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Grinnell College Libraries Special Collections RG-A: Presidents' Papers Box Anglais
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Subject Files: President - Rosenfield

President's home (campus planning). 1959-1966 President's reports. 1960, 1963, 1969, 1976 Public Relations Symposium, 1966 Publications; 1956 correspondence re: B. Snelling book, 1971-1972; Includes draft of 1972 staff handbook; manuscript describing college aims, organization, students and faculty, curriculum etc.; wage freeze of 1971; several publication with information about the college Reports from faculty, 1956-1972 Radio station. 1963-1978. License renewal applications, policy statement, reports, correspondence. Radio station (campus planning). 1962-1066. Proposal to establish FM station. Rosenfield lectures. 1969-1977

Subject Files: President's reports - Russian

President's reports, 1982-1983, 1986-1987 President's staff, 1979-1984 Proposed lectures, 1979 Psychology/Mathematics building, 1985-1988 "Questions" copy, 1982 Renovation & alteration projects, 1986 Reunion: 25th, 1981 Rosenfield Program, 1979-1981 Russian: special programs, 1984

Subject Files: R - Student publications

R: General file, 1976-1978 Recommendations, 1978-1979 S: General file, 1974-1979 Speeches (by Turner), 1975-1979 Students: miscellaneous information, 1969-1975. Includes J. C. Dawson "Student Power at Grinnell"; Senior Sociology Majors "Student Activism at Grinnell College" 1969 Student publications, Faculty committee on, 1977

Subject Files: Rel - Y

Religion and Philosophy Department. 1943-1953. Correspondence, inter-office communications, reports (including Uncle Sam Club). Statistics on church preferences of students, 1946. Remedial Reading. 1940-1942. Reports, test results, correspondence. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. 1951. Correspondence regarding a cooperative program. "S": Miscellaneous memos and correspondence. 1952-1954. Science Building Fund an Dedication. 1948-1953. Lists of donors, partial list of those invited to dedication. Speech by Oliver E. Buckley at Dedication, March 13, 1953. Correspondence regarding building. Social Science Research Council. 1951. Correspondence regarding research funds. Sociology Department. Corrrespondence. 1947, 1948. Reports on research. Speech Department. Inter-office communications, 1942, 1945, 1953. Memorandum on development in the Department of Speech and Dramatic Arts. College Speech Clinic statistics. 1949-1952. Report on Forensic Program. Statistics. 1942-1946. 1952-1953. Enrollment, grades, personality inventory, scholarships, women students' attitudes correlated with many factors. Students - Problems. 1953 "T": Miscellaneous memos and correspondence. 1946, 1949-1952. Also a list of Grinnell 'traditions' complied by Ina Payne, 1940. Taxes. 1940-1943. Real estate holdings of college in 1941, correspondence, publications dealing with taxes. Teacher Training. 1951. Inter-office communications and proposal regarding institute of teacher training. Teaching Loads. 1943-1944, 1948-1949, 1949-1950, 1950-1951. (Additional material under Registrar) Tenure. Statement of principles, 1940. Report from the Committee on Appointments on Contracts and Tenure, no date. Testing Office and Tests. 1941-1942, 1952-1953. Reports by testing office on Grinnell students tests 1942, 1952, 1953. Inventory of test in office, 1942. Correspondence, tests, test results, student grades in 1941. "V": Miscellaneous correspondence. 1954. World War II. Grinnell casualties. Correspondence. 1944, 1945, 1957. Younkers Dinner. October 30, 1949. Invitations and replies for the Younkers family to have dinner with students receiving Younkers scholarships.

Subject Files: Rosenfield - Scholarships

Rosenfield lectures, 1949-1968 Rosenfield family. 1947-1965. Primarily correspondence with the family about the lectureship Scholarships: Miscellaneous, 1955-1978; Anonymous (Arnstein) 1958-1968; Behr, I. J.; Bender, Judith Youngbear, 1967-1971; Bleamaster student loan fund, 1958-1967; Bosch memorial; Brody memorial 1950-1962; Brody student loan fund, 1959-1973; Buchanan, Louise Applegate; Burling, 1952-1966; Clevenger; Dodge, W.W.; Dorgan; English, John; Fatham, Helen M.; Gillin, Etta S. 1958-1960; Gonias, Louis; Green, Alan; Guttman, Stella & Charles, 1964-1970; Hungarian scholarship, 1957-1958; Iowa College scholarship, 1971; King, Martin Luther; Kiwanis International (Key-Club); Kronwall; Liljestrand; Little, Fred; Luce Fellowships; McFarlin, Clyde; 3M; National Defense Student Loan; National Merit Scholarship, 1955-1974; New York scholarships, 1950-1953

Subject Files: S

Scarlet and Black. 1956 Science Building. 1951. Proposal contract. Seminar on Order. 1962-1964 (One-year interdisciplinary seminar originated by Paul Kuntz) Student Affairs. Part 1: 1963. Letters regarding student conduct and rules, tabulated by type of opinion expressed and by type of sender. Student Affairs. Part 2: 1961-1964. Correspondence. Recommendations by James Stauss. Bowen's address at 1963 student convocation on rules. Student Peace Group. 1961-1962. Correspondence. Five reports on Washington trip. Statement of purpose. Student Services. 1961. Report to Trustees. Students: African Student Program. 1961-1963. Students: Freshman Honors Program. 1958-1963. Students: Freshman Honors Program. 1958-1963. List of top students. Students' symposium. 1963-1964. Correspondence. Program. Students' Use of Time. 1963. Report by Bowen. Joiurnal article Summer Program. 1959-1963. Summer Program: Academy. 1963-1964. Brochure. Correspondence. Summer Program: School for ALumni. 10=960, 1963-1966.

