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Grinnell College Libraries Special Collections RG-A: Presidents' Papers
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Commendatore della Corona d'Italia Dirette Generale del Corpo Americano Y.M.C.A. Opera di Fratellanza Universale

Filed in oversized. RG-A2 Series Item 1. <span id="result_box" lang="en"><span class="hps">Commander of the</span> <span class="hps">Crown of</span> <span class="hps">Italy</span> <span class="hps">director general</span> <span class="hps">of the American</span> <span class="hps">body</span> <span class="hps">Y.M.C.A.</span> <span class="hps">work of</span> <span class="hps">universal brotherhood</span></span>

Subject Files: Al - ACM

Alumni Class Letters, 1956-1957: Calsses of 1896, 1916, 1925, 1931, 1936. Bowen's travel schedule to alumni meetings in the East, April 1956. Amerian Foundations Information Service. 1952-1953. President Steens' correspondence. Associated Colleges of the Midwest. Part 1: 1963-1964. Corrrespondence, Memoranda, Reports. Associated Colleges of the Midwest. Part 2: 1960-1962. Correspondence, Memoranda, Reports. Associated Colleges of the Midwest. Part 3: August 1958-December 1959. Correspondence, Memoranda, Reports. Associated Colleges of the Midwest Part 4: Junuary 1956 - July 1958. Correspondence, Memoranda, Reports. Includes report by J. B. Carroll, "Research in Second-Language Learning" Associated Colleges of the Midwest. Part 5: 1957-1964. Minutes.

Subject Files: As - E

Associaton of College Admissions Counselors. 1952-1953. Minutes and correspondence from Stevens' presidencey. Bookstore. Blair Hall, 1955-1957, 1959, 1961. Camus Planning. Contents on this subject filed under names of specific places: Blair Hall, Recreation and Stables, Science Building, Stables, Womeb's Athletic Field, Younker Hall, Younker Memorial Health Center. Civil Defense Planning committee. 1961-1963. Correspondence, pamphlet, newspaper articles. Commencement. 1958-1960. Scripts, programs. Commencement, 1955-1957. Scripts, programs. Convocations. 1950-1953. Correspondence from Stevens' presidency. Program of 1950 Des Moines Clearing House Banks. 1957-1960, 1962. Enrollment. Part 1: 1960-1963. Government publications and other published materials. Various statistical reports on enrollment at Grinnell and other Iowa colleges, ACM. Enrollment. Part 2: 1957-1961. Enrollment by states and addresses by city and state of all students. 1958-1961. various statistical reports on Grinnell students. Enrollment. Part 3: 1955-1960. Government publications and other published material. Various statistical reports. Faculty proposals for development. 1961-1964.

Personal File

Governor's Commission on Economic & Social Trends in Iowa. 1957-1959 (bulk from 1958). Committee membership, correspondence, final report; miscellaneous correspondence, minutes, etc. from 12 committees within the Commission.

Sin título

Burling Library. Specifications for construction, May 1958. Dormitory (Norris). Proposal, Contract, Bid bond; Revisions to specifications, September 1959, blueprints (in oversize file), addendum no 1-3; Specifications, June 24, 1959; Specifications for Furnishings, March 1960. Fine Arts: Acoustics, 1961-1962: correspondence between Skidmore, Oweings & Merrill and Grinnell College; air conditioning, August-November 1961: correspondence; Budget, September 1958: budget reports, picture of the proposed model; Building Committee, January 1960ctober 1062: information, press releases, financial status, operational policies, building committee meeting minutes; Correspondence, Miscellaneous, 1959-1964: business, financial, contracts, orders, punch lists.

Sin título

Color Schedule, October 1960: listing Field Reports, November 1959-May 1061: Field Reports no. 1-15 Furnishings and Equipment, November 1961-September 1963: correspondence, purchase orders, plans Humidification, January 1963-May 1964: correspondence, humidity control, plans Ice Skating Rink, 1960-1961: correspondence, plans 9in oversize file) Index of Correspondence, 1961: Weitz, Auditorium seating, Curtains, and draperies, Sheldon-Hamilton, Theater equipment, Art equipment, music equipment, Younkers. Job memoranda, 1959-1961: Job memorandum no. 1, 3-9, 12-139. Memorial plaques, October 1961-January 1962: correspondence, specifications, sample letters, plans. Memorial Plaques, October 1961-January 1962: correspondence, specifications, sample letters, plans (in oversize file) Revisions to Specifications, October 1959 (plans in oversize file) Revisions to Specifications, October 1960 Specifications for furnishings and equipment, 1961 Sprinkler system, January-August 1962: correspondence Theater: correspondence, stage curtain, movie screen, stage, plan for coat pegs Theater sound system. August 1961-January 1962: correspondence, purchase orders.

