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Center for Prairie Studies Videos

-Richard Manning's Lecture: Learning to Live by Reading, Prairie's Paradox 2/28/01
-"Griffin's Ricker House Tour" 4/19/01
-"A House in the Spirit of the Times: Walter Burley Griffin's Ricker House" 4/19/01
-"Perspectives on Griffin's Ricker House" 4/18/01
-Woodland Wildflower Walk, Larissa Mottl 5/1/01
-Sergei Rachmaninoff "First Piano Concerto," Jonathan Chenette "Rural Symphony" performed by the Grinnell Symphony Orchestra 5/6/01
-"An Introduction to Prairies" Tour with Larissa Mottl and Karl Delong, Turner Station and Conard Environmental Research Area 6/19/01
-"Parade of Prairies in Grinnell" led by Tom Latimer, Mark Hudson, and Ralph Eyberg 7/19/01
-"Prairies on Private Lands" 8/19/01
-Tour of Farms: Midwest Harvest & B&B 09/9/01
-Prairie Tour: Poweshiek County Prairie Roadsides 9/17/01
-Mini-Symposium: Prairie Plants: Their History and Future as Food and Medicine - "Wild Edible and Medicinal Prairie Plants" by Dr. Kelly Lindscher 9/18/01
-Mini-Symposium Panel Discussion: "Prairie Plants: Perspectives on Past and Present Uses" 9/19/01
-Mini-Symposium: "Identify Edible and Medicinal Prairie Plants at CERA" by Dr. Kelly Lindscher and Larissa Mottl 9/19/01
-"The Prairie Suite: A Study of Place" 10/12/01
-"A Plague or a Blessing? Living with Deer in Iowa" Panel Discussion 11/1/01 -New Faces in Iowa: The Challenges and Prospects Created by Recent Immigration. "The Historical Context of Immigration to Iowa" by Professor Dorothy Schwieder 11/6/01
-New Faces in Iowa: The Challenges and Prospects Created by Recent Immigration. Lecture by Professor Sandra Charvet Burke: The Demographics of Recent Immigration to Iowa 11/7/01

Center for Prairie Studies Videos

-"Roots of Prairie-Style Landscaping by Dr. William Tishler" 9/30/03
-Roots of Renewal Community Speakers Series: "Prairie Redux: Images of Renewal in the Midwest" by Dr. Joni Kinsey 11/3/03
-Roots of Renewal Community Speakers Series: "Global Forces, Immigration, and Living the American Dream in Iowa" by Dr. Anne Woodrick 11/10/03
-Roots of Renewal Community Speakers Series: "nostalgia vs. Realism: What Can We Learn from Images of Iowa in Popular Films?" 11/13/03
-The 9th Annual Local Foods Conference: Guest Speakers Robert Wolf and Tom Lacina 2/7/04
-What We Eat: Today's Industrial Food System: Problems and Solutions, "Power in the Food System: Who Has It?" by Mary Hendrickson 3/30/04
-What We Eat: Today's Industrial Food System: Problems and Solutions, "The Industrialization of Agriculture: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" by Fred Kirschenmann 3/30/2004
-What We Eat: Today's Industrial Food System: Problems and Solutions, "A Grounded Life: The Culture and Practice of Agrarianism" by Eric Freyfogel 3/31/04 -What We Eat: Today's Industrial Food System: Problems and Solutions, "Fighting for a New Food Future" by Andrew Kimbrell 3/31/04
-What We Eat: Today's Industrial Food System: Problems and Solutions, Scholars Convocation: "Globalization for Whom?" by Francis Moore-Lappee 4/1/2004
-What We Eat: Today's Industrial Food System: Problems and Solutions, "Rescuing Heirloom Farm Crops" by Kent Whealy 4/1/2004
-Center for Prairie Studies Open House, Moffett, Kessler, & Grinnell College Athletic Complex, 8/1/04
-Tour of Farms: Bryan and Donna Davis, Brent Schlenker 8/28/04
-Tour of Farms: The Cherry Creek Vineyard - Paul and Jean Groben 9/11/2004 -Prairie Walking Tour 4/19/2005