Subject Files: S - T

Service Bureau Student aid, 1965-1968 Student government, 1955-1973. Includes minutes of meetings, memos, constitution. Student organizations, 1955-1966 Student Publications, Faculty Committee on, 1964-1974 Ten Year Plan, 1968-1969 Treasurer, 1968-1971. Includes sale of coin collection 1968; Arbor Lake

Subject Files: Scholarships - Union

Scholarships: Presser, 1978-1985; Rosenfield, James W. 1965; Travel-Service, 1970; Ulich, 1968; Van Evera, 1966, 1973; Van Note 1959-1960; Wood 1957-1959; Younker, 1973 Science building (campus planning) 1951-1970 Science building addition (campus planning) 1961-1964 Service building (campus planning) 1962-1968. Includes Skidmore, Owings & Merrill site study, 1962 Skating rink (Barber Plaza) (campus planning), 1960-1962. Includes correspondence with Weitz Construction, correspondence and plans from Skidmore, Owings & Merrill Staff employees, 1962-1972 Steiner Hall (campus planning) 1959-1968 Student Government Association 1975-1978. Includes proposed constitutional changes 1978, committee structure, Black Cluster System (dormitories) 1977 Tennis courts (campus planning) 1956-1957 Time-Life journalism program 1977-1981. Includes correspondence with speakers, text of lecture by Tom Wicker "Who, What and How: Crucial Influences on the Performance of the American Press" 1978; text of lecture by Howard Simons "The Media and the First Amendment: 1978 (the first two lectures in the series), press releases, correspondence with Charles Bear of Time-Life. Thompson, Kenneth 1973-1977 Union 1969-1974. Includes papers on Physical Plant employees' strike of 1974

Subject Files: Science - Summer

Science: funding, 1984 Science renovation, 1990 Securities reports, 1983, 1989 Sloan Foundation grant, 1981-1984 Sloan Foundation grant: Grinnell Technology Seminar, 1983 Solomon amendment South Africa investments, 1983, 1988 Speeches, 1982 Spellman-Morehouse program, 1980 Staff, 1980-1988 Statistics, 1980-1990 Steiner Hall renovation, 1990-1991 Student Affairs, 1979-1981 Summer projects, 1980-1983

Subject Files: Subject Files: Associated Colleges of the Midwest

ACM financial statements 1975-1978 ACM memoranda 1974-1976. Includes demographic data from ACM colleges 2-13-1976; faculty salaries and staffing patterns 1976; career patterns of graduates. ACM Washington DC office 1975-1978 ACM: folder for each college in the ACM, primarily correspondence: Beloit, 1957-1979

Subject Files: T - United Church Board

T: General file, 1975-1979 Teacher Education Committee, 1966-1978 Trips, 1977-1978 Trustees, 1978 Tuition: Grinnell & other colleges, 1957-1977 United Church Board for Home Land Ministries, 1962-1978

Subject Files: T - Y

Taxes. 1955-1963 Trustee Gifts. 1957 Tuition Remission. 1952-1953, 1958-1961. Reports. Statistics on employees' childresn Women's Athletic Field. 1956. Memorandum on a five-year plan for capital development. Correspondence about area north of health center. Golf green. Younker Family. Part 1: 1944, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1953-1954. Correspondence, Report on Younkers scholars (1943-1944, 1948-1949), Appellant's Brief and Argument, Transcript of testimony on property given to Grinnell College 1943. Younker Family. Part 2: 1941-1943. Correspondence. Younker Hall. 1949-1951. Correspondence on furnishings and building Younker Memorial Health Center. Part 1: 1956-1957. Architect's drawing of exterior, Design for plaque, Dedication program, Correspondence regarding building and furnishings. Younker Memroial Health Center. Part 2: 1955. Correspondence regarding proposed health center. Miscellaneous. Correspondence about and sample letter from the auto-typish machine. Sample deals with fund raising for the library and fine arts center.

Subject Files: Telephone - U. S. News

Telephone, 1981 Town-gown campaign, 1979-1983 Transcript analysis Trustees: misc. 1978, 1979, 1989 Trustee meetings 1980-1990 Walker, Waldo, 1980 (limericks!) Wilson program, 1987-1990 Women's Alliance, 1989 Woman's Studies Chair, 1985 Writing, 1981-1982 U. S. News & World Report, college ratings, 1983

Subject Files: U - Zipwick

U: General file, 1975-1979 V: General file, 1975-1979 Vanstrum, George, 1972-1975 W: General file, 1975-1979 White Paper conference, correspondence. 1976 World colleges, 1971-1975 X,Y,Z: General file, 1975-1978 Zipwick, Tod, 1976-1977

Subject Files: Washington - Younker

Washington seminar (off-campus programs) 1956-1959 White House (campus planning) 1961 Women's gymnasium (campus planning) 1942, 1971-1972 Workshops 0 extracurricular 1962-1964 Year-round operation 1963. Report of Bowen to faculty "Off-campus study, acceleration, college calendar, year-round operation, and enrollment", also R. D. Archambault "Report on year-round operation", 1963 Younker trust (Rachel) 1956-1962 Younker trust agreement 1942

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