Forum Specifications, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill

Construction material Contract documents, 1963 General construction work, 1963 (plans in oversize file) Kitchen (plans in oversize file) Furnishings: SOM furniture designs, architect's drawings, 1963-1964. Specifications, 1964.

Landscaping, Reserved Income Gift Program

Landscaping, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill Central Campus, 1959: landscape plans for the rehabilitation of the planting on the central campus (in oversize file) Park Street, 1959: Landscape plan for the rehabilitation of the tree planting in the Park Street area. Reserved Income Gift Program Correspondence, 1957-1963: Hewitt Associates, Ludwig, Bowen Documents, 1960: Standard Trust Provisions, Agreements, Grinnell Guide to Giving, Administrative restrictions, Federal Income Tax calculations Information, 1963: Reference Manual, Tax Considerations for Gifts, forms, tables, documents, procedures Materials, 1960: Report to the Trustees

Correspondence C - G

Includes correspondence with Maxine Darby, 1957-1968, and Robert Fell (class of 1925), 1958-1978 (class agent letters).

Correspondence H

Includes correspondence with John Heath, 1955-1964, Max Herriott, 1956 - 1973, and Edwin Hewitt, 1957 - 1974.

Trustee and Board of Overseers mailings.

Presidents Bowen's and Leggett's memos to Trustees, many providing background information for the coming meeting; reports; financial statements; minutes of meetings; Trustee by-laws.  Some topics covered include: Admissions Policy (1957), Darby oil properties (ca. 1959), North Central Association accreditation report (March 1958), Faculty salaries (1960), Reserved income Gift Program (tax aspects, 1960), Future physical education program (1960), fund-raising planning (1961), long-range building plans (1961), Science instruction (march, 1962), Faculty Council on Student Affairs report (May, 1963), Carnegie Corp grant application: developments at Grinnell (Jan. 1963), Archambault report on year-round operation (Sept. 1963), Stauss: housing needs (1964), opening academic year statements to aculty and students (1964), women's dormitories (1964), Ford Foundation: report, statistical summary (July, 1966), Enrollment goals and housing memos, reports, recommendations (March, 1966, Oct. 1967, Feb. 1968), Women's dorm hours, )Feb. 1967), "Manual for alumni representatives of Grinnell College" (Nov. 1967), North Central Association accreditation team report (July 1968), "Black student and Grinnell College" (Arpil 1969), Articles about campus disorders (1969), Student participation in college governance, talk by Leggett (Sept 1969), "Small private college" by Leggett (Sept. 1969), Henry Wilhelm libel charge against College (Aug. 1967, 1969), Role of the chaplain at Grinnell College (June 1970), Statements on closing college in May 1970 (Fall 1970), CBS Black student housing proposal (March 1970?), Voertman report on faculty salaries (Sept. 1970), Kleinschmidt report on closing the College (1970), Opening assembly statements by Beryl Clotfelter, Chair of the Faculty, Shelly Floyd, Pres. of SGA (Aug. 1971), Walker, "Financial state of the College" (Sept. 1971), Verrette interim budget priority planning report (May 1971), Synopsis of data on Black Student performance 1964-1971 (report by Voertman (Sept. 1971), Multi-racial community memos and statements (Aug, 1972, June 1972, April 1973), Report on college physical plant by Hawn (Oct. 1972), Administrative structure, chart (Sept. 1972), Dawson, "Student power at Grinnell" (April 1973), College seal (May 1973), Statements on multi-racial community by Kimbo, Reid-Wallace, Lytle, John Okumu, Laura Okumu (June 1973), "Summary description of program to revitalize teaching of humanities" (Aug. 1973).

Iowa College Foundation

Correspondence; texts of addresses; lists of donors, donations, and fund distributions; fundraising brochures; reports; minutes of meetings; audited financial statements.

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