Center for Prairie Studies Videos

-TV-8 Interview with Grant Gale - 6 min.
-Grant's Talk for 1938 class reunion - 21 min.
-Grant Gale Museum Talk "From Masers to Lasers", 1976 (?), black and white, recovered from 3/4" tape - some video lost
-Grinnell College Department of Physics Museum I, 10/10/1986
-Touchstone 504 Robert Noyce, Thanksgiving 1986
-Physics Museum II
-Physics Museum III
-Sundial Completion, 8/15/90 Dedication Ceremony, 6/1/91
-Grinnell College Robert Noyce Commemoration
-Convocation 2/9/05 (Orig)
-Convocation 2/23/06 Dr. Nell Irvin Painter
-Between Here and There Spring Dance Concert 4/15/05, 4/16/05, 4/17/05
-Panel Discussion on Diversity, Spring 2005

Center for Prairie Studies Videos

-New Faces in Iowa. The Challenges and Prospects Created by Recent Immigration. Panel Discussion: "Iowa as Seen Through the Eyes of Newcomers" 11/7/01
-New Faces in Iowa: The Challenges and Prospects Created by Recent Immigration. Scholar's Convocation. 11/18/01
-New Faces in Iowa: The Challenges and Prospects Created by Recent Immigration. Lecture: Professor Mark Grey: The New Iowans: The Historic and Economic Context for Recent Immigration. 11/8/01
-New Faces in Iowa: The Challenges and Prospects Created by Recent Immigration. Panel: Challenges and Prospects. 11/8/01
-"The Changing Structure of Agriculture in Iowa" by Michael Duffy. Cosponsored by League of Women Voters. 2/25/02
-Wildflower Walk at CERA with Larissa Mottl 4/23/02
-"Mis"Perceiving our Native Ecosystem throught the Lens of English by Gerald Wilhelm, Vice President Conservation Design Forum. Elmhurst, IL 9/19/02
-A Walking Tour of the New Athletic Complex and Prairie Plants, Mike Burt and Larissa Mottl 10/4/02
-"The Present Status and Future Possibilities of Passenger Rail Travel in Iowa" by Henry Wulff, President, Railroad Passengers Association of Iowa 10/10/02
-American Dreamer: The Legacy of Henry A. Wallace in Agriculture & Progressive Politics. "A World of Abundance: The Vision of Henry A. Wallace." John Culver, Former US Senator. 11/13/02
-American Dreamer: The Legacy of Henry A. Wallace in Agriculture & Progressive Politics. Panel Discussion: "Wallace's Legacy for Agriculture." Panelists: William Ambrose, Arnold Lee, Frank Holdmeyer, & Eugene Lang 11/14/02
-American Dreamer: The Legacy of Henry A. Wallace in Agriculture & Progressive Politics. Panel Discussion: Wallace's Legacy for Progressive Politics. Panelists: Ed Fallon & Kent Newman. 11/14/02
-Center for Prairie Studies. "Habitat Restoration and Protection on Private Land." March 25, 2003.
-[label mostly gone] Community Speaker Series.
-Center for Prairie Studies. Prairie Plantings: Peter and Kathy Jacobson home and the Grinnell College Athletic Facility Complex. September 23, 2003.
-Center for Prairie Studies Program: Fall Prairie Walk at CERA. September 29, 2003.
-Center for Prairie Studies Program: Contemporary Prairie-Style Landscaping by Wayne Peterson. September 30, 2003.

