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RG-A: Presidents' Papers Box Anglais
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Association of Private Colleges & Universities

Financial reports, minutes of meetings, correspondence, Articles of Incorporation (1962, revised 1964), policy statements, audit reports, legislative statements, Factbook: Iowa Tuition Grant Program.

Associated College of the Midwest (ACM)

ACM memos, correspondence. Includes Single Application Method and Referral Plan (ca. 1966- folder 2); ACM organization chart (folder 3); ACM Board of Directors meeting minutes, 1964-1967; progress report on Video Tape Project, 1965; Financial statement-1968.

ACM subject files

Admissions (SAM), 1970-1971. Includes plan to increase applicant pool to ACM colleges Periodical Bank, 1968-1974. Includes reports, statistics, minutes of meetings, memos from Irma Lucht, original proposal of Jan 1968 ACM programs, 1970-1974 Argonne semester, 1960-1968. Includes descriptions of the program; report on first semester of operation, Feb. 1961 Arts of London and Florence, 1970-1971 Black College, 1970-1972. Includes 1971 proposal summarizing history, purpose, description of the program. ACM Book, 1972 Central American Field Program, 1966-1975. Includes reports to National Science Foundation detailing the program 1964-1968 East Asian Studies in Japan, 1971 GLCA, 1969-1971 India studies, 1970 Introduction to Geology in Rocky Mountains, 1970


ACM Board of Directors meetings minutes, 1967-1969. "ACM: Its Second Decade" Mar. 1968.


ACM Board of Directors meetins minutes, 1971-1975 Grinnell College requests to AC Periodical Bank 1969-1972


ACM President's Chicago office; Leggett correspondence with ACM President, 1968-1974 Chicago office: correspondence 1971-1974 Executive Committee, 1970-1971 Leggett, Chairman, ACM Board of Directors, 1971: correspondence, memos, reports, to and from ACM members, faculty. Topics include: Washington office, financial statements on ACM programs, GLCA, periodical bank, Single application Method (admissions), budgets; ACM office organization charts.


Newberry Library Seminar, 1967-1974. Includes annual reports Non-western studies, 1965-1968 Rush Medical, ca. 1973. Includes Memorandum of Understanding between Rush and Grinnell. Transitional Year Program, 1967-1971 Repertory Theater proposal, 1968 Urban Studies; Urban Teaching, 1967-1971 Washington Office. Report 1967; correspondence 1970-1973 Wilderness Field Station, 1966-1968 Wiche, 1971


ACM Constitution, 1965, 1972 Correspondence, memos, ACM testimonies before various U. S. Congress Hous and Senate subcommittees, 1970-1971; memos from Ida Wallace of ACM Washington DC office on legislative matters; Knox College attrition rate study (April 3, 1970); tabulations of data on black students and studies in ACM institutions (April 6, 1970). ACM Periodical Bank, minutes, budgets, congressional testimonies, 1971-1973. ACM Board of Directors meetings minutes, 1970.

Sans titre

Burling Library. Specifications for construction, May 1958. Dormitory (Norris). Proposal, Contract, Bid bond; Revisions to specifications, September 1959, blueprints (in oversize file), addendum no 1-3; Specifications, June 24, 1959; Specifications for Furnishings, March 1960. Fine Arts: Acoustics, 1961-1962: correspondence between Skidmore, Oweings & Merrill and Grinnell College; air conditioning, August-November 1961: correspondence; Budget, September 1958: budget reports, picture of the proposed model; Building Committee, January 1960ctober 1062: information, press releases, financial status, operational policies, building committee meeting minutes; Correspondence, Miscellaneous, 1959-1964: business, financial, contracts, orders, punch lists.

Sans titre

Color Schedule, October 1960: listing Field Reports, November 1959-May 1061: Field Reports no. 1-15 Furnishings and Equipment, November 1961-September 1963: correspondence, purchase orders, plans Humidification, January 1963-May 1964: correspondence, humidity control, plans Ice Skating Rink, 1960-1961: correspondence, plans 9in oversize file) Index of Correspondence, 1961: Weitz, Auditorium seating, Curtains, and draperies, Sheldon-Hamilton, Theater equipment, Art equipment, music equipment, Younkers. Job memoranda, 1959-1961: Job memorandum no. 1, 3-9, 12-139. Memorial plaques, October 1961-January 1962: correspondence, specifications, sample letters, plans. Memorial Plaques, October 1961-January 1962: correspondence, specifications, sample letters, plans (in oversize file) Revisions to Specifications, October 1959 (plans in oversize file) Revisions to Specifications, October 1960 Specifications for furnishings and equipment, 1961 Sprinkler system, January-August 1962: correspondence Theater: correspondence, stage curtain, movie screen, stage, plan for coat pegs Theater sound system. August 1961-January 1962: correspondence, purchase orders.

Sans titre

Ford Foundation Matching Funds Program: Brochures: "The Next Big Step", "Pioneering in Quality". Correspondence, 1961-1963: Bowen, Ludwig, Ford Foundation, Ashley Bickmore, George Susens Donation/Gifts, 1961-1964: summary of actual and prospective gifts from all donors and from the Trustees Information, 1961-1964: "A Special Message from the President" (September 25, 1961), Annual Fund, Matching Funds, list of gifts by categories, report on the campaign, pledges. Proposal: Table XVI Item A.2, A.3, Addendum I-IV. Publicity, 1961-1964: press releases, "Charity and the Corporation" paper presented to the National Industrial Conference Board Management Seminar of Company Contribution, Howard Bowen (October 1961) Forum Bids, estimates, and billings, 1963-1965: correspondence, contracts, budget summary Construction in Progress, 1962-1965: plans (in oversize file), change orders, specification revisions, building permit. Correspondence, Mechanic's Lien, 1965 Correspondence, Punch List, 1964-1965 Correspondence, Sump Pump, 1965

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