents, friends,1969-72 (7 letters): subjects covered include multi-racial campus, dissent on campus, disrobing incident (1969), physical education and recreation, dormitory regulations, Howard Bowen's assessment of Grinnell in 1969

Ruth Prescott Files. Convocations.

1957: Correspondence, press releases, clippings, programs, photographs. Addresses (other copies filed in 11.3/P2a) Grace Hunter, "History of Grinnell College" Honorary degree citations. 1959: Programs, photographs, and addresses (original copies. Two copies filed in 11.3/P3) Addresses (author's copies and typescript carbons) by Elbert A. Read, George Stoddard, George Drake, '56, Harold Clapp, Albert Bush-Brown, Keyes Metcalf, Walter Netsch, Russell Fridley, '50, Neal Klausner. 1967 Photographs, media coverage, press packets including speakers' schedules, biographical information, texts of some talks. See also RG-A, Misc. Ser.2 (Convocations and Commencements) and 11.3/P5b for texts of speeches.

Reel to Reel Tapes

Reel-to-reel tapes (7" reels, 1/4" magnetic tape, 1 mil or 1.5 mil acetate or polyester backing) Philip Hauser and Erwin France tapes from Ilse Leitinger (date unknown) ~ found in archives and added January 2004, 1966 Rosenfield Lecture #1: "Population Explosion & Population Control", Dr. Philip Hauser (U. of Chicago), 2 tapes 1967 Rosenfield Lecture #2: "Population Economic Growth, and Politics", Dr. Philip Hauser (U. of Chicago), 2 tapes 1967 Rosenfield Lecture #3: "World Urbanization“ Antecedents and Consequences", Dr. Philip Hauser (U. of Chicago), 3 tapes 1967 Higher education and social change, 5 tapes 1967 Martin Luther King, 2 tapes 1967 George Champion, 1 tape 1967 Education for a scientific and technical world, 4 tapes 1967 Ashley Montagu, 2 tapes 1968 "Revolution on the Urban Scene", Erwin France, 2 tapes 1969 Conference on the New Politics: Hal Draper and Cecil Hinshaw, "New Left and the New Politics in Prespective: a Critique", 2 tapes. Allard Lowenstein and Bernadine Dohrn "The New Politics: Evolutionary Approach", 2 tapes 1969 The Nature of Rural Poverty. Harry Caudill, Robert Coles, Harry Huge, Tom Sasaki, Richard Hartz. 4 tapes 6/5/? Gov. Robert Ray, Grinnell Alumni Weekend. 1 tape 10/1-2/70 Drug Symposium. 8 tapes 10/21/70 James Billington, "Nature and significance of intellectual ferment in the Soviet Union". 3 tapes 11/5/70 Nathan Wright Jr. "Black power: a creative force". 3 tapes 11/20/70 Robert L. Williams. "Rationale of a black perspective in a predominantly white college". 2 tapes 9/12/70 Class agents. 3 tapes 1/21/71 Robert Haveman. "Our D.C. policy-makers tuned in on economic analysis". 3 tapes 1/22/71 James Miles. "Saigon". 2 of 3 tapes 1/28/71 William Zimmermann. "Space-ship Earth". 2 tapes 2/3/71 Bill Wickersham. "The college as a world community". 2 tapes 2/10/71 Frank Cassell. "Environmental responsibility" 3 tapes 2/14-16/71 Dr. Huston Smith, Gates Lectures: Tao Now: an Ecological Testament: "Technology: Roots of our crisis" 2 tapes; "Technology as world stance" 3 tapes, "Divine milieu" 2 tapes. 2/23/71 Ricaard A. Falk. "Background of the Mid-East crisis" 1 of 2 tapes 3/10/71 Richard Dyer MacCanna. "American film". 2 tapes 4/2/71 John Price. "Toward a national growth policy". 3 tapes 4/4/71 Albert B. Cleage Jr. "Black martyrs' weekend". 2 tapes 4/6-15/71 Modern Imperialism: Raymond F. Betts. "Space, power, and empire". 