Zonder titel

Greg Thielman WOI 11/1/85 Robert S. McNamara 11/7/85 Richard Pipes WOI Iowa Morning Edition 11/14/85 Barry Zigas Low Income Housing Problem 2/3/87 Poverty and Homelessness in Iowa Panel 2/3/87 Dimensions of Homelessness Mitch Snyder 2/3/87 Poverty and Homelessness Panel 2/3/87 Chuck Palmer Deinstitutionalization 2/4/87 Eleanor Holmes Norton Feminization of Poverty 2/5/87 Paul Murphy First Amendment Conference 2/17/87 Brady Williamson First Amendment Conference 2/17/87 Elizabeth Fox-Genovese First Amendment Conference 2/18/87 Catherine MacKinnon First Amendment Conference 2/18/87 Archibald Cox First Amendment Conference 2/19/87 Mayra Buvinic 3/4/89 Chandra Talpade Mohanty 3/8/89 India at 50 Robert McNamara on Star Wars. Common Ground, January 1968 English Translation to Accompany Land Invasion Video Healthy Love in the US in the 1990s (2 tapes) Jacqui Alexander 3/3/89 Jamaica Kincaid 3/6/89 Linda Lim 3/6/89 Marjorie Agosin Women of Smoke 3/5/89 Roxanna Carrillo 3/4/89 Hans Apel, European Integration, 9/29/92 Abating Global Warming for Fun and Profit, Dr. Amory Lovins 7/17/92 Revolution of 1989 Soviet Union / Eastern Europe Prospects for the 1990s. 2/2/90 Gordon Wood 10/2/89 French and American Revolutions Olwen Hufton 9/28/89 Panel Discussion 3/7/89 Simi Afonja 3/6/89

Zonder titel

U.S. Soviet Agricultural Relations: Dr. Victor Lischenko, Academy of Sciences of USSR. Agriculture in the Soviet Union. 9/26/82. Rosenifled Lecture: Kingman Brewster, former ambassador to U.K., former president of Yale. Britain, the fulcrum of the Atlantic Alliance. 4/7/82. National Symposium on Higher Education. Panel Discussion. March 12 1982. National Symposium on Higher Education. Ronald Goodnow. From the other side: on the Third World and American Education. March 11 1982. National Symposium on Higher Education. K. Patricia Cross. Changing Roles for Higher Education. March 11 1982. National Symposium on Higher Education. Frederick Rudolph. Higher Education and the National Agenda: An Exercise in Wishful Thinking? March 11 1982. National Symposium on Higher Education. Introduction: George Drake. Keynote: Howard Bowen. Values: The Dilemmas of Our Time - and Education. March 10 1982. Richard Kirkendall, Iowa State University. The New Deal for U.S. Agriculture. Feb 2 1982. Lecture. January 30 1982. George McJimsey '58, Iowa Staet University. Harry Hopkins, '12 and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Conference on Mediterranean Democracies. John Cammett. Continuity and Change in the Holian [?] Communist Party from Gramsci [?] to Berlinger. Nov 4 1981. Conference on European Democracies. Leonardo Daggi. Eurocommunism and Democracy. Nov 3 1981. Marcos McGrath, CSC. Future of U.S.-Latin American Relations. Claude Barfield. Amerca's Agenda for 80s. April 7 1981. Andrew Young. The Quest for Human Rights. Jan 29 1981. Andrew Young. American Foreign Policy. Jan 28 1981. Nuclear Disarmament. Earl Ravenal, Georgetown School of Foreign Service. Parameters of Peace. Oct 14 1982. Nuclear Disarmament. Gordon Thompson, Union of Concerned Scientists. The Race to Oblivion. Oct 13 1982. Conference on U.S.-Soviet Agricultural Relations. Leo V. Mayer, U.S. Dept of Agriculture. U.S. Policy on Soviet-American Grain Trade. Sept 28 1982. Conference on U.S.-Soviet Agricultural Relations. Panel. Lischenko, Chrystal, Soth, and Kleckner. Sept 27 1982.

Zonder titel

Madeleine Albright. Feb 13 1990. Strobe Talbott. March 8 1989. Bill Bradley. May 4 1988. Donald McHenry. March 10 1988. Donald McHenry. March 9 1988. Samuel Huntington. Transition to Democracy: Can it Happen in South Africa. April 10 1987. Joe Wall. January 30 1986. Margaret Anderson. Jan 30 1986. Robert S. McNamara. November 6 1985.

Zonder titel

Incarceration Symposium Lecture - Lorna Rhodes - "Super Max. Confinement and..." - 9 November 2004 Incarceration Symposium Lecture - Frank Bowman - "Supreme Court and Crime and Punishment" - 10 November 2004 Incarceration Symposium Lecture - Michael Gilbert - "Privatization of Confinement" - 10 November 2004 Incarceration Symposium Lecture - Stephen Richards - "New School of Convict Criminology" - 11 November 2004 Infectious Disease Symposium Lecture - Alfred Crosby - "The 1918 Flu" - 18 April 2006 Infectious Disease Symposium Lecture - Abigail Salyers - "Revenge of Microbes..." - 18 April 2006 Infectious Disease Symposium Lecture - George Korch - "Developing Medical Products..." - 19 April 2006 Infectious Disease Symposium Lecture - Panel Discussion of Epidemic - 19 April 2006 Infectious Disease Symposium Lecture - Jonathan Temte - "Pandemic and War, 2006" - 20 April 2006 Infectious Disease Symposium Lecture - William Karesh - "One World, One Health" - 20 April 2006 Lecture - Ambassador Imad Moustapha - "Syria" - 8 May 2006 - [2 parts] Discussion - "Perspectives on Agricultural Policy..." - 11 September 2006 Lecture - Deborah Horan - "Covering the Middle East as a Woman" - 18 September 2006 Lecture - Deborah Horan - "Open Discussion on War in Iraq" - 19 September 2006 - [2 parts] Lecture - Deborah Horan - "Israel, Lebanon and Hezbollah" - 20 September 2006 Russian Culture Symposium - "Panel on Film and Television" - 3 October 2006 - [2 parts] Russian Culture Symposium - "Politics of Russian Popular Culture: Literature" - 4 October 2006 - [2 parts] Russian Culture Symposium - "Politics of Russian Popular Culture: Poetry and Song" - 5 October 2006 - [2 parts] Russian Culture Symposium - "Panel on Film and Television" - 6 October 2006 - [2 parts] Religion and Politics Symposium Lecture - Esther Kaplan - "Hidden Power of Christian Right..." - 1 November 2006 Religion and Politics Symposium Lecture - Elizabeth Castelli - "Catholic Ritual and Resistance..." - 2 November 2006 Religion and Politics Symposium Lecture - Robert Pennock - "Ground Rules of Science ... Creationism" - 2 November 2006 - [2 parts] Lecture - Robert Hodierne - "Military Media Relations" - 29 January 2007 China Symposium Lecture - Minister Zheng Zeynang[?] - "Opening Address" - 12 February 2007 - [2 parts] China Symposium Lecture - Joseph Fewsmith - "Leadership and Governance ..." - 13 February 2007 China Symposium Lecture - Byron Weng - "Cross-Straits Relations" - 14 February 2007 - [2 parts] China Symposium Lecture - Panel Discussion - 14 February 2007 - [2 parts] China Symposium Lecture - June Tenfel Dreyer - "Peacefully Rising or Threat?" - 15 February 2007 China Symposium Lecture - Mary Gallagher - "Law in China ..." - 15 February 2007 China Symposium Lecture - Baizhu Chen - "China, Global Economy and The United States" - 16 February 2007 Lecture- Ian Taylor - "South-South Linkages in Global Political Economy" - 2 April 2007 - [2 parts] Energy Symposium Lecture - Charles Duke - "Carbon Mitigation and Nuclear Power" - 3 April 2007 - [2 parts] Energy Symposium Lecture - Herbert Giorgio - "Nuclear Power" - 3 April 2007 Energy Symposium Lecture - Martha Norbeck - "Building Green ..." - 4 April 2007 Energy Symposium Lecture - Robert Glass - "Storage of Nuclear Waste" - 4 April 2007 Energy Symposium Lecture - Thomas Wind - "Wind Energy" - 5 April 2007 Energy Symposium Lecture - Edward Woolsey - "Biomass Energy" - 5 April 2007 Energy Symposium Lecture - Harrison Schmitt - "Fusion Power and Energy and Space Future" - 5 April 2007 Lecture - David Shribman - "New Architecture of Politics and Journalism" - 16 April 2007 - [2 parts] Lecture- David Mosher - "Nuclear Proliferation Challenges ..." - 23 April 2007