2 tapes. William Cohen. "Image of Africa in western culture". 2 tapes. Ronald Steel. "America as an imperial power in the mid-twentieth century." 2 tapes. James Ngugi. "Reaction of African writers to imperialism." 2 tapes. J. F. Wall. "Parting of the ways: anti-imperialists of 1898." 3 tapes. J. S. Magee, R. D. Grey, A. Nasser. "Discussion of new-colonialism." 4 tapes. J. Morris. "Franz Fanon: a psychological perspective." 2 tapes. David Hamilton. "Imperialism and anti-imperialism in China." 2 of 3 tapes 4/12/71 Eqbal Ahman (accused of conspiring, along with the Berrigan brothers, to kidnap Henry Kissinger and blow up heating ducts of government buildings in Washington DC). 4 tapes 4/19/71 Banning Garrett. "Present situation in Indochina." 3 tapes 4/21/71 Richard Friedman. "Chicago politics 1971." 2 tapes 4/22/71 Igal Roodenko. "Radical non-violence." 3 tapes 4/29/71 David Chander. "Soviet education--observations and impressions." 2 tapes 5/26/71 Senior dinner and alumni presentations. 1 video tape 5/27/71 Baccalaureate. 1 video tape 9/17/71 Nathan Hare. Black Cultural Week End. 2 tapes 11/17/71 Harrison Wellford. "How to be a constructive nuisance: an assessment of the Public Interest Movement." 3 tapes 2/27/72 Adam Yarmolinsky. "How we got here" (Foreign policy in transition). 2 tapes 2/28/72 Adam Yarmolinsky. "Where do we go from here" (Foreign policy in transition). 2 tapes no date. Student Conference on the American Working Class: 1971? Yvonne Brathwaite. "Sexual divisions in the working class." 3 tapes. Leon Davis. "Organized labor: past role and present crises." 2 of 4 tapes. Herbert Aptheker. "American working class: reaction reform, or revolution." 1 of 3 tapes. Cleveland Robinson. "Racial divisions in the working class." 1 of 3 tapes no date. Stokley Carmichael. 1 tape 1973?. Manhattan String Quartet. 4th movement of Haydn Quartet op. 74 #3. 1 5" tape no date "Sons of Old Grinnell" and "Grinnell Alumni Song." 1 tape no date. Student interviews for College Relations. 1 tape 10/9/73 Sir Herbert Marchant. "Cuban missile crisis" 1 tape 10/10/73 Sir Herbert Marchant. "The Middle East". 1 tape 10/14/73 Farqui. "Heart of Islam." Gates Lecture. 1 tape 11/1, 3/73 Symposium on Humanistic Studies. 2 tapes 3/17/74 Thomas Railsback. Boston Alumni group. 1 tape 11/2-3/77 John K. Fairbank. Rosenfield Lecture. "China and America." 1 tape 2/21/78 Tom Wicker. workshops. 1 tape 3/6/78 Moyer vs Turner debate. 1 tape no date Service of lessons and carols 11/12/74 A. R. Turner phone interview. 1 tape no date NCAA division 3 swimming. 1 tape 9/11/86 Donald MacKay. Scholars' Convocation. "Brain science & human freedom" 1 video cassette (transferred to RG-SP Ser. 3 Box 10) 9/25/86 Thomas Cech. Scholars' Convocation/Danforth Lecture. "Ribozymes & origin of life." 1 video cassette, audiotape. (Transferred to RG-SP Se.r 3 Box 10)

Mirecourt Trio

China tour, Oct. 1983. Correspondence, press releases, itinerary. 1 folder. Press, releases, clippings, photos, correspondence (unsorted). ca. 1975-84. Deminoff. College Relations goals and objectives 1978-9


From various national and regional professional organizations to Public Relations Office for college publication. 1958-83. Faculty files: 1980s. Primarily press releases, also some writings of the faculty, research project descriptions, curriculum vitae.