Zonder titel

Joe Rosenfield '25. Rosenfield Tribute Service July 15, 2000. Al Jones Memorial. Grinnell Stories The Early Years Produced for the Sesquicentennial Welcome Center Gerry Lalonde. Jerry Lalonde Part 2. 7/12. Eric McIntyre. Tim Newton. Joe Rosenfield Interview 5/14/98. Herbie Hancock with Christina Aguilera. Ellen Degeneres Show, 10/7/05. Warren Buffet Interview 2/16/08. The Active Opposition: Iraq: the Battle of Hearts and Minds, Feat. Host Peter Coyote ‘64 Grinnell College a Conversation with Joseph F. Rosenfield 11/26/90. Grinnell Acquires WDTN Misc Promos 1976-77; Misc Promos 1979 Newscast Portion 1979; Grinnell Sale to Hearst 1980 News Open Close 1980; 1 Hour Newscast 1978 The 1981-82 Grinnell College Admissions Show.

Zonder titel

2 - Student abduction News Report on James Curran Death in India 1999 Student Suicide Suicides TV News Paul Shuan Moore Paul Shuman Moore family erquest ABC 5 Paul Shuman Moore body found KCCI WHO 10pm 4/16/2007 body fuond KCCI 5pm 4/16/2007 body of Paul Shuman Moore found WHO TV Body found 4/16/2007 5pm Channel 8 KCCI Tuesday 5, 6, 10 Channel 13 WHO Monday 10pm, Tuesday 5pm, 6pm, 10pm WHO TV Channel 13 6pm 4/17/2007 Wrap-up Paul Shuman Moore ABC 5 Des Moines 5, 6, 10 pm Tuesday; Channel 8 KCCI 10 Monday KCCI 8 6pm Wrap-up Paul Shuman Moore 4/18/2007 ABC 5 6pm Wrap-up Paul Shuman Moore 4/18/2007

Zonder titel

Grinnell College Faulconer Gallery GCFG 0103 Brazil (2 copies) ESPN Basketball 2/3/05 (2 copies) Cyanide Media Extravaganza (25 minutes) ESPN Video Spot “Grinnell” 2/05 Grinnell Spot Broadcast Version 2/05 Grinnell Spot Tweaked Version 2/05 Ferguson Memorial Service Saturday, October 30, 2004. Kiplinger's: Best Private Colleges Mark Dorr's Percussion Ensemble on KRTI TV, March 12th 1999 Commencement parts 1 and 2, 2002 Our Town, 2002 Faulconer Gallery Brazil exhibit commercial Rosenfield symposium "Crime and Punishment" Panel on Iowa Convocation: The Liberal Arts College in a World of Change. "Mass Media: liberating or perverting?" October 29-29, 1967. (Originally filed as 11.3 Psc) Liberal Arts Graduates: Tomorrow's Corporate Leaders. Daen, Edquist, and Rutherford. Grinnell College Career Development Office. 02 November 1988. Young, Gifted and Black Gospel Choir Fall Concert, December 3, 1995. Herrick Chapel.

Zonder titel

Grant O. Gale. KUNI. 4/16/98. Byron Janis Interview 3/11/97. KGRN 5/8/97. Noyce Dedication Story 9/25/97. Noyce Science Center KUNI feat 2. 9/25/97. Grinnell and the Peace Corps Pt 1 and 2. 12/23/97. Grinnell Sesquicentennial Wakling tour. 4/16/96. Broken Ground NPR Spot 5/9/96. Bill Menner KUNI Hopkins Forgotten 6/96. Bradley Bateman WOI 6-17-96. Ed Hirsch on Poetry, NPR. 8/10/96. Taped interviews with students, 1975-1980, tapes 1 and 2. Architecture: An Art of Response. Cesar Pelli. 9/27/96. (2 copies) Fine Arts Ground Breaking Ceremony 9/27/96. (2 copies) 2 excerpts from Broken Ground by Chenette. Wall Service Awards Cutchins First Cut. Fresh Air - Interviwe with Gary Giddens. William Quandt WOI Radio. Grinnell Saturday Morning Project KUNI Nov 10. Grinnell Peace Corps 1992? John Mohan, Russian. Russia's Painful Rebirth Feb '93. Russia's Rebirth. Expression Feb '93 Russia's Rebirth. Foreign Relations Feb '93 Russia's Rebirth Religion Feb '93 Patrick Jackson. You've Communicated Brilliantly, but - So What? '93 Kerry Tucker. Issue-Driven Behavioral Public Relations. '93 Lisa Richter. Measuring Public Relations Results. Nov 93 Mark PR 7/14/94. Grinnell theme Piano Solo 94. Jonathan Knight, KUNI. 12/9/91 Kesho Scott WOI 2/4/92.

Zonder titel

Leslie Gelb 2/13/75. Pleshette M Ham. Mark Toney. Meridel Le Suerur. C Duke. Pam Ferguson. Introduction and Joe Wall's opening speech of the weekend. Paul Warnke. Conference on American Foreign Policy. Feb 20 1976. A. Richard Turner. Kennedy Speech. Hedrick Smith. G. Drake. Buse '85 (?). Michael Boyle demo. Bowen/Harris Ceremonies. Slimy Bill's Bicentennial Follies.

Zonder titel

John Chrystal NBC Today - Russian Series. Sept 13 1984. NBC Russian Series. Sept 10-14 1984. (2 copies) Hugh Kenner 1984 series. Sept 19 1984. Julian Bond: The Political Status of Black Americans in the 1980s. Dick Gregory. Left Channel. Richard Gordon Hatcher. Left Chanel Only. Shirley Williams. Heath Visiting Professor. Feb 27 1985. Shirley Williams. Heath Visiting Professor. March 6 1985. Donald Duvick. Consortium on U.S. Agriculture. Sept 25 1985. Frank Hornstein. Jewish Cultural Week Speaker. April 12 1986. Daniel Levitas. Jewish Cultural Week Speaker. April 10 1986. Symposium on the Small Town in America. Tom Wolfe. Small Towns and the National Character. March 4 1987. Symposium on the Small Town in America. Susan Allen Toth, Paul Gruchow. Romance and Reailty of Small Towns: Views of the Writers. March 5 1987. Harry Hopkins House Dedication. May 9 1987. Rededication of Burling Library. Lawrence W. Towner, newberry Library. Elegant, Portable, and Cheap. March 3, 1983. Rededication of Burling Library and Dedication of Beth W. Noble Study Terrace. March 4 1983.

Zonder titel

Coastal Waters and the Environment Symposium Lecture - Jeffery A. Seminoff - "Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles: Struggling for Survivial in a Human-Dominated World" - 5 November 2003 Coastal Waters and the Environment Symposium Lecture - Billie Dewalt - Convocation, 6 November 2003 Japan Symposium Lecture - Victor Kaschmann - February 2004 Japan Symposium Lecture - Ed Lincoln - "The Amazing Breakdown and Tortured Transformation of the Japanese Economic System" - February 2004 - [2 tapes] Japan Symposium Lecture - Richard Samuels - "Japan's Security Policy" - February 2004 Yossi Alpher - 8 October 2004 Sari Nusseibeh - 11 October 2004 - [2 tapes] Fred A. Wilcox - 8 pm, 5 April 2005 "Political Reporting and the Future of Newspaper" - 15 September 2005 Genocide Symposium Lecture - Konstanty Gebert[?] - 7 February 2006 Genocide Symposium Lecture - Ezra Mendelsohn - 7 February 2006 Genocide Symposium Lecture - Chivy Sok - 8 February 2006 Genocide Symposium Lecture - Corey Stanton '06 - 8 February 2006 Genocide Symposium Lecture - Fussell - 9 February 2006 undated tapes: Alumni Panel S. Banaïssa Democracy Symposium - Bruce Gilley - [2 tapes] Democracy Symposium - Harbeson Melia - 14 September - [2 tapes] Democracy Symposium - Adrian Karatnycky - [2 tapes] Oshang/Shrimpton Rajan - 4/5 Democracy Symposium - Juan Rial - [2 tapes] Margaret Sullivan - [2 tapes] class session - Kirsten Tretbar [completely unlabeled tape]

Resultaten 46 tot 60